Racial tension is a weapon of the rich to inhibit class consciousness. Even taking genetics into consideration...

Racial tension is a weapon of the rich to inhibit class consciousness. Even taking genetics into consideration, everyone on Yas Forums has more in common with Tyrone than they do with George Soros, Warren Buffett, or Charles Koch, but the media (((they))) own saturates the internet with cherrypicked statistics, cuck porn, and penis envy to outrage your tribal impulses and keep you distracted. Are you a man who can work together with your fellow men, or are you an animal who claws and bites at an outstretched hand?
You think niggers are beasts? Fine, but the rich think you are vermin, and the only reason they aren't trying to exterminate you is the surplus wealth they extract from your labor. They've consolidated the economy with predatory, anticompetitive measures, and now the entire country is an 1800s-style company town, writ large. Toil in our mines, take our monopoly money for your pay, spend it in our company store. The logical conclusion to capitalism has arrived.
Every division in society is an illusion. Blacks aren't oppressed by whites, women aren't oppressed by men, gays aren't oppressed by the straight, non-Christians aren't oppressed by Christians. It's all a smokescreen to keep you bickering with each other, keep you dragging each other down, keep you up at night with imaginary monsters in your closet while the rich sleep soundly. The poor are oppressed by the rich. Social mobility is frozen solid. You are living in a caste system, except there are only two tiers: a few Brahmins at the top, and millions and millions of untouchable scum at the bottom.
Even politics is just another dust cloud blown up to obscure the reality of your life. The right wing complain of overbearing government, and lowers taxes (theirs, not yours). The left wing tells you government is a tool to solve the people's problems, and raises taxes (yours, not theirs). Back and forth the pendulum swings, and next time it will swing your way, you think, but it never does, does it? Wake up.

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Not rich, but a specific kind of rich people. Who are Jews. Rich Jews are the enemy

Propose a solution

>Racial tension is a weapon of the rich to inhibit class consciousness.
Is that why niggers, the most racially tribalistic "people" on earth, are also the most communistic retards around?

We need to educate the masses about who the real enemy is. We don't need to like each other we just need to respect each other and tolerate each other long enough to break the (((chains))).

Diversity is their strength, they told you so.


Is Bill Gates Jewish?

Attached: Bezos on Diversity and Unions.jpg (836x646, 178.48K)

Race tension is natural and stems from diversity. The exploitative upper classes who have no sympathy or feeling of kinship with the people they rule over (directly or indirectly) are the ones who force diversity on the lower classes. They do this for many reasons, but one of them is indeed to prevent the lower classes from ousting these traitors from power.

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B..b...but what about BASED TRUMP!

I agree, but it can't mix.
You have to find a common ground, and they're... as stubborn as we are.

Call them honorary Jews if you want, but you're fooling yourself if you think you have friends among billionaires. It doesn't matter what race they are, you are a commodity to them.
They are prey to propaganda just like you are. The media feeds them tales of perpetual horror to fix their minds. The white man hates you, they're told. The white police shoots you on sight because crime is your heritage, they're told. The pop culture manufactured by the ruling class whispers to them that the game is rigged for black people, that they can't win, that they shouldn't even play, all the while shipping them drugs to sell to their own communities.
It doesn't have to mix. Different peoples self-segregate, if allowed. Once we've removed the parasites at the top, we won't even have to form the ethnostate. The ethnostates will form themselves, and given the opportunity to work for the good of their people, they will be industrious partners.

>They are prey to propaganda just like you are
oh, like all that propaganda 600 years ago that told them to fuck little boys and eat each other and never domesticate animals or develop the wheel?
or are you gonna be disingenuous and act like arabic north africans are the same as black niggers from south of the sahara?

>Different peoples self-segregate
Yes into different countries, and then they will compete for land, resources and glory. This happens even within the same race and will happen as well to a greater degree among different races.

The only things we can agree on is that Jews are the greatest enemy and that they must go, and that racial purity is needed for social cohesion.

>when a nigga’s post glows
Just stop going to work, learn how to live off the land. Opt out of their game.

They will not be removed from power by you or anyone else opting out of society.


North Africans, South Africans, they are all the same right now in this country. There are only two races, the capitalists, and the capitalist slave race. Once your masters are gone, then and only then can Africa sort Africans out.
No, he's latched onto the thread sewn through the heart of the matter. Why do you think it's illegal to live off the grid? One person opting out won't stop them, but what about ten thousand? Ten million? What will they do when 300 million people work for themselves instead of them, trade among each other instead of buying their products?

user, listen. We gotta talk, but ima keep it short and concise - i'm only racist, ironically.

OP is right, wrong, and a fag.

