Keyboard warriors finding out about Tropic Thunder

Keyboard warriors finding out about Tropic Thunder...
When will the ride end?

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she cute

>what is context
This is why the left fails

you never go full retard

Oh boy things are heating up nicely!

Tropic thunder would not be made now.

they cant understand context because they are retards

actually technically, the most "stupid" normies are the average 95IQ morons

because some really dumb like 80IQ or less, wont even bother with bullshit, they'll just live

someone with 130IQ or more, will have the self analytic ability to realize the scale of the learning curve and realize that they dont know everything, thus making them much much better learners

society would be 1000X better if normies didnt exist, but...thats out test from God, to learn to tolerate them....and its a fucking difficult test as well

Hope normies all get obliterated by heavenly fire to be honest

Sure it would. Stop being a fucking fag. Drink your bleach already.

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>09 May 19

you can't do that on television would get Nickelodeon banned from twitter

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tell me, what is it like to not have a soul?, tell me NPC, what do you make of reality?

Robbed of an Oscar for that role because Heath Ledger was a faggot.

>"Why am I just now hearing about this?!?!"

Newsflash sweetheart, the world did exist before your mom shit you out.

> the most "stupid" normies are the average 95IQ morons
also known as pseudo-intellectuals

How did it take them this fucking long

Why? because he's Jewish, they get a pass on everything and don't even stay in prison if they are convicted of serious crimes


nobody will ever out-blackface RDJ
his performance stands as a testament to the pure artistry that is making fun of niggers

The only thing dumber than her complaining about it is you acknowledging her shitty opinion. Cancel culture is dead. Coronavirus killed it.

What would they think about this?

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I would ask if you would like to partake in a glass as well, but I’m assuming you are full from all that pozzed nigger cum you’ve been downing.


What is that like?

Woah woah woah, what do you mean ‘you people’?

>why did he get a pass
Because it was funny and not done out of malice
>why am I just now learning of it
Because you're a braindead zoomer thot who lets the internet dictate your thoughts

Midwits is the term I prefer.

Clearly, they didn't watch it, because they were making fun of the practice itself. This is why liberals and cancel culture is dangerous.

Seriously, it was making fun of it. They did that with fat suits and retards. The black rapper about loving pussy is super gay. The disabled guy was faking it. The whole film was about how fake it all is.

Nobody seriously did blackface.

>the world existed before the load that dribbled out of your mom's asshole
probably more offensive as she looks like the type of chick that takes it in the tailpipe

Thinking back on it, they did some twisted shit in that show. Goddamn.

>May 2019

they adressed it in the fucking movie, retards

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Because he portrayed an African American soldier in the Vietnam War in a respectful and dignified way.

> jewish white man

Just another female that wouldn't acknowledge your existence.

> just finding out

don't be dense

most people don't care about his role in tropic thunder, seeing as its such a good movie

real sore point for a lot of these people, but i personally know noone to hate rdj

Jews arn’t white stfu

Lol, I watched the video of RDJ explaining how actors explain blackface to justify it and get away with it as artistic merit while explaining it and getting away with it for its artistic merit. It's funny, but let's not pretend like it's not hypocritical faggot Jewery at work.

and niggers put on white face for a movie, whats the point?

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Downey Jr. knocked that role out of the park. I know black people that came into the movie halfway, and didn’t realize he wasn’t actually black until the end.

>>what is context

Robert Downey Jr was NOT playing a black character. He was playing a white actor who was cast in a black role for the film-within-a-film. The fact that this was inappropriate was a major part of the film. (He is taunted by an actual black character.) The point is somewhat undermined though because when the film was made, that sort of casting was already unthinkable.

Pictured: John Bennet as Li H’sen Chang in Doctor Who. Was finding a Chinese actor realistic in 1977 on a BBC TV budget? Li H’sen Chang wasn't just a face, he was the most important role in the story, and John Bennet's performance is what made this a classic.

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and a nigger larped as Heimdall

In Norse mythology, Heimdallr is a god who possesses the resounding horn Gjallarhorn, owns the golden-maned horse Gulltoppr, is called the shining god and the *whitest* of the gods

whats the point?

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Don’t know if he ‘made fun of’ them. But I do agree he fuckin killed it.

Whiter than you, Pajeet

How is that different than pic related?

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The earliest "mock black people for being black" minstrel shows were all done by Jews.

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>whoa i found a post with 0 interaction from a year ago... they're finding out about it!!!

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>and niggers put on white face for a movie, whats the point?

Like above, the CHARACTERS are in whiteface. That is what the movie is about. (They also look creepy as hell, I wouldn't go see this.)

They’re only just old enough to be allowed to watch it


i think instead of 95 its like 100-120 but i agree

nah he didn't i was just being dumb, i understand what he did do but don't feel like writing some pedantic analysis
at any rate, he do be killin it

Why do they look like they’re wearing Halloween masks, but RDJ actually looks like a human being?

In this episode of: White People Take Offense on Behalf of Blacks

Tell us more. We've never seen the film and don't plan to as it may offend our delicate sensibilities.

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One of the best acting performances ever