Did any of you listen to the interview recording where she describes what allegedly happened to her?
I can’t stand the thought of Sleepy Pedo Deep State Joe Biden being president, but I’m pretty sure she’s full of shit.
She spends several minutes spouting off irrelevant detail after detail of the day that this attack allegedly happened. She’s mentioning the air temperature, her clothing, the mindset, basically going through In every little detail what she did that day. First of all, nobody remembers that much from a single day 27 years ago. Secondly, any investigator will tell you that one of the biggest giveaways that someone is lying to you is if they ramble on about irrelevant little details. A manipulative liar tries to make you think that because they can recall all of these little things, they must be telling the truth. The reality is the opposite. People who are telling the truth usually don’t waste your time telling you things that are irrelevant to the facts of the case.
Here is the (alleged) recording of Tara Reade explaining what happened:
Tara Reade
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She’s a trump plant.
Yas Forums suddenly cares about women's rights
I don’t
Most of them are liars
did she get grabbed by the pussy?
Can you explain why her mother went on Larry King? How could she predict 27 years ago that Biden would run for president? Is Trump this much of a genious?
>How could she predict 27 years ago that Biden would run for president?
Just another coincidence goy. Nothing to see here.
>Is Trump that much of a genius
I don’t think this really has anything to do with Trump. It’s probably some boomercons who saw what the left did with Kavanaugh and dug up some dried up cooch to resurface with an accusation she made a long time ago again. Why wouldn’t she have brought it up in 2008 or 2012 when he was on the ticket as VP?
>First of all, nobody remembers that much from a single day 27 years ago.
Stopped reading there. You remember every detail from traumatic events because you spend most of your life reminiscing over it. Also, while its not hard proof she did tell many people at that time who have all confirmed she told them, including her mother who called into Larry King for advice.
You couple that, which the fact that Biden is part of the DC pizza gang with a sniffing fetish and there is no doubt Tara Reade is absolutely telling the truth.
Shes a Duginist shill
>The Left cares about womens rights at all and aren't all clearly operating under another agenda.
Maybe it was indelible in the hippocampus
Because #MeToo didn't start before 2017 and nobody gave a shit about rape accusations against people in power back then. It's literally the reason her accusation was denied in 1993
#metoo was socially engineered by people who desperate want to see Trump out of power, but it has done nothing but backfire on them repeatedly and now its taking out their nominee.
I fucking love this timeline.
>The Left cares about womens rights
Obviously the democrats do, Bill 'Slick Willy' Clinton even had the politeness to blow on Monica Lewinsky's dress instead of humiliating her with a facial.
Right, nothing to do with Trump. It's actually the Bernie/far-left camp within the party that is responsible for her. She is a far-left Cali progressive. Her first interviews were all with Bernie-friendly media, like lefty Jew Katie Halper.
>I can’t stand the thought of Sleepy Pedo Deep Sta
Seriously, is it your first day shilling?
>a shekel for you, shareblue!
Of course it's bullshit
But the fact that it's happening to a lefty is fucking hilarious
I don't care what happened to her 27 years ago. No more than I care about what happened to Chrissy Ford 38 years ago. Too late, ladies !
What I do care about is hypocrite Democrats caring about one but not the other. Which is why I'll never vote for them again.
If she were a properly liberated female; she w0uld be proud to be groped by Joe Biden.
who is tara reade? is she the star of the newest episode of men bad women good?
Based. They wanna turn back to 2010 era so fucking bad
exactly. whether it's true matters not. just watching the left get a taste of their own medicine and forcing them to admit "believe all women" is horseshit (or at least squirm if they won't admit it) is the best part.
She’s been saying the exact same shit since 1993. This isn’t about trump it’s about BELIEVE WOMEN.
Hold the left to their own rules. They can’t support Biden if her memories are indelible in the hippocampus.
Ur a fucking retard, shes saying those details because she admits she cant remember some of it
>I can’t stand the thought of Sleepy Pedo Deep State Joe Biden being president,
then shut the fuck up
hold the left to their own standards, nothing more or less
they don't go "oh shit guess we were wrong" when something bad happens to a right winger
they spit on you and kick you when they're down
and that's why they control most of this country's institutions, most importantly in media and education
in short, believe wamen
Literally none of the establishment media will let her on
>who is tara reade?
Up until lately I thought it was a porn star's name.
It's reality TV: her mission is take Joe Biden out of the Democratic nomination race.
there's an actress named tara reid
she used to be pretty famous
Did you hear the phonecall from 93?
If you were to have a traumatic even like a car accident, those types of memories aren't unreasonable. The supporting evidence from other witnesses add to the credibility of the claim.
It wouldn't have mattered if the media and the democrats didn't just run the same play of gas lighting everyone to force acceptance of such a flawed candidate. It seems like a replay of 2016, but with higher loss of credibility against the propaganda and gas lighting.
Look at all these moon flags. All these non burgers more invested in our political wrestling organization than we are. Really makes you think.