>ten thousand
No difference
>Ten million
No difference
>300 million
By that time you will have depopulated entire cities and numerous towns. It's not a viable option at all compared to any form of political movement that is anti-jewish and pro-white. It's easier to convince a person to work for their racial interests than it is to ask them to abandon the lives that modern technology offers them, and if 300 million people are what is needed you can bet that you'll want to make a convincing argument.

>North Africans, South Africans, they are all the same right now in this country.
So the disingenuous route, commonplace among communist faggots.


Nobody is toiling hard in the field which is why the new control system works so well.

Don't forget the Chinese Jews too

Blacks and whites uniting is one if the ways we can drive out the jew but I think niggers are too low I.Q. to understand that the jew is seperate from white people. Maybe in 2040 Kanye will go full based and expose how jews are the ones shackling even successful black people. Blacks have to led by blacks to then finally join us against the jew (see Martin Luther King Jr and the movement collapsing right have he dies) they need a based leader.

of course shitskins are a weapon of the elites
The answer isnt to be best friends with niggers (which could never happen)
Its to remove all the niggers and the jews


little LGBT shits are trying to set themselves up as the bourgeoisie while they attempt to destroy the middle class
throw gay commies from rooftops like mozsloms

On a more serious note, shit you wrote should be common knowledge - the rich divide the poor, or poorer. They don't play with them, they, the rich, are handed the cards of the world and they merely need to use them between each other while playing a game of trying not to lose - this is all metaphorical, because we don't truly know shit about them + a common person would make them "awed" "awesomed", all that jazz. They're not "evil", "satanic" (even if they do go through some sort of rituals or all that bullshit), they can simply see the gaps between metaphor and the material - money=wealth, culture=ethic, people=power, etc.

Common sense would also dictate to obliterate the rich, but then we'd have the Soviet Union again and the power would merely shift to another "jew".

Example: imagine a man, who is either feared or loved by everyone, people who gather around that man, or the people that man allows to get close will be loyal or, at the very least, useful.

I could continue, but I feel/think most of this is kind of common knowledge if you read up on 3 types of philosophy - Western, Eastern and fantasy.

The right and the left are merely petty politics, which were created by Americans and now they're loosing the power of metaphor, which they stole in the first place.

Give me a question or a statement and i'll give a logical reply.

P.S. even being scum can be amazing if you're not fucking stupid and know how to use your imagination to recreate the world around you, it might be imaginary, but this metaphorical world can be as rich as the real one if you manage to make connections. It can even be transferred to the real world with enough efforts.

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Nailed it.

>Racial tension is a weapon of the rich to inhibit class consciousness.
As opposed to class theory being weapon of poorfag marxists to install themselves into positions of political power?

people keep asking this
he seems obviously jewish to me

Kek, you're silly if you think Yas Forums doesn't just want to be racist, simply using Jewish people as a scapegoat for why anyone would expect them not to be racist.

>more in common with Tyrone than they do with George Soros
The only thing I might have in common with Tyrone is the low income.
Working classes from the entire world are very different and that's why ghettos are formed. Because poor people have only their community/culture/nation. It's rich people the only ones who can afford to have no community or nation. They want their whole world to be their playground, what do they care about borders.

The fact that both Tyrone and Hans are victims of the globalists is a red herring. Multiculturalism is still a problem, with or without the rich.

On an another note, it all, truly, returns to nothing. Even the "powers that suck my pp" are a part of nature.

>Every division in society is an illusion. Blacks aren't oppressed by whites, women aren't oppressed by men, gays aren't oppressed by the straight, non-Christians aren't oppressed by Christians.
No, these prejudices *are* real, and Yas Forums *exalts* in them. You are correct to say that the wealthy use those bigotries for their benefit, but it's false to say that they aren't real.

Multiracial nations will always be dysfunctional at a profound level. The problems would remain and continue to fester and create tragedy even if wealth stratification were done away with completely. Not to recognize this marks you as either stupid or more likely, manipulative and dishonest. Lets fix the most fundamental problems first and then move on from there okay, Che?

It's true to an extend but a serious political struggle can only occure in a high social trust community ie an ethnically homogeneous polis because such is human nature.

Tell blacks to stop committing so much violent crime then

It is the racism that makes them dysfunctional. If you were capable of collectively getting over it, multiracial societies would function just fine.


Racism is a human trait, you can't get over it only suppress it, which is the world we live in right now.

The vast majority of black individuals never commits a single violent crime over the course of their lives.

Fuck off, there's zero mystery in who created this country's institutions. Northwest Europeans transformed this country from a wilderness into the most prosperous nation in the world. The state has been usurped from serving our interests and instead promotes the influx of millions of third world peasants and sends away technology we created to East Asia, for nothing.

shilling leftism again.
well done, but still shilling.

>implying I have more in common with a talentless low IQ jiggaboo porchmonkey than a powerful affluent highly intelligent person

Maybe you do, but not I.

He is a rockfeller

Very good post.

Can confirm, were all getting denied the right to make the rules.