Why or why not?
Do you like Dan Bongino?
>Do you like Dan Bongino? Why or why not?
Do you like Dan Bongino?
Why or Why not?
>Do you like Dan Bongino?
I like coffee
He's actually pretty based for bein non-white.
I feel sorry for him for being 56%.
also sage
I like Dan because he told me all about the coup 18 months before anyone else.
He's impossible to listen to because he's literally always just shouting and feigning outrage
You can trust the Eye-talians about as far as you can throw them.
He qt but gay
>I feel sorry for him for being 56%.
Feel he is controlled opposition, I mean he was literally a SS agent that would have given up his life to protect the anti-christ Obungo.
What race is that thing?
>high energy spaghetti stressball that invites and enjoys confrontation
He's not a neocon, so he's pretty good.
He's apparently 100% Italian.
all feds are garbage even "ex" feds
Some boomer at my job listens to him on his computer. He sounds mentally retarded.
I hate to say it but I always wondered if he was Italian or Mexican or just a mulatto.
I guess he’s from *southern* Italy.
I would love his show if he didn’t have that retard giggling with nothing to say in the background. He has the ability to carry the show by himself, I don’t know why he needs a giggly retard to tell the audience what’s funny.
More like southern Roman Empire 117AD.
No way, he definitely has some nigger genes in there.
>He sounds mentally retarded.
joe does alot more than say whats funny
sound like you just listened to one episode and fucked off
He actually quit the SS because of Blacky Obastard.
The square head is aesthetically pleasing (no homo).
still keeping their secrets
the muttized face of america
Dude was one of Obama's SS agents. Any chance that for a detail like you7 wouldn't be vetted to make sure of your views?
He says there isn't.
no, just look at him
>he says
yeah, no
That's not how this works faggot.