/ag/ - Argentina General

Day 2. Today we will share resources and try to organize something. Pay attention to noteworthy events of today

Thread for political discussion of Argentina and latest events

DISCLAIMER: IGNORE shitposters and reddit tier posts, just ignore them don't feed the trolls

Ignore demoralizers, and avoid discussions about how to leave the country and other unrelated stuff. This thread is to discuss and try stuff about our current imminent chaos not a bug out thread (at least by now)

Braindead peronchos, leftists and kukas eat shit

And overall, be careful about what words do you use to talk to avoid breaknig the rules so the thread doesn't get deleted

Ok, let's see what current events we have today and what we can do with them

>people are lynching freed criminals
that's a good beginning, let's see how we can exploit this

>today's there's a cacerolazo 20 hs against the liberation of the niggers
Boomers are very hyped on this, at least I've seen a lot talking about this even on the street. Don't forget to participate if possible and share/tell anybody about it. We'll talk about the social media stuff later

>feminazis defending rapists
This is causing madness between them, easy to exploit. A lot of people are starting to wake up against them

>Morás stuff about Soros started getting more views and even shared with translation on brazilian media
No idea if this is normalfag friendly but it got more light than expected. Perhaps it can be exploited too

>Felipe Sola insulting a diputada
>peronchos getting rekt and ending jobless and without the IFE
>Albertitere receiving troll drawings of he freeing the rapists
Both things are VERY exploitable

>stuff we'll see
-radio frecuences for the user who always asks
-meme and templates for social media war
-social media memewar
-creation of a permanent Pastebin with all the meme operations for the general
-research other meme wars that did actually have IRL effect from other countries and see what can we apply here

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Las Malvinas NO son Argentinas

Fuck, forgot to add: speak in english because posts can get deleted if in spanish

C'mon guys, we had good threads 2 days ago

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Economic crysis 2001 Style when?

worse than 2001. it will be a mix of 1973 (massive chaos that provoked the military coup) +1989 (hyperinflation) + 2001

When? if not in a month, 100% confirmed after the lockdown ends

Thing is, the govt is using this as excuse to go full venezuela, lots of insane stuff is happening

>Morás stuff about Soros started getting more views and even shared with translation on brazilian media

Just read about it. Has Fernández really sold Argentina to Soros? How was the repercussion of Morás' leak in Argentina?

What are your prevision on the Brazurcas and other retards chimping out? Will Argentina have another coup d'etat with auth-right government/military? Will Cristina Kirchner and her husband be linched for having stolen a shit load of money from the people?

I pray that you will revert this situation and take this degenerated government down, mis hermanos.

Everything Morás said is happening, part by part. That's what made it so creepy

The leak of course won't made it to tv but it got a very high number in youtube for a "conspiranoic video" (more than 1 million) and was shared a lot even by normalfags on all social media. Some days ago, some journalists started attacking Morás for no reason and trying to discredit him which makes it even more obvious

He gave more detailed information about his info source the other day in an interview

>What are your prevision on the Brazurcas and other retards chimping out?
No idea, but according to Morás info, Alberto is trynig to destabilize Bolsonaro by order of Soros. After the leaks, all of a sudden our govt denounced Bolsonaro in an international court or some shit due to something related to contamination. He also started hyping up chilean leftists to bring down the govt there. I mean he talked DIRECTLY via web with chilean communists

>Will Argentina have another coup d'etat with auth-right government/military?
Wish a nigga would

>Will Cristina Kirchner and her husband be linched for having stolen a shit load of money from the people?
Her husband is dead thankfully. Hopefully she is the next

Thank you friend. I pray for a military coup and Bolsonaro recognizing whoever takes the power immediately to legitimate it so the rest in the region follow. If we get fully rid of the left here, it will disappear completely from all the continent, Cuba has no other strategic stronghold, venecos will collapse in seconds

Godspeed hombre, Diós the acompañe!


pls send help


That's what we'll be doing friend. There was so much potential and will the other day, from our little place in the internet we'll at least try to do something

Police is now beating the shit outta people for the smallest thing, something happened in the subway apparently. Today I saw them arresting an old man for recording with his cellphone the way old people were treated in a bank's queue

sorry, bros, but I'm moving to Argentina when the lockdown ends

are you white or at least castizo?

