>Muh weapons of of war!
Muh weapons of of war!
What ever happened to his dyke beard?
weapons of war in civilian hands is why we have a society
Cory Booker is a faggot.
Cory Booker is a fagggot.
Cory Booker is a faggggot.
Except in the hands of the faggots, niggers, and spics that have been funneled into the police state and armed forces for the last few decades!
Don't worry white people, only YOU can be racist, when they do it they're fighting oppression!
fuck canada
Ironic nothing in the picture from the article are weapons of war though.
Why are these faggots allowed to openly display their want to just throw the constitution in the trash
Is that not treason?
I don’t really care anymore, I’m gonna have my weapons regardless
There’s no country or people left to fight for, they don’t even care
She got tired of his breath smelling like cum and shit.
I thought they said they didn’t want to take away our guns? They always say that when you question their “common sense” bullshit.
“No one wants to take your guns.” They say over and over... as they take your guns.
Yeah, Cory should have linked a picture of what police use.
Colt single action army is a weapon of war. It's meaningless platitudes and there's no point banging on about it.
>dyke beard
That's an oxymoron
Cork Booker is a fagggggot
it's actually very common
does he know?
>OMFG police are patrolling our neighborhoods with weapons of war!
I see that zog discovered the power of alliteration
Americans should rise up and remove the negroid and Jew
I’ll be on the first boat over to help
My mosin is a weapon of war. They want to ban all rifles and they only leave pistols alone because there's already Supreme Court precedent that would strike down a pistol ban.
These are weapons of peace and freedom, freedom from (((the government))). Of course they wouldn't want a well-regulated militia.
>Supreme Court precedent
Yeah, and Kennedy fucked it up enough that there is still room for kikes to pilpul. couple that with their absolute reluctance to take on any lower decisions on anything tangentially related to guns and it's only a matter of time. At least trump banned bump stocks.
"Spartacus" Booker is fine with his bodyguards being armed to the teeth though.... Fuck him and the sway-backed horse he limped in on.
Second post best post
and then one day the government decides to fuck their citizens over and you were defenseless
fuck this world
>people who don't understand guns fear them and want them banned
you're on the wrong side of history, bigots.
Would a 1911 pistol count, or how about an 1800’s Lee-enfield? Slings And rocks used to be weapons of war. What about swords or anything sharp or a blunt object? Where does it end?
Cory booker is a faggot
Yes they do you fucking nigger faggot.
>Where does it end?
Good question. Britain still doesn't know, even though they need a loicense to buy kitchen utensils.
Peasants don't need weapons trust in the government who wants to imprison you for defending yourself and lets criminals out of prison to protect them and allows cartels and gangs to roam freely.
Actually, they literally do, Cory.
Read the fucking Constitution.
You'll shit bricks.
who cares what this fucking nigger fag thinks
It's not courage to ban something out of fear. Your an adult, take responsibility for your own life and stop relying on the government to step in when someone wants to murder you.
Except police and military, right? Our "society" totally circulates the military so what a bullshit statement that is.
That pic makes me think that adding modern guns to historical paintings then citing them would create plenty of lulz.
Like the Washington crossing painting with the boat loaded full M16s and shit. Then when getting in internet debates cite the shopped painting as evidence to annoy people.
Police aside from their SWAT teams use the exact same things as civilians.
SWAT carries submachineguns depending on the department.
Assault rifles are already banned here. They floundered around trying to figure out what to call the firearms they don't like. They settled on stupid vague terms like assault-style-weapons and weapons-of-war.
If the dems win this year expect AWB. They have shown their hand in places like Virginia, and I bet they do it with no grandfathering or exceptions. I expect some states will declare themselves sanctuaries if the feds do this.
didn't colt design that firearm and then just sell it to the military? isn't that how equipment contracts work?
It will backfire. I bought 3 Ar15s over the last few years despite never shooting a gun, nor buying any ammo for them.
I just have them because it is my right.
It ends when you are enslaved.
Our violent crimes would drop 80%. I welcome it.