Why did politicians decide that magic mushroom are dangerous

Before it was classified as a scheduled 1 drug, it was being researched as a treatment for multitude of mental illnesses and shown to be successful. Also, it's not addictive.

So, why did the government decide to make it illegal?

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Because it's degenerate

Then why are drag queens allowed to read to kids?

>Yea guys lets take substances that are known to be used in mind control!

Druggies are soo blue pilled

holy shit based


Most people say it's the most spiritual experience in their lives.

The pharma companies wouldn’t want a natural solution.

Because you need many esoterism, physics, chemistry, pure math, simbology stuff... To use them in the right way.

Low IQ's will be always in the darkness, they can't reach the light.



Because it's brave


those are the same people who want to turn your son into a genderfluid biqueer helicopter

Idgaf what the government do, mushrooms are degenerate.

Escapism is degenerate and for pussies.

Well some people think they're tough shit drugs and they take too much. What happens next is so overwhelming for that person that they sometimes do really really crazy stuff.

Source: guy butchered his dog in a van on shrooms here.

why grow something yourself when we can sell it to you?


Ok, but why?

It's not hard to grow your own without getting caught. No police officer will bust down your door to find one autist growing shrooms for himself. Selling them is another thing.

Except for the part where through research they realized it was completely ineffective as a mind control substance sounds more like you dont jack shit faggot

Because goods that involve more processes and manufacturing have potentially far higher profit margins due to less competitors being able to arise, as long as there are no more easily produced goods to compete with them

This is why our government is pushing artificial garbage on us and trying to ban natural things in every way imaginable, from food to drugs

Mushrooms are anything but escapism. A "spiritual" experience on them is terrifying and painful to most people. Have a psychedelic experience and you'll understand.

I was drawn closer to Christianity because of my experiences with mushrooms.

Because you refuse to see the world how it is, you have to take your faggot drugs to cope with your existence.

Hello bicurious Discord tranny

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i took a full growing of that shit (70g wet)
And didn`t feel a thing little hallucination but i concentrate a little and it stopped
This is fake shit i must go shroom hunting in woods mb that works.

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Sounds pretty ignorant and brainwashed. Have you ever tried it?

>schedule 1
Lord...in my fucking shithole they are legal.
How the fuck can you make picking shrooms out of cow dung illegal?
Do they also arrest people with black mold in their home for potential terrorist activity?

This is a paki

why are you such a fucking faggot?

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Imagine thinking this, and realizing how much of a pussy you are

most people don't have the balls to let go of their precious ego.

Look up the dark net market Bible and then look up tripping with science and buy 5 vials.

Sometimes they’re weak. Sometimes they’re strong

Sounds like you're a scared little bitch

>Taken a god given naturally grown completely organic substance
>Be able to see the natural world god created for us in a new light
>Be able to get closer to God with an opened mind and new way of thinking
Get fucked you brainwashed moron. Elites have been trying to convince you everything good is degenerate and everything bad is brave. But let me guess, you're all for big pharma drugs right? You fucking retarded hypocrite.

because politicians are retarded. On the west coast or east coast you can just wander around where the mushroom grows (different species grow on different substrates) and pick them. They are incredibly abundant, anyone who picks mushrooms can and will find them easily.

they grow out of cow shit after a few days of rain.
Shrooms are not fake

you cannot have any escape goyim

This is completely false. Mushrooms let you feel literally everything more deeper. When you read about how fucked up the world is you feel it 10x. If you want to see the world for what it really is then take shrooms.

people were having fun, can't have that shit