How bad did my parents fuck me over

I’m half japanese born in japan but my parents didn’t teach me japanese instead taught me English, went to an international school then went to Canada for a one year work visa because I hated japan, I’d have to return to japan eventually but I was escaping reality, now Im in japan again and I am working manual labor jobs which I hate and I opened an electrician exam book and it’s overwhelming how much kanji I need to learn to become an electrician. My brain is fucked from using meth in Canada, fuck my life.

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Other urls found in this thread:ōshi


come home, canadian man

>how bad did my parents fuck me over
>My brain is fucked from using meth in Canada
0%, you chose to use meth.

>another victim falls to leaf degeneracy

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Canadians are Americans on speed

Dude being half white is like a massive advantage in Asia. That and having lived in a Western country. Go teach English or some other "white" advantaged jobs, ez monies.

I don’t want to be a faggot English teacher and I need a degree for that

only option is to kys OP
time to hit that restart button

not even once

you will always be treated as an outsider and a second-class citizen by any and every Japanese that knows your ancestry.

Japan is good to visit, but not good to live in if you're a foreigner.

If you're lucky, your japanese parent (mother, right? GI dad?) has a family who will pity you and help you integrate.

If not, get fucked. Maybe you can get lucky and get a real japanese family to adopt you.

I’m 20, what fucking family is gonna adopt me


Migrate to the nip hapa homeland, Hawaii.

learning kanji is overwhelming, imagine having to learn some sandnigger language, it’s the same feeling

>Smoke meth
>it's my parents fault I'm a retard.

t. Meth head

>My brain is fucked from using meth in Canada, fuck my life.
Why are you blaming your parents for your poor decisions?

>half Japanese
>speaks English
Serious question. Are the child of James Corbett? He is very famous for staying in Japan to bleach a Japanese woman and make hapas with her.

Attached: james_corbett.png (755x453, 631.37K)

No nigger, blaming them for not teaching me japanese

>lives whole life in japan
>doesn’t learn kanji.

that's not the kind of adoption I'm talking about, you fucking retard. Maybe try doing some research on the half of your ancestry you're trying to assimilate into.ōshi

How many animals did you fuck on meth?

They call it Canadian baseball.

Why the fuck would you learn squiggly moon runes when there's an objectively better and more user-friendly way of writing out there?

It’s really not that bad user, having learned several languages myself I can tell you it is hard but never impossible. The Kanji is a bit hard but if you work on it a bit every day it should be ok.

Never did that but ate roadkill, it’s a Canadian tradition

Then why blame them for not teaching you particle physics or C++ or architectural drafting. You did drugs instead and now want to blame them for your lack of abilities. How do you grow up in Japan and not know the language? Didn't you hang out with Japanese kids? I didn't realize there was a big enough enclave of Westerners in Japan that they had their own schools that didn't teach Japanese.

thanks man, right now my plan is to study 500 kanji’s and read japanese literature with Furigana. Is that enough? Or do I have to listen to gay podcasts and shit as well

>Migrate to the nip hapa homeland, Hawaii.
unironically, this. Hawaii is a wonderland for every kind of half Asian/Pacific Islander you could ever imagine existed. Hapas, half Chinese half Puerto Ricans, half Jamaican half Samoan, half Malay half Italian, half Mexican half Filipina, half Arab half Filipina, etc etc etc.
It's like I had no idea such different combinations could exist let alone so many on one little group of islands.
Pic related.

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Yes there is and I’m pissed off about that, wouldn’t you be?

Sounds good on paper but probably impossible to do

>I didn't realize there was a big enough enclave of Westerners in Japan that they had their own schools that didn't teach Japanese.

There are a LOT of expats and military in Japan.

Because he lives in Japan?

I’ve hit rock bottom brahs,

>parents didn’t teach me japanese
>in japan again and I am working

you're 100% full of shit. no one gets a job in japan if you don't speak japanese, you fucking larping faggot.

same desu. But at least I was never dumb enough to do meth.

Hahahahaha fucking loser.

you dumb faggot my dad helped me get the job, it’s manual labor you stupid fuck

god will fuck your life up sooner or later don’t worry