Questions =

> Is there something happening in Argentina to creat a general thread?
> Who is /ouparty/, /ourguy/ in Argentina?
> Is the Argentina people waking up against the Elites who control them?

> Is there something happening in Argentina to creat a general thread?
> Who is /ouparty/, /ourguy/ in Argentina?
So far nobody since the opposition is a mess and no direct figure has appeared

> Is the Argentina people waking up against the Elites who control them?
Not at all because normalfags are bluepilled as fuck but people are very mad at all the things the govt is doing

> Is there something happening in Argentina to create a general thread?

yes and no, it's always chaos here, recently the liberated thousands of criminals for the virus

> Who is /ouparty/, /ourguy/ in Argentina?
nobody we have been governed by a literal jew couple for 12 years, then 4 years of a dumbass, then a kike puppet again now.
> Is the Argentina people waking up against the Elites who control them?

good joke Lance

FB group with 100s of profiles of jail inmates,if you dig trough each profile they have chorro friends,.
a true rabbit hole of crime..how can we use this to get them in trouble,gentlemen?

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Absolutely based.

I really don't know but thinks that come to mind right now would be

>stirring them up to do looting, but that would damage innocents
>somehow start shit between themselves
>incite them to go to some feminazi place. such a shame manifestations aren't going no now

I hope more people join us, we'll have a lot of potential with more brains. whatever you do DO NOT publish here anything about them until we figure something to do, in case a troll tells them

I'm kinda considering making a private FB group of trusty policemen and sending them all a massive dump of anti-chorro info

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we could gather a bunch of rapists to riot at a feminist protest, if there were any

I mean I realize this has a LOT of potential to get them in trouble, but we must think very well since minor stuff would only damage other people and let them free. It must be something HEAVY. Do they have any enemy band or something to make them fight each other?

that's a possibility, if the policemen are trustworthy

Godspeed, but be weary if they are smart, big brother will know something is up at some point

That's the most logical stuff and would be glorious considering the current shit about the rapists outta jail. Thing is there are no feminist protest now due to the lockdown, we must figure a way or keep that option for when the lockdown ends, meanwhile fucking them with other way

Absolutely top-tier OP, every single fucking word of it.

>DISCLAIMER: IGNORE shitposters and reddit tier posts, just ignore them don't feed the trolls


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Hay algo mas ridiculo que un argentino facho?

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la cara de puta que hacen las españolas cuando me las garcho

chorros are enemies of transas,they really hate each other
I think we could start a great chorro-transa war
for example fuerte apache has chorros, 1-11-14 has narcos

Thanks m8. Btw, any idea on this?

We are fucking doomed...

Sorry but what are Transas and Chorros ?

Was just reading that, no, no ideas, sorry....
This seems very important though:
>whatever you do DO NOT publish here anything about them until we figure something to do, in case a troll tells them

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Transas are dealers chorros are robbers

No problem, this is just beginning. Also cool fix

chorros have some very cringy memes

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>this is just beginning


>Also cool fix
lol thanks

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Ill have to look for the info on them,but they're barra brava from rosario central

I'm a neet so I could spend hours a day digging up info on various sorts of criminals,but I need a quick hit and run method to deliver the info to someone

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Argie that got the fuck out a year ago.
What's the TLDR? Are people still insisting on barking and not biting? Last I heard my friend was bitching because there were talks to totally remove gun rights.

>using an american nigga meme and rewriting it
yep it makes it double cringe lol

>hit and run method to deliver the info to someone
sorry I'm retarded, what does that means? a safe channel?