Black Discussion Safe Space

>ITT we discuss things that matter to us black people

This thread is a safe space for people of AFRICAN DESCENT ONLY

Whites have all other threads on this board to themselves so stay the fuck out of this one and let us have our own place for discourse

Constructive discussions only. No dumbass wh*toid shit.

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So Brothers.
Your age.
Your inches
How many black girls you fucked
How many nonblack girls you blacked


Shut the fuck up and fuck my wife nigger.

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What is there to talk about?


I'm hwite tho loolololololool

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>your inches
Because blacks have no proud history the only thing they can fall back on is the size of their dick. Fuck I'm so happy I'll never be that pathetic.

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You are feral uncivilized savages who will never amount to shit, so do the world a favor and kill yourself and several black people along with you.

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I want to recolonize Africa and make it an amazing place for our people. It has so much potential but the entire globe feels entitled to strip and exploit it of what should be African patrimony

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Africa belongs to human not animals, return to the wilderness where you belong negroid.

Black ppl aren't all the same though. Many black ppl don't even consider themselves black like many Latino and Arab speaking blacks.

Yes you are all the same as you create the same hellholes no matter where you exist on Earth.

>*migrates to your country*
Ayooo we wuz pilgrims n sheit where’s my cut Tyrone

>our ppl
Who is this our ppl you speak of. Africa is tribal as hell.

>create the same hell holes
>the US, Jamaica and a bunch of other literal paradises.

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Show us an African city

Jamaica is the most dangerous hellhole in the West Indies you stupid nigger.


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No Jamaica, the crime is more organized in that dump while Haiti is just monkeys in wilderness.

African cities are a joke; black American cities are fairly major though relatively speaking.


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Genuine question here, but wouldn't it make more sense for black people to take pride in genuine sub-Saharan African nations? There's a whole plethora of them. The Zulus kicked our arses. The Benin Empire was strong, and had great artwork. The Kongo Empire was treated with respect by Europe, and had ambassadors in Europe. They were even allied to the Dutch! Then there's Ethiopia, and the Swahili trading states on the East coast.
Why waste time looking foolish with the obession over Egypt, and the pseudo historical "Black Europe" nonsense, when there are real examples of great African nations? It puzzles me.

There are some bad countries, but then there are bad white countries too like Ukraine and Afghanistan.

No you stupid fucking nigger, I want to see a city built by Africans.

Why would I take pride in anything in Africa, be it Egypt or otherwise. I'm FROM America.

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Alexandria amd Casablanca are fairly nice, as well as some SA cities.

>Safe space
>On /pol


No savage, you are from the West African coast you are not American and never will be either.


They don't know their own history. I've never met a black who knew the stories of Mansa Musa

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It's a general question. You can't deny that the Hotep nonsense is a real weight on black political engagement.

So, none then.

You’re not from the west in any way shape or form buddy. You literally wish.

COPE harder.

I don't know why this fact hurts people so.much.