Lads who do we win?

Lads who do we win?
How does our agenda succeed?

Get shitskins out of our counties

Destroy degeneracy

Take control of the MSM from the Jew

Eradicate homosexuality(death penalty to pedos will solve this issue on its own)

Stop women from being disgusting whores

Nuke communism

Other ideas:
Spread eco fascism

Convert to Christianity for superior morals

Stop companies from moving production to shit tier places like China

Plant a lot more trees
Because lots of shit people are gone we can stop deforestation

Death penalty for people that litter

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sorry to tell you this mate but kaczynski is right about everything. we will never get rid of shitskins, destroy degeneracy or other shit if we don't destroy every single power plant in the world. the anti-tech movement isn't about destroying tech per se, it's just that the only solution to our problems is the complete destruction of industrial society. I like tech yet I aso have a brain and TK is entirely right.

Based as fuck

I've nothin to share with the other three, sorry user

socialism can do all these things better than fascism and without the unfairness

>Convert to Christianity for superior morals

Stopped reading, right there. Kill yourself, OP.

We need to be more concerned with finding allies who share our world view. Purity spiraling is a divide and conquer tactic that not even the nazis employed.

Create avenues for honorary whites, that's my suggestion. It's not ideal but we should take advantage of populations who WANT to achieve something akin to well-bred whiteness, or can at least respect its significance to humanity.

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>Take control of the MSM from the Jew

None of the others will happen until you do this first

found the seething kike

Exceptional. Add to that list an education which includes the Western Canon, Latin and ancient Greek.

(((They))) fear it.

Is there a way....we can co work together

I am an atheist

AKA Jewish puppet.

>Destroy degeneracy
its literally just some buzzword 4chin made up
the avg dem white voter is unironically less degen than you avg pol user

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>Get shitskins out of our counties
that includes medniggers

Just don't get apathetic. Keep trying, keep subverting, one day it'll pay off.

>Take control of the MSM from the Jew
>Convert to Christianity for superior morals

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Oh wow, I didn't read
>Convert to Christianity
Kill yourself

I raised an eyebrow when you included Celts, And you all but lost me when you included Meds.
Those two are only acceptable if they know their place. That is, beneath Anglos and Nords.

There's no need for you to weasel your way into all of this, real whites are already being quickly replaced and Yas Forums thinks middle easterners and hispanics are white now.
They still talk about brown people white being white all day as if they needed to re-assure anybody but themselves.
Once the definition of 'white' has been as bastardized as it has, it's a quick way to fast-track the replacement.

Yes, maybe after a 100 years of separation first. The kike media has to fall ASAP.

First ov all m8,
Don't blast us with all these questions at the same time.
Cool end goal though

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I hope you mean CATHOLICISM
prĀ°testants are subhuman scum and should be treated as such.
join me over on to discuss this pressing matter.

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Fuck off. Not every atheist is the reddit-fedora kind. Nihilists are what youre looking for.

Christianity has been friendly to kikes for some time now.


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(((convert to christianity)))

Sure christian monkey.

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>Eradicate homosexuality(death penalty to pedos will solve this issue on its own)
i've never been molested and i'm still bi

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