White Genocide General

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The people who edit normal photos to put blacked shit in them are my favorite of these cumbrained lunatics

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help fight crime. abort black baby's

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Coping for something I guess. Kinda sad actually

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Just what the Jews want, their 2800 slaves for each Jew...

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Haha white race go ded

t. Brown man fucking a white girl
Can't wait to have her pump out a few mixed kids and then I can find another one to fuck.

At least we're finally admitting it's genocide. I'd honestly rather you blow my brains out then drag it out like this though.

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How about fixing your own culture instead of arguing with some nigger.

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What kind of person makes these types of things and posts them incessantly on Yas Forums?

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Based. Can't wait till all of you devils are gone.

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Chang, we know it’s you.

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Stay mad, whyte boi.

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You will never get rid of us. You are an anima slave class we are pure and perfect, You are shit DNA. degenerate and disgusting. Everyone hates you.

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Okay, Chang.

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If the Bill Gates Georgia Guidestone shit is in motion, why are white people first in the crosshairs for extinction if huwite people are supposed to rebuild the world???

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You mean when we left you and went into space?

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You niggers can't even feed yourselves. If you kill us, you will die too. But if we kill you, our civilization can go on pretty much indefinitely until some asteroid or superbug with 100% kill rate hits it. You are obsolete farm equipment and the world does not need you.

I'm genuinely curious why you are posting all of this,can you show us your flag?

Getting rid of nigger would significantly assist in fixing our culture. Perhaps you could worry about the whole sandniggers raping your women thing instead of worrying about us?

>cuck general
Seems more appropriate for you faggots.

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U mad?

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Tfw that actor is married to and has kids with Ashton kutcher, maybe if your brain wasn't the size of a fucking pea you could have found that out on Google you retarded fucking coon nigger

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I dunno, are you?

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Better opportunity to drop redpills though.

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And still you're going extinct LMAO

>my jewdar is going off

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This is the unironic best refutation to the
>muh blacks complain about whites in the same way whites complain about jews
The reality is that blacks would die without whites but whites would thrive without jews

>YFW all these morons fell for the white vs black, black vs white movements literally propagated by the ashkenazi jewish supremacy

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Have to try harder than this if you want us to go extinct Chang.

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ok chingchong whatever you say

There's nothing wrong with genociding the french.

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>why yes I post in /WGG/ how could you tell?

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There is no way that's fucking real!!

It's a slow process, but it's happening. The USA will be less than 50% white within this century, and from then there is no return. Good Riddance!

Whitebois must be forcefully feminized

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It's not, just a demoralization thread. Just post some based redpills.

Remember, all BBC posters are assumed asian until proven to be Jews.

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