Black Americans

Black Americans
• 300+ years of slavery
• 89 years of political terrorism and segregation
• Centuries of systematic exclusion from economic opportunities
• Centuries of abuse in the criminal justice system
• "Hey we were hoping we could just like, get our foot in the door and not be discriminated against any more. Would that be cool?"

White Americans
• "Get over it"
• 5 weeks of no haircuts
• nobody knows the trouble I've seen

Attached: 988A9297-9867-4A4F-B2AA-5DA73F2F2782.png (1080x1045, 2.35M)

Other urls found in this thread:

big kek
Gotta admit.

>• 300+ years of slavery
Your dumb ancestors sold you into slavery.
Go get reparations from them.

Niggers belong in the cotton field and spics belong in Mexico

This is a White Man's country, now fuck off before we decide to string you up from Trump's Great Wall.

Attached: 1586779954582.jpg (3500x2400, 830.16K)

>abuse in the criminal justice system
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Attached: 1552743339119.jpg (2032x3528, 840.49K)

>JFL compares illegals who came voluntarily to the USA with slaves and WW2 era concentration camps.

No worries Trump treats better Illegal than Chicago niggers kids.
Proof here.

Attached: ZomboMeme 10102019120308.jpg (1740x2013, 398.08K)

And now they're free and the only thing they seem to want to do is gangbang. Any area with a large population of blacks is lawless

Fuck of Diego

>If you come into the country illegally we are going to detain you and then send you back to your country
>get detained, have to wait on the resources to send you back to your country
>Libs: zomfgwtfbbq people want to leave their homes and jose is locked up

Op is a huge massive fucking faggot and niggers tongue my anus.
>in all fields

>Obama era cages

This ones easy.
Those are criminals on top.
Those are freedom loving Americans.

I laugh whenever I hear about a white person getting merc’d by a nigger

But why do you say that like every immigrant gang bangs or does something bad? As if they just gain freedom and go, "Oh boy I have freedom time to fuck up shit up and cause some problems". And also, why does every one think it's only Hispanics and other minorities that do crime, you're gonna tell me there weren't any white gangs, in the 1800's-1970's? Every race has done crime, quit acting like whites haven't done anything bad.

I saw this video on BitChute. It's super funny, and I can't believe I haven't seen it here first.

Attached: bit-a-kid.jpg (800x780, 41.28K)

anytime you have to reference niggers you have already lost. dilate

Attached: 1559622003954.jpg (720x710, 41.92K)

There isn’t a single darkie in that pic op you fucking retard

Based. This is too much for Yas Forums tards to understand user you might need to explain slower.

>White Americans
A diverse amount of people are sick of this shit. Try again OP.

Illegals are illegal and have to be interned (concentrated, if you want) before deportation.
Citizens are free by definition.

>muh haircut strawman
yeah haha it's not like these people need to eat or anything...

>Black Americans
• 300+ years of slavery
• 89 years of political terrorism and segregation
• Centuries of systematic exclusion from economic opportunities
• Centuries of abuse in the criminal justice system
• "Hey we were hoping we could just like, get our foot in the door and not be discriminated against any more. Would that be cool?"

White Americans
• "Get over it"
• 5 weeks of no haircuts
• nobody knows the trouble I've seen
Shut up nigger:

Attached: Obese Sheboon GETS DESTROYED BY RYAN FAVLK.png (800x633, 213.25K)

Also, you have never been oppressed you fucking retarded piece of shit:

Attached: Now YOU´RE REALLY IN A BAD SPOT, RACE DENIALIST.png (2500x2000, 2.62M)

Don't blame us for slavery, it was Big Wompa Tee Pee that wanted the practice to keep going.

When you blacks stop mass murdering/raping/robbing/beating to near death each other Ill actually start believing you care about black human suffering, but until then fuck off and die niggers.

Anglos are not white


Attached: Flag.png (2400x1800, 781.2K)

Black Americans aren't special, plenty of other people were occupied and enslaved, and still came out decent.

>whites need their haircuts

Attached: NeedsHerweave .jpg (663x842, 270.3K)

Well, its cause they're brown. I don't care about them.

Don't commit crimes.

all that and they still can’t take a hint. Don’t call ‘em dumb tho lol



"Trump treats"
Implying the federal government has a hand in the state gone completely awry which is Chicago,

Turns out the worst offenders of those "people in cages" pictures are run by democrats.

Attached: OPisafag.png (1080x1045, 1.56M)

Maybe intolerance to tyranny is why we have "privilege"