What is wrong with these NPC's? I live in Jew York and holy shit at the amount of arguments ive gotten into over mask and social distancing shit. Also post your stories
>Go into bank to use ATM >Guy at the ATM starts shouting "yo bro you could of waited outside for me to finish" >Tell him im 6 feet away from him and if hes that afraid he should stay home Another incident >In store I frequent, know the owner >Dont have my bandanna up up all the way covering my face >Guy starts mumbling saying he cant come here anymore its not safe >Mumbles to the owner about my face not being covered completely >He starts to walk out mumbling more >Ask him if he has something to say, he just walks out Another story >At deli, waiting for food to be made, standing on the side >Guy is walking and stops, starts pointing where he wants to go, but if he did walk he would be within about 5 feet of me instead of the 6 everyone circle jerks >Throw my hand up and just tell him to go >Shoots me a look like im gonna get him killed doing this Another >At super market, walking down aisle >Woman turns into aisle and sees me, freezes in her tracks and starts backing up as I walk towards her >Tell her dont worry about it this is is ridicoulis >She yells that she is scared
Just fill a spray bottle with your spit and walk about misting everyone and everything. To, you know, own the libz kekel
Asher Brown
Ayden Butler
Just wear a fucking mask. It’s not hard. If Americans wore masks when the pendemic was announced as a pandemic we won’t have had a shutdown and we would be near the end by now.
But no, retarded Americans think wearing a mask is the same thing as being a slave. Idiots.
Julian Walker
If you're one of those dumb asses who wear a mask below your nose, you deserve to be slapped.
Mask or no mask? Make up your fucking mind!
Colton Thompson
Are you black?
Noah Nguyen
are those people 4ft tall? the space between them is almost double their height..
Joshua Moore
Imagine wearing a cuck mask. Get a real immune system zhang
Jose Ross
Secularism makes people think they are in control of their life.
Jace Miller
It sounds like you should troll them and chase them on a bike bahahahahha
Joshua Miller
Virtually everyone you meet or interact with on a day-to-day basis gets their marching orders from the TV. They were told to panic and so they panicked. There is no actual logic or thought behind their actions, just obedience to the shiny tube.
Nathaniel Taylor
If that's 6 feet, how fucking short are those people?
You are the fucking nigger here. Nobody wants to be near your autistic, smelly, germ filled, dirty retard, kike, nigger, ass even when there isn't a virus going around.
you live in new york, you looking for sympathy faggot?
Daniel Jones
The scarepidemic is real (in their minds)
Robert Phillips
Explain to me which part of the several stories made me a nigger? Was it walking down the aisle and havinga woman shreak in fear that I was going to infect her? Was it the entitled faggot at the ATM who felt 6 feet was not enough, that only he should be allowed in the bank when he needs to use the ATM? Perhaps it was the guy who was never anywhere near me mumbling about how I was going to get him killed as he played his lotto
Jason White
Moving end of the year to delaware
Joseph Wood
I'm not experiencing anything like that here. If anything I'm experiencing more people trying to walk into me than before all this coronashit. I'm not a fucking revolving door so don't push your fucking shoulder into me.
Thomas Peterson
My sister told me this story >NYC Costco >Male customer and female customer at completely different times >Kicked their leg out at anyone else getting too close yelling about "6 feet! 6 feet!" >My sister said she'd beat somebody's ass if they did that to her since kicking a leg out like that is threatening and it would all be on camera also >Me walking down a wide sidewalk at dusk >A woman walking the opposite direction decides to start walking in the street when she sees me. >Good luck with that the drivers here are more likely to kill you than the virus
I haven't worn a mask to any gas station store and no one says shit to me. Had one person tell me I should have a mask on. I proceed to tell them they're fine with theirs on and isn't funny how they didn't want you touching your face before and now they have you touching your face multiple times an hour?
Also deliver to a a guy who runs his own business who is going through chemo sessions. He's even calling bullshit on this and thinks it's bullshit.
If you really want to freak people out walk closer and closer to them and than laugh when they act like shy freshman around seniors. 2020 year of the bully.
Noah Howard
So explain the autism with gloves? How do gloves help you?
Angel Jenkins
Andrew Johnson
Is there anything else to do to keep one's sanity? Tiger King sucked, gotta stay occupied somehow.
Michael James
WHO said they didn’t help, masks sold out, now they’re mandatory? Gov says no prob business as usual, then shuts down overnight, now opens partially with masks while paying the laziest and least useful people? eat shit you niggerloving kike. Fuck you and keep your bitch tier immune system at home