Why are whites killing them selfs at such a disproportionate rate?
White suicide
I mean we have it the easiest out of any of our ancestors.
There has to be some answer for this phenomena
oops forgot webm
them trolls at myg0t really did a number on my man
God i wish that were me
what the fuck is this video lol
These aren't whites, they're mutts
you aren't white unless you're 100% scandinavian, not a byproduct of our viking rapes (that's you britain)
was there some gas or somethin?
Wasn't this something like he was daring his son to kill himself and he took the gun and did it.
Racial minorities have higher rates of LGBT than whites, you lisping, incontinent mutt.
Whites are simply more attractive and their disproportionate representation in porn all over your computer creates an illusion in your small mind.
From what I heard, son is fag like op, dad says here's my gun an hero, madlad actually died it, gook regret sperg out.
was he gay or just depressed? any interview of the parents afterwards?
Literally every shotgun suicide on bestgore. How do the eyeballs survive??
If i remember the story correctly
Man that hands him (the son) is his dad, they had been having issues running their shop that they are in, kid was a puss and let his parents push him around so kid was depressed, didnt want to work there or do anything. Dad is pissed off and basically tries the tactic of "if your life is so horrible just kill yourself then" expecting kid to maybe wise up or snap out of it.
Low and behold kid just takes it and kills himself right there, both mom and dad go hysterical
Yes. Careful what you wish for.
Do a flip
that's a man user
I thought about killing myself for the past 3 years. Thankfully I snapped out of it. Looking back, and seeing actual suicides, I see how fucking nuts I was.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
>both mom and dad go hysterical
this should go as a warning to all child abusers, they think its funny to torture their kid until they kill themselves
That guy is not white cope more.
It always weirds me out how they are so calm while they are doing it. Almost like in a trance.
Yep. Son was depressed, Dad said "if you're so depressed, how about you kill yourself? Here's a gun, kill yourself" and then the son immediately took the gun and killed himself
>physically fit
>have a romantic partner
>know themselves and aren't ashamed of who they are
Those fags are better off than me.
>he has this saved on his hard drive and he’s making fun of other people using it.....
Jews have a really strong white male goyim fetish
Big if true
His first reaction is to slap his head. Must have been a douchebag
Owning your retarded fucking dad like that would almost be worth being dead, honestly. The number of times my parents haven't given a shadow of a fuck about my feelings and told me some really fucked up shit, I want nothing more than to actually do it so they can sob over my corpse and spend the rest of their lives asking themselves what they did wrong like the incurably stupid dipshits they are. My only regret would be not being around to witness their anguish.
I'm nearly one year out of uni and still unemployed. I graduated with a non-meme degree, and have been applying for everything from shelf-stacking jobs to grad programs.
I haven't got a thing. My cv is full of extra-curriculars (many public speaking focused, something I like). I'm completely comfortable in interviews.
I think about wrapping my car around a tree every day. I've stopped seeing my fuck buddy and going out with friends because I'm too ashamed to. Was hoping 'rona would get me so I don't completely crush my family with my suicide
They still exist? lol damn i remember them from old school cs days