Red-Pill Me on China

Attached: Flag-China.jpg (600x400, 23.68K)

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Yellow man bad

>Yellow man bad

Communism bad

china likes to fuck things up and when it fights back or it backfires they cry and blame it for not submitting

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I am really disappointed in China, instead of caring about their border countries, they rush to expand their business forgetting about soul. Remember, China, Russia is the enemy.

Oh shit, didn’t notice you wrote China, I thought for a moment you were talking about russians.

they are the same, the only difference is that russians dont eat dog, for now

Yellow man also

hates jews and alahu akbars
less freedom

Open air prison country, filthy, lack of work health or standards, like people that work in a pleather factory might only live till 30 and no fucks given by the govt or business owned

Attached: 6DB6D315-AD14-42DD-B75C-1A4F1A5506E7.jpg (500x750, 55.96K)

>wants to be #1 global power
>tries to dethrone US overnight via bootleg iphones and F35s that aren't actually stealthy
>tries to develop viruses to become competitive with US medicine
>virus gets out due to incompetence
>like all communist occupied governments, they are obsessed with how they are perceived, so they try vehemently to cover up their mistake
>world gets locked down, economies tank, hundreds of thousands die
>smoke is starting to clear
>people are frustrated and (rightly so) despise China

>Yellow man also

Yellow Man + Communism = VERY bad.

Exactly nuke Chinkia.

>Yellow Man

Jews are trying to kill all whites and Asians so that they can rule the world.

Attached: 35E5A6D5-9C1D-464D-82A0-AFF627F5539F.jpg (1509x1194, 343.41K)

Legends say there used to be an empire there before it was glass.

Fuck of homo

CCP: Coronavirus Coverup & Propaganda

Nope. You don't get to muh joos your way out of this one, chink. Your yellow kike overlord tried to cover up the virus getting out and failed. Time to take responsibility.

Unironically based, peak nationalism and militarism. If you hate them you have consumed too many alt-right memes.

Attached: xi parade.jpg (1280x720, 162.06K)

>peak militarism
>fart noises

Attached: chinese-stealth-lol.jpg (950x658, 74.48K)

Take a jew
Give him steroids
Give him more steroids
Delete the parts of the talmud that prohibit certain foods
Multiply libido by 10 fold

That's your typical chinaman

That's the Iranian plane, not Chinese J-20.

Chyna will go larger

Attached: 1584501686762.jpg (1080x1077, 49.8K)

The death figures of the Tiananmen Square protests thirty years ago are atrocity propaganda out our by western intelligence agencies.

The filename is wrong, it's the Chinese J-31 "stealth" fighter. Not Iranian, take responsibility for your failures, chink.

Attached: 324563648579.jpg (962x600, 418.59K)

That's a prototype that isn't even in production yet, it's not their main fighter.

Implying their main fighter isn't a hulking pile of bullshit as well. Kys slant.

Attached: j20-smoke.jpg (217x232, 3.08K)


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They’re gonna get raped a la boxer rebellion this century.

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Hard to tell which generation of engines that is, but I think the body of the plane is detected by radar much sooner than the engines' smoke.


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Attached: chino blushing.png (256x256, 105.06K)

Nice try chang.

Won't be around much longer.
Will only be spoken of if referring to incompetence, treachery, or disgust.