The Boogaloo is happening in Michigan.

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is it happening?

Let me know when they start using their guns, until then it's just cringey white trash larping.

>start using their guns
That's the catalyst for marshall law. That's precisely what they want.

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So what is the fucking point? Shoot people or stop fucking around and showing off.

>That's the catalyst for marshall law.
It's one of their constitutional rights.

If you enact martial law because citizens exercise their rights, then it's the duty of the people to burn down the house.

Yanks are just a bunch of posers the whole world knows that.

Nah. Never shoot first. Let it be the state that kicks it off.


responsible gun owners want nothing to do with that kind of violence- they just want to be left the fuck alone and not dictated to by an inept governor.

>marshall law

Learn how to spell you dogcocksuckingleaf.

Who's Marshall?


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KeK sounding like a libertarian. Dont you fags mock them for their passive stance.
Sit back like a simp and count the tiles

How much is Soros paying them?

Must be a lot for them to get off their ass after already receiving the stimulus checks

> boogaloo

this thread is brought to you by fedgang

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And that logic is what brought us to this point in the first place

There is the stance that firing first gives the other side legitimately and a casus belli to exterminate you. This is why the other side is always trying to goad you into attacking and causing false flags to achieve their aims. At this point though, the war has been going on for a long time and we have taken considerable casualties, its high time they fire back

This piece of shit blaming Trump for not letting masked and armed gunmen in to the house floor.

State of the Libs in America right now.

Of all the things in the world to protest these hick retards protest protection for their own good.

Not huge growing income inequality they are victims of during the past 30-40 years. Not the demographic erosion that will doom their future lineage. Not the billions of dollars of bail outs to the 1%era but not them.

They get up in arms so we don’t miss any of our billion dollar aid payments to Israel.


I hope they kill their leaders
the time for civil war is now . tyrants deserve the death that they are given

enough hiding behind this phony system of voting. Its bullshit.

The police state MUST DIE

>these threads
Do glow niggers work on commission or something?

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shut the fuck up, you know this is just the straw that broke the camels back.
6 months post boog we'll be stretching the necks of extended family members of GLOWIES after we get an employee roster from your fag office in DC

What does this mean for New England?

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Armed protestors storm voting gallery. It is like storming Congress or the UK Parliament.

>Europoors can never do this.

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Why are American government buildings so AESTHETIC?

Name my band

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it's not the boog until the bullets start flying

Screencap this
The entire nation will be put on lockdown tonight for good and the purge will begin with no end date
May god have mercy on our souls

>yet another faggoty white seethe
>zero progress made

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There will always be infiltrators from the local Sheriff's Department, or feds from the FBI hoping to start something so they can swoop in with the big boys, helis, armored vehicles and of course plenty of lugenpresse to document it.

>implying the situation isn't worsening income inequality
>implying they are not protesting for economic reasons

There's always that ONE guy with the Kel-Tec who refuses to be in the AR-15 club.

The politicians are wearing bullet proof vests. It worked. They voted to open

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