North Korea General - Comfy /nkg/ #5 Commie Mummy Edition


Essential Viewing
Order No. 27
Hong Kil-Dong

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Worldwide Support for President Kim Il Sung (North Korean Propaganda Film)

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What's her tax policy?

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You know, as much as she look halfway pleasant and normal in this photo, I'll bet money that she's twice as ruthless as her brother

all hail mommy

yep, psychopathic women are even worse than their male counterparts, didn't she have a hand in the assassination that happened some years ago?

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A fucking LEAF, get out of here stupid leaf!

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Y'know, it wouldn't surprise me if she did

Built for it

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He'd probably be shot on sight for doing that if it was in Korea.

Pretty just standing near the supreme leader without warning is grounds for getting shot there.

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Being within looking distance of the supreme leader queen will get you shot.

Uwu sauce

Can someone post her nudes?

dumbass, put your glasses on

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Phoneposting sorry AmeriLard

Second that.


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So Natalia Poklonskaya is gonna have an "epic fight" with Kim Jong-Un's sister?

Kimmy, show yourself.

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Natalia is inferior slavic scum

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bump for the lulz

Post more commie mummy

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I'm gonna

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No mummy?

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praise dommy commie

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So who's the literal who in the military outfit? Not even on wikipedia lol

The feel lick them now. Yes supreme leader. She is going to be great.

russian mummy
natalia poklonskaya

source of the mommy meme m8

Natalia Poklonskaya. She's a Russian prosecutor in the Crimean government installed by Putin

>Tfw Supreme Leader Kim will never force you to lick the bottom of her heels and bare feet while putting her cigarette ashes on you and calling you a peasant

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They would never, they'd make a call to Tel Aviv and Kim would get Israeli CPR just like old Epstein

Feels :((((
Also, Thanks fellow bongalong

I want her to spit on my face and stomp me into the ground

Attached: Supreme Leader.png (752x501, 779.53K)

Yo Jung eternal supreme leader
> Yo Jung eternal supreme leader
Yo Jung eternal supreme leader
> Yo Jung eternal supreme leader
Yo Jung eternal supreme leader
> Yo Jung eternal supreme leader
Yo Jung eternal supreme leader
> Yo Jung eternal supreme leader