Can this mother fucking year get any mother fucking better?



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This video came out years ago, this is not even close to a happening

>Posting google links
You need to go back

Can you stop being a shill for one second?

The story is not about new UFO footage. It is about the fact that NASA ADMITS THEY ARE UFOS, They don't know what they are. They are officially in NASA's eyes, UFOs.

This is awesome, people are waking up. Maybe the world will get better.

Dear people working in advanced aeronautics: thank you for doing what you do and please use this oil situation to change the world for the better. Blessings to you and your families!

>Maybe the world will get better.
Famous last words

You mean the Pentagon.


Attached: Tic_Tac_UFO.jpg (1308x424, 118.59K)

Disclosure is inbound. Prepare yourself.



Can't wait to slaughter aliens and kill anyone who betrays our specie on behalf of aliens

They are either ours currently
Ours from a breakaway civ (arctic bases/underwater)
An alien civ in either of those places
Or they are alien probes from some where else

I think it's our tech from black budgets.

It's literally just a "new" way to discharge electricity to achieve motion, been done since the 50's. Technically invented by Tesla.

Dude you can't even build a decent car. It's definitely Ayy lmaos. No human could survive the way that thing moves.

I was abducted by aliens and anal probed for 3 days straight, then released. I was a nobody before but now my IQ has increased and body levels are better than ever. But one mindblowing piece of knowledge the beings gave me, I will never forget. I have attached the file in this post.

Attached: 1587747735660 (1).gif (368x368, 3.65M)



How did they convince that cat to dance like that ?

Trump already said he doesn't believe in UFOs. I like how these desperate losers in the fake news are still doing the bidding of John Podesta and try to sensationalize Trump's nothing burger comment. "Wow - neat video. Looks fake"

Das rite!

Attached: how-she-move-poster-0.jpg (338x500, 56.76K)

Ayyy lmao


wait till you see what he called the clip of my asshole whistling Dixie

News just in: China got hold of the UFO and ate the aliens who were in it.

who gives a shit you fucking faggots

I think that after the end of his term he will reveal what he knows about ayys. Especially if he loses to Biden.


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Just wanted to add, that if you look in the right place, there are not dozens, but thousands of these phenomenon taking place.

I heard retards trying to say it was a weather balloon.
Sorry faggots weather balloons don’t fly into a 120 knot wind as if they’re in a vacuum

majority of all of you cucks doesn't know that we live in a Quantum physics super computer thats why our universe looks like a data center rack,

We are in a simulation you cucks.

Attached: AI_sqaure.jpg (2508x1672, 1.14M)

>A Hell Of A Distraction


You are an alien - do you land your spaceship in...
1. America, and get shot by a redneck hunting for big foot?
2. Russia and become a medical experiment?
3. China and get boiled alive and served as lunch?
4. England and get invited for tea and biscuits?

No sign of 4.Therefore aliens do not exist.

Did they greenlight Opeation Bluebeam while everyone is sitting at home and the lack of air pollution makes craft like the SR-71 more visible?

Maybe they're having tea with your neighbors but they never invited you because you're a cunt.

Sucks to be glownigs / current elites I guess. How much time you niggas have left? 2 years? 4 years? Enjoy it while you can.

They don't have a landing loicense.

Attached: smug.jpg (600x800, 74.69K)

Nah. It’s far more complex than any kind of simulation the human brain can imagine

Canada so I can fuck their wives

>picrelated was Trump's expression when asked about UFO's a few years back

Attached: trumpreaction.png (500x546, 424.79K)