You know Tara Reade is bullshitting, right? She’s brought and paid by Donald Trump

You know Tara Reade is bullshitting, right? She’s brought and paid by Donald Trump.

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requesting proof, anonfag.

plus trump has proof of consensual sex with a pornstar.

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You don't sound white.


Bro, you can flip the argument around on the Dems

Imagine believing this. Dems are the ones that care about all this rape bullshit, I'd just like them to take it seriously when the shoe is on the other foot.

What does any of this prove? If you read it backwards, it says the same shit about democrats. The difference is that democrats made the rules first, so they should accept any turnabout.

Sounds like a browny boy. You a dumb brown browny boy OP?

Hey faggot. Your bitch Hillary Clinton lost four years ago. Go back to your mommies garage and cry there.

Yeah except against kavanaugh was a lie.

Against Biden it was brought up at the time but covered up.

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>accusations vs. actual police report and documentation
Totally the same thing, goys.

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All women must be believed. Liberal logic. Fuck the libs.

This memes belongs with the retards on reddit

25 Trump Rape accusations really means 25 Gold Digger's who let Trump grab them by the pussy

Wrong you fucking kike. Joe Biden raped women and hates blacks, which is why this board is #RidinWithBiden. Deal with it, nigger.

I see what you’ve done here.

Faggots like you are trying to make this an issue of pussy grabbing. It’s not. This is an issue of hypocrisy. You scream bloody murder about an unsubstantiated allegation regarding a teenage boy grabbing a teenage girls boobs and now your pretty much ignoring substantiated allegations that a sitting US senator stuck his fingers in his staffer’s pussy.

You hypocrisy is palpable.

There a video of her mom calling CNN back in the 90s asking about what should they do about dealing with her being molested by a powerful senator.

Nice try fag.

Are you beating the pedos, son?

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>brought and paid

Nigga do you even vocabulary

Biden has served his purpose as defeater of Bernie and is now just a placeholder until the DNC picks who they really wanted to run.

Something something hypocritical two faced fakes. The people that 'believe all women' and 'it doesn't matter if it's true, perception is reality' for the past decade suddenly suddenly don't like the standards they've created. Many such times. Always funny to watch them squirm at the thought of their ironic end.

I know you are a shill but imma bite this anyways. If Biden has nothing to worry about he will be exonerated like Kavanaugh was. The fact that leftists like you are freaking the fuck out about this means he HAS something to hide. Meaning you are about to get absolutely FUCKED in the ass by this.

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Difference is not only can we put Tara in the same state on the same week, we know they were even in the same room many times and that physical contact can be proven to be physically possible.

That is a god damn far stretch for a rape claim but it’s waaay more than any of Kavenaugh’s accuser’s had.

maybe, but who cares? This has killed the metoo movement and we can all be happy for that

Weird that she's playing the extremely long game since literally 1993 and possibly earlier, maybe shes a wizard

Donald grabs.
Joe penetrates.

Nice try incel, but we #believewomen

if there weren't like 100 videos of biden being creepy with kids I'd say you have a point

but at the same time there are exactly 0 videos of trump being creepy around kids. so..... BTFO?

>old sexual assault accusations
>don’t care

>old sexual assault accusations against Joe Biden
>don’t care ...but BWAHAHAHAHA

There is zero evidence that Trump or Brett did anything wrong. Op is a fag.

More like:
>Didn't happen
>Wasn't rape, consensual sex complaining about it decades later when they finally have a chance to get money and fame from changing their minds.
>Was rape

left can't meme.........