Protestant Hate Thread

Daily reminder that pr°testants are FILTHY HEATHENS, and are just as bad as Jews and Muslims.
Pr°testants regularly team up with Jews to create kiddy porn and pedo-rings, then blame it on us noble catholics. They infiltrate our governments and put in place anti-catholic measures. They are responsible for the massive conspiracy that is modern banking.
As a result they should be one of our primary targets in the tenth crusade.

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based jacobite.

Kill them all.
God will sort them out.

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Catholics are pagan-tier, almost like Jews.

And what makes you say that you filthy protestant bastard?

Fuck all protties, heretics must burn.

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No, I bear no animosity towards my brothers in Christ be they Orthodox or Protestant.

Only the servants of Satan try to spread discord amongst the faithful.


Pr°testants are the servants of Satan and try to spread discord amongst the faithful.

>I'm OP and I am a catholic, how can you tell?

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That's very obviously a filthy Jew.

Pick one

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Protestants and cross-burners get the rope.

based & true

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It is time to cleanse the world of heathen scum.

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also protestants are calvinist jews or filthy luteran niggers who destroy art and the image of god.

they despise mary, they must be killed, orthodox christians are just separated for dogmatic misunderstandings about some issues but protestants cannot be considered christians.

I'm just sad Britain did not have a figure like Caterina de Medici to kill all the filthy protestants.

France owes her a lot

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Of course. Anglicans and Orthodox get a pass, they're just Catholics with extra steps.
Pr°testants on the other hand are undercover Jews trying to destroy the Catholic Church from within.


Atheist here. Gotta day from an outsider’s perspective that Protestantism is weak shit that takes out all the stuff that is cool about religion.

Only kikes try to spread discord amongst Christian brothers in this dark time. Begone servants of moloch.

That's pretty rich coming from a disgusting pr°testant bastard like you.
How much is schlomo paying you to betray the Catholic Church?
Come on, we know that's all you care about: money. To you God is an inevitability, you don't believe in absolution of sins. You only care about earthly goods. Tell me about "returning to the roots".
Do us a favour and firebomb your heretic temple, take yourself out and a couple dozen heathens with you.

I know right?
You're a bloody heathen and you're going to hell, but you're right about pr°testants.

Shameless bump.
The pr°testants MUST NOT WIN.

Which brand of jewish christfaggotry do you prefer, limey? Catholicism? Sooooo based.

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Protestantism was started by becoming woke to Catholicism.

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Perhaps. But I have to say, you really need to uncuck Catholicism, get a Pope that isn’t a damned traitor, and get crusading again. It’s sad to see how far the church has fallen.

The pope is a protestant agent.
Protestants are the real child-fiddlers.
Nice try, heathen scum.

Yes. The problem started with Vatican III. It was our demise. The pr°testants managed to infiltrate the church and destroy our foundations.
We integrist catholics must lead crusade against this flawed pope and re-establish the holy order of Vatican II.

You worship false idols and pray to saints repeatedly.
Your entire religion is contradicted reading 2 books in the new testament.
Would you kindly fuck off.

>is a pr°testant
>is a brainlet who doesn't understand the concept of saintity is different from that of godhood
I'm surprised you retarded heathens even understand how trinity works.

You do that, and I might just convert

If we do that, it's not like you'd really have a choice.