Pentagon officially releases UFO video, former NV senator says video 'only scratches the surface'
what does he know? is it time to settle our petty squabbles between humans to focus on a threat from outside?

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Aliums tongued my angus

enough with this project bluebook bullshit

Harry Reid sucks, but I gotta admit, we’ll be in better shape if we started supporting his efforts.

If harry Reid said something it's either an outright lie or only a subversive half truth.

it's not just him though

And it doesn't even matter wether it's actual aliens, Russians, Chinks, Iran or a Third Reich Flugscheiben: if they are real and not just sensor artifacts they are a threat. Possibly the largest mankind has ever faced.

They could be our Spain, our eternal Anglo, our Soviet Union only this time we're the backwards tribe unable to even grasp the kind of warfare they will wage on us.

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UFO =/= Aliens, you retards

Those are literally just enemy aircrafts about which we don't know who they belonged to.


Why do you think they would wage war on us? They've been around for a long time, why start now?

Imagine if the technology was in the hands of some otherwise backward country like El Salvador or the Central African Republic or even Australia?

Look at this while we remove the constitution.

Just look into Reid and biglowe. They have a storage facility here in Vegas for strange meta materials that ufos have dropped off.

are you a fucking idiot? im not saying theyre peaceful but obviously if they have this tech and are also threats we'd be all dead or most of us

>they're just incredibly advanced enemy aircraft, it's nothing to worry about

Because we would wage war on them if we could

But why wouldn't they use it to become less of a shithole? Why keep it secret and provoke the USA?

Or maybe so far we've been giving them what they want. They could change their mind, we could be less than ants to them

Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell He’s the director of two documentaries that are relevant. Hunt for the skinwalker and the bob lazar documentary. Both curious tales tied to Las Vegas. Robert biglowe bought skinwalker ranch and got funding to study weird shit from Reid.

Just over here bumpin for conversation about.....THE ALIENS!!!

how long do you think theyve been here? they knew about us before we knew about them

the "pandemic" was just a primer for the new permeant stay-at-home orders, while we fight the new threat. These leaks will slowly trickle out until the flood gates open.

>former NV senator
Goddamn you are stupid. That is cancerous Democrat and trash mormon Harry Reid


>Possibly the largest mankind has ever faced.
if this is real you are correct BUT we would not even stand the slightest chance, therefor one spould not see "them" as a threat. if they woul dhave any hostile intentions they could have already anihilated us
but the question remains what are their intentions.

Fucking Germans wage war on everyone. I member.

Tell that nigger to give us NEETbux and stop trolling people with ayy lmao shit.

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>getting excited about swamp gas
Delete this thread.

if there are aliums they obviously created or guided us you dingus.

But its probably just poject blueballs again, these ships are 99.999% blackprojects where the trillions of missing shit went.

All the real scientists who actually matter are hidden and no one has ever fucking heard of them.

yeah this or they already have analyzed us as a species as well as every other speck of life, and the entire planet including everything below sea level right up to the very core as well as every planet in the solar system and beyond...
they tolerate us at best
but hey we simply dont know enough to be able to make these assumptions...
what intentions could they possibly have ?
clearly they are not going to simply give us their toys or technology or whatever look at how savage and primitive humans still are ... i would bet the majority of humans still uses logs to heat their huts and to cook their food on open fire (relatively primitive barbecue) not to speak of having only tiny advances in science physics and biology , being dependent on fossile fuels and the list goes on...
we are to "them" probebly like gorillas in the rainforest (or in the zoo !?) are to us ...
why would they treat us different than we treat the gorillas !?

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it’s a distraction you morons

>probably black projects
aaah come on you have a lot of confidence into the current state of applied physics and aerospace engineering...
>obviosuly created or guided
the latter most definitely , the prior mhhh not sure with link to the latter
but i guess they hop by the planet every so and so thousand years and alter some "parameters" from the system...

if so its a bad one ...
coronavirus was a better distraction
maybe coronavirus was fake because we had to stay at home to fake lower population numbers to the ayys
or the ayys were looking for some specific people but they stayed at home and never went outside so the ayys departed without taking you with them to zeta reticuli :D

>he doesn't know
All your base are belong to us, cunts

They're looking how we react to them. Exterminating us outright just isn't their style. They want to have an excuse. They're trying to provoke us to shoot down one of their aircrafts. Under no fucking circumstances should we even think of doing it. As sad as it is the best course of action is to ignore them right now and wait until they tell us what they want. We should expect to be turned into their vassal or even colony. If they came truly from outer space we probably don't stand a fucking chance. We can't even put a man on fucking Mars, let alone travel the galaxy.

Also the chance is fucking high that they are actually our creators and this was planned for thousands of years.