Feel like pure shit and just want him back

Feel like pure shit and just want him back.
Millenial Woes is innocent.
Fuck DJ Axel
Fuck Mark Collect
Fuck Patriotic Alternative
MW Gang come together and help prove his innocence in the false rape allegations.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nadiya Husseins willy

I just watched Mark Collett clip, and he totally threw Colin under the bus. And the other guy in the video, the American guy, told us not to gossip or wonder about why Colin was purged. None of these people are any good. And women must not be permitted to enter male groups.

who cares?

Dont give a fuck about any of these ecelebs

Guy spends years fighting to bring awareness about white demographic destruction, loses his friends and family for it and the minute a slag complains about him every single one you fucking fags turn on him. I don't give a fuck if he nutted in some dumb bitches eyes and gave her eye herpes. I don't give a fuck if he anal stretched her with some fisting gone wrong. You complain like women, who gossip like women, who care little for the big picture like women. Leave Yas Forums and go to kiwi farms.

any new information on the woes incident today? has he professed his innocence publicly?

>Blood of recovered coronavirus patients 'being sold on dark web as passive vaccine'
"recoveries". the truth is that nobody truly "recovers".

coronavirus is living rent free in your head


I havent turned on Woes. He has provided years of solid Nationalist content.


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He is innocent and will soon make a video to prove it.

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why are ye so boring, britts? Im basically the only non britt who was too generous to give you a visit. you can't even r0lling the proper way, Jesus Christ.

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Och aye, yeez wanna see mah wee god rod laddie?

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Prove it. There is no evidence. Only Mark Collects word. He has thrown Woes under the bus.

And in your bum

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Warty Woes' Wee Wanky Willy

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>UK announces 674 more coronavirus deaths - taking total number of COVID-19 victims to almost 27,000
the real death count is probably closer to 60k already. death counts are being under reported

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nice kek, i bet woes is going to set up a party to rival marks, he'll probably call it.....WOES' WILLY PARTY

so his claim regarding the dick pick, is that he did send it but it wasnt his dick and the god-rod thing was a shit joke?
this is only going to get weirder isn't it

any lads fancy helping me shit over these Irish cunts.


>Boris Johnson announces huge spike in daily coronavirus tests to 81,000 putting Matt Hancock's 100,000 target in reach despite some UK drive-through sites being empty with less than 24 hours to the deadline
>100,000 tests per day
>660+ days to test the entire population of the UK once
we need millions of tests per day, minimum.

Feels braw bad man

Poor bus

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Not enough clapping in this thread

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Okay. Weigh him. If he is heavier than a duck he should be floated. If he doesn’t sink he is guilty and must burn. If he sinks he died innocent. Fool proof.

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I helped you swastika up the rainbow flag a few days ago. Was good fun t b h.
Might do in a few min lad I just wanna make a cup of decaff first.

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Watch DJ Axels streams from yesterday and today if you care that much about the dick pic. His channel is called Phantom Organisation on youtube.