stating that morality comes from religion is the most retarded thing I've ever heard
Stating that morality comes from religion is the most retarded thing I've ever heard
Religion fags incoming
You ultimately have to take some first axiom as given, "God" is just as arbitrary as "human nature" or "natural law"
is that why so many atheists are either anime-obsessed, drug-obsessed, vidya-obsessed, faggots, or suicidal?
if it weren't for the bible i would suck and fuck all of you to death
The Word is burned into your heart at birth, Satan turns you away from the Truth and against those morals. Re-establishing your relationship with God through our Lord, Jesus Christ, makes you see these morals again.
Those without Christ have ZERO morals, period.
I don't hate religions, i just think that the majority of people who are religious just use religion to justify immoral actions
Retarded, but true.
but how? I've met plenty of people who don't believe in any religion or even doubt the existence of their god, yet are moral and fine people
>yet are moral and fine people
According to who
You are a real person, and I can tell.
I know atheists who are good and moral; ditti agnostics, universalists, muslims, protestants, catholics, orthodox, jews, buddhists, hindis and even cargo cultists in Africa whho are good and moral .
according to me you retard
Who are you?
That's a strawman. And Atheism isn't the other choice besides religion.
Et cetera.
I believe that people use religion to justify doing bad things to other people that they consider immoral, an example would be people killing others that don't line up with their religious views.
Atheism is its own religion.
im me
By definition atheism is the lack of religion
Who are you that decides what is and isn’t moral?
what are its tenets
He is user. What do you care, anyway, nigga?
What is it to (You).
I am ordained, and a Christian.
morals are relative to everyone
I care that he started this thread. And good for you fren
as a christian, do you ever use your religion to ever justify things that you would consider wrong otherwise?
This is sad, and retarded. But true.
You can’t create an objective morality that a whole society can agree on and operate under without religion.
No, they're not. They're just faking it.
Take the existentialist pill, morality comes from within, a priori.
And why is that?
OBJECTIVE morality can technically only come from religion