Let's be real.. no one needs or deserves more than $250,000 a year

Let's be real.. no one needs or deserves more than $250,000 a year.

Attached: bez.jpg (1280x720, 142.91K)

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>stocks are income, I think


What an awful word.

They do if they earn

says the poorfag.

I make even more than that. Wanna know why?

Because I'm not a dumb piece of shit faggot like OP. I hustle and for that, I get more than you.

You'll never be shit. Ever. Think about that.

>Let's be real.. no one needs or deserves more than $250,000 a year.

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I make 85k, and its way more than I'll ever need.

You makes your money off of the back of people who actually work most likely.

I actually support Bezos having billions because he’s in favor of the NWO and constantly supports it through various means

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Lol. I guess you dont want doctors. Or good ones at least.

Im not working for less than $500,000/yr

Doctors are paid mostly to prescribe drugs. You should get minimum wage for that. Especially because a lot of the time, those drugs cause dependencies.

We need ethno-states with resource-based economies, socialist governments and a global population below 1 billion people. Change my mind.

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The only thing most doctors deserve is a rope.

imagine having 85k of monopoly money to work with, but you're such a left wing faggot that rather than seeing it as an opportunity to better your own and other people's lives, you would prefer to sit on your macbook snarking about those who do

wait until alibaba merges with amazon
You ain't ready for the nightmare that is Babazon.
>UBI deposited automatically into your Babazon account.
>Your social compliance score on Instabook will determine your discounts on Babazon

I think you would be surprised how much of my money goes to help others.

>no one needs or deserves more than $250,000 a year

Fuck you, faggot. That’s enough to live on, sure. But I want money to give to charities and do good in the world without worrying about whether it’s tax deductible.

Do you realize how dystopian things can get if humans can’t use their wealth for big projects and helping causes?

>no new housing
>no new stores
>no scholarships
>no university endowments
>no one researching cures for diseases unless market incentivized
>all the animal shelters would be 100% kill

Dude, we need wealthy people... they just need to NOT SUCK at having that power. Subverting meritocracy in America with forced diversity isn’t going to help things. The best people need to be the ones who reach the top, that way they can do the most good.

We wouldn't need charities if this#was implemented, dumb fuck. Money is an arbitrary unit of measurement. Quality of life is what matters most. If everyone had organic food available, clean water, free healthcare and a variable UBI based on certain factors, then this world would be a far better place. In order for this to be possible we need to have the population maintained below 1 billion people.

Not your decision to make. Fuck off loser.

We don't have Meritocracy in america anymore, we have Jewitocracy.
You can get rich through business and investments, but you'll never get power

I do, because I want a 300k bentley.

The system will consume itself regardless of population if the majority aren't working. People naturally maximize reward and minimize effort. What do you think will happen to this system over time? It collapses. It will always collapse.

Then go to a third world shithole and get operated by a smelly nigger "doctor" that works for 5 bucks a month.

The words "capitalism" and "deserves" don't go together.

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>Maintained below 1 billion
Unfortunately we’re already at the point where you’d have to genocide basically everyone on earth that doesn’t live in a western, first world nation for this to happen.

Not that that’s a problem in and of itself, it’s just that you’re never going to convince 7 billion people that 6 billion people need to die. No matter who you are, those chances aren’t great.

But hey, if this plan involves forcible exterminatus for China, India and the entire African continent (And it will need to) you might get some takers, just probably not the ones you want.


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Go to bed Bernie.

I have the solution. We need to implement a one-child policy centered around a eugenics program. This must be done BEFORE we implement UBI. We can buy out the people whose genes we want to remove from the gene pool. $3000 per month, for life, if they accept sexual sterilization. The long term payoff would justify the short term investment. Everyone else can have one child, while the most intelligent, beautiful, and disease-resistant among us can be incentivized to have more children. In doing this we will refine the human gene pool over time and gradually reduce the population. It would take the longer part of a century, at least, but IF WE DO NOT do this, we will perish. With the success of this program, robotics, artifical intelligence and automation will have advanced to the point where we can raise healthy livestock, grow healthy crops, and provide the basic human resources needed for survival, for everyone

we didn't build modern civilization because we needed to

neck yourself commie

How did you come up with that number specifically?
What is your current annual income?

You're talking out of your ass. Watch the documentary "Collapse".


Its in English, but has subtitles in Portuguese

1 leap year = 366 days = (366 days) × (24 hours/day) × (3600 seconds/hour) = 31622400 seconds
>$2,489x31622400 sec = $78.708.153.600 not $250k you absolute brainlet

even poor people in developed nations have more than they """need"""

>> 85K

Do you manage a Wendy's? I was making more than that after I graduated college.

You must be stupid.

Sorry to tell you bro, your gender studies degree it's worthless

Wendy's managers don't make that much. Also, you can raise a family on that in many parts of the country. Anyway, despite your college education, you're still a wage slave/cuck. I'm in my early 20's, and work for myself making 110K. I work when I want, from anywhere I want, and I didn't go to college (no debt)

Ok but you can't tell people what to do with their money. Virtue signalling, entitled, faggot spotted.

How does he support it?
To be honest I'm in favor of a NWO because it will allow us to reduce the global population and refine the gene pool, but I'd much prefer it if kikes weren't at the helm

Stop being a fucking leech. Nobody needs leeches like you in the world. Kys, you useless cunt. If you can't find a way to get rich, just end your life. If you can't find a way to make rent, kys and the rest of your family line

"I can't make a cogent argument on my own *link*"

>Let's be real.. no one needs or deserves more than $250,000 a year
kek that's what one of my cars cost
Seethe more, commie

You must be stupid if you don't realize most of jobs are low tier and society is based on micro company's .

Most of jobs are related with agriculture, restaurants, clothing shops , warehouses, grocery shops, energy facilities , call centers and the list goes on.
That is where most of taxes come and not big size company's like Vodafone with a history of taxes evasion to off shore accounts


And because you have such unbalanced society's your economy is the perfect host for the spread of this covid virus.

If everybody was rich who would grow and farm the food you eat, who would manage energy and water facilities , who would build houses, fix your car, delivery your mail, maintain your internet the list just goes on.
I am sorry but you are a very ignorant person.
And this is why things are gonna get worst just wait , spit on the air now you get it in the forehead soon.

>Let's be real.. no one needs or deserves more than $250,000 a year.
>Let's be real.. no one needs or deserves more than $25,000 a year.
>Let's be real.. no one needs or deserves more than $2,500 a year.
>Let's be real.. no one needs or deserves more than $250 a year.
>Let's be real.. no one needs or deserves more than $25 a year.
>Let's be real.. no one needs or deserves anything