Why is the Incel lifestyle becoming the norm for young white males?

Why is the Incel lifestyle becoming the norm for young white males?

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Wizards getting ready for the lizard war

carousel queens are all riding the same 10% of dicks on Tinder

immigration explains that chart

What baffles me is how anyone exposed to the Internet could still be aroused by real world people.

Those massive spikes and dips make me think this isn't the most accurate chart. If that is true, let's ask why it happened before and what stopped it.

It all started in the 50s/60s with the loss of faith, which gave birth to Feminism, porn, immigration and consumerism.

If you want to fuck up a society, all you have to do is to "liberate" and mislead the females.

This is obviously not limited to just white men. This is an obvious troll thread and the fact that it hasn't been removed by now is proof that most of the jannies are anti white leftists.

>men can't get laid
>massive spike starting around the same time as the great recession

Yeah its almost like there's no fucking jobs and nobody wants to fuck some broke dude that still lives with his parents and can't even afford to take you out even if he wanted to. Seriously, white men used to have it made careerwise. Even if all your life ended up amounting to was "Graduate. Get job at local factory. Buy house at 20. Get kids. Send kids to college. Retire at 65." it was still a stable life that a lot of women were fine with. Now you're just completely screwed. Even if you go to college, who gives a shit, you'll just end up with a shitload of debt and often not even a viable long term career.

Its male on general, this doesnt say shit about white fucking retard also indians and east asians on the west are turbo incels compared to any other demographic, whites are the most likely people to get laid followed in second by blacks.

bro you're talking a centuries-long process there, i hope you meant the 1450's

>40+ years of femtard propaganda attempting to emasculate men and tell them "All men are rapists" comes to roost
>men begin to realize women aren't the fair maidens that fairy tales, Hollywood and other wonks drive into their brains from birth
>No World Wars or massive plagues (Nice try CoronaChan, you're not even in the top 20 for pandemics) to scare men into doing their "patriotic duty" to get married and start shitting out kids
>Video games, the internet and sex dolls render need for RL companionship moot
>Fuck a greedy ho wanting you to hand over your wallet just because she MIGHT touch your dick once a year

In my personal sexperience white guys are very neurotic and awkward with women

Not all obviously but most of you treat women like they’re celebrities or royalty or some shit and then wonder why they treat you like peasants

You take anything and everything they say at face value

t. Black

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It's not. Maybe a slight increase in basement dwelling due to the amount of consoomables available, but most males aren't incel virgins. The idea that the incel lifestyle is becoming the norm is pure cope thought up in the incelosphere in order for its members to feel less bad about their predicament

Weird how it correlates with the rise of Facebook, insta, tinder etc

Almost like the dynamics of the sexual marketplace changed

Like amazon and the internet did to the physical goods marketplace

Incels are like mom and pop shops... they just can’t stack up to the competition that everyone buys from

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>most males aren't incel virgins.
Well obviously, but 25% is still a huge group and there's no indication that'll stop growing and it'll probably only get worse due to the current corona depression

And on top of that, this is just the men below 30.

It’s two parts:

- women need less choice and financial freedom
- men need jobs that are globalized so they’re paid normally not some wage that’s compared against what Chang or Patil will do it for

I think I’m like this. Any tips for me?

Only 30% of men actually reproduced back then. DNA tests didn’t exist so generations of betas died childless and unknowingly nurturing alpha spaw.

this is kind of true. pussy is put on a pedestal like never before and it's repeated across the all the media, but most normie men aren't shy incels. They just have to go with the program

This is true, and it's a consequence of a higher average IQ.

You already know why. White men are inherently rule-abiding, self-regulating men with morals and integrity and the rules of a feminist society strictly prohibit masculine behavior, which is what women really want. All women want to be gangraped by a pack of powerful warriors and filled to the brim with their seed.

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If you ever catch yourself getting too starry eyed just imagine her as every lazy, annoying, selfish, narcissistic, unhygienic, greedy, childish woman you ever met

No matter how good she looks

No matter how cute she acts

There’s at least one man out there who is absolutely tired of her bullshit

Holy shit. Is female empowerment so emasculating that it's what everyone here blames for this issue happening instead of taking responsibility for their own shortcomings? Maybe men are just going through a weird ~emotional~ phase right now in their global development. You didn't think we just... stopped... evolving, did you? We're doing it internally now, guys. Come on. Growing pains.

If you really think the problem is being caused by MORE TITTY. I think you realize what your bigger problem could be.

>source: general social survey
Right...great source.

>female empowerment

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Women are disgusting , shallow, selfish creatures and men are aware more than ever. The difference is that roasties will try to come crawling back in 5-10 years, after Tyrone has left them with 4 pieces of coal.

Wrong, its middle easterners second. Its over for blackcels.

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Woman is fickle
Like a feather in the wind,
She changes her voice — and her mind.
Always sweet,
Pretty face,
In tears or in laughter, — she is always lying.
Always miserable
Is he who trusts her,
He who confides in her — his unwary heart!
Yet one never feels
Fully happy
Who on that bosom — does not drink love!
Woman is fickle
Like a feather in the wind,
She changes her voice — and her mind,
And her mind,
And her mind!

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The same amount of men in the survey reported having no sex in the past year which shows there's a selection bias (targeted toward young men) and also counts any man who had sex before 18 as a virgin. Probably a low number of respondents too.

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