What will the US look like if current trends continue?
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What will the US look like if current trends continue?
mutted, since those counties where this growth is to take place hold less people than the diverse megacities.
The USA has a bright future but we're going to have to fight the traitors again first.
Race war !!
Based mormons
>current trends continue?
Christian God is a demiurge but I mean within the context of Christianity it would be interesting to have the country dominated by a truly home-grown church.
no you would have to kill lots of spics staying at hotels right now across america. they are invading for the election and the msm is lying about it when they say traffic across the boarder is lower right now
arizona and new mexico have a problem. they are flocking to those and you guys would have to go and kill them to prevent trump from losing the election. if trump loses then minorities win and niggers will be fucking your daughters. then niggers are in your house. and if you say anything that the left doesnt like online about the niggers in your house then they will euthanize you because the left will be crafting legislation
Yes, but the reason people bring up groups like the Amish and old order Mennonites is because they have birthrates far higher than people in the cities and even niggers in Africa.
In the long run the Amish are set, the Mormons are beginning to decrease in births which is why I don’t mention them, but those urbanites in the city just abort their children or get dogs and cats to complete their empty life’s.
Pic related is the Amish population.
A purge of degeneracy, and perhaps a substantial increase true American values which includes a deep heavy emphasis on the Family (marriage having children etc). The Catholic church and Cringe non denomination churches are dying and the LDS church will be the last Bastion of true Christianity left.
Mormonism is dying bro.
0 chance for Mormons, their fertility rate has fallen below 2.1. Meanwhile, Amish have good chance of reaching 5m+ till the end of century.
The LDS also actively lies about the numbers. If you were born to an parent in their records as LDS, you are also recorded as LDS. You must actively petition and go through a long process to get removed from their records as a member of the LDS church. Even then any children you have will be recorded as LDS members by relation to any family members you may still have in the church. They also baptize dead people by proxy, having live people stand in for multiple dead people in dozens of baptisms per stand-in. They do this in the basement of their temples.
i thought this was the yellowstone eruption
Fake... probably built into the sleezy government worker contract. All new hires have to claim being Mormon to gain employment
even your own graph says that they're still growing (even tho it's misleading at first glance).
all other religions are hemorrhaging adherents.
mormons are even capturing latinos (the most important demo for them) more than any other race.
Plus mormons have a birth rate 61% higher than the american average (3.4 vs 2.1)
finally the fact that if you want to marry a Mormon, you need to convert to the faith bc your Mormon partner believes that neither of you will go to heaven if you aren't both Mormon.
that's important bc like it or not, Mormons produce successful, likeable, morally upstanding, traditional, attractive young people who are top tier on the dating market. That versus the rest of the country's rapidly degenerating young people, many of whom don't even want to marry or reproduce in the first place.
that being said, i don't know when this gif is from, but it's obviously inaccurate.
mormon growth is down to 1% a year and has fallen every year since it was at like 5% in the early 90s.
And even then, the states where Mormons are gonna grow the most (Arizona, Nevada, Idaho and Utah) are literally the three fastest growing states in the union. And that has less to do with the local Mormons than with retirees and Californians fleeing the coast.
So any Mormon growth that you'd otherwise think would translate into political influence will just get diluted by other populations flooding those states/districts.
They are only growing due to spic converts and many of those members don’t even practice the religion, but still get counted as Mormon.
>many of those members don’t even practice the religion, but still get counted as Mormon.
so like every other religion?
True, here is a gif of their settlements and we aren’t even counting old order Mennonites which are literally the same thing even down to the high as fuck birthrates (higher in some cases), denial of kike propaganda and the hardcore traditionalism.
Yeah, but the difference with the Amish is that if you don’t follow it you get kicked the fuck out which is why their numbers are far more trust worthy than any other religion.
Redpill me on the mormons,I don't know anything about them.
Everything west of the Mississippi will be brown, everything east will be inbred luddites.
The demiurge are everywhere, and they believe in false idols.
They are the only people who live by Christianity. The lord blesses them with fertility
If it's anything like Utah, it will be a shithole.
Mormons have a fertility rate of 3.4...
Con religion of Jew larper.
Imagine half the population following a religious heresy....
The “American birth rate” is 1.6 - 1.7 for white women and 1.7 - 1.8 for non white women. The closest to 2.1 the US has been since 1972 was 2.07 in 2007.
Yes I'm sure that applies evenly across the entire american population. Some rural white mormon has the same birthrate as a feminist landwhale in San Francisco.
The gif implies Mormons and Amish will make up about 40% of the US in 2120. 30% Mormon, and, 10% Amish. Which will average 85% and 100% white. They’ll like be well over 50% of the white population. Of course this is just speculation on what will be 100 years from now.
If the Mormons have stayed primarily in the same areas for over a hundred years what makes you think they'll spread like that? They're not going to convert that many people to their retard cult and even with high birthrates they aren't going to beat hispanic birthrates that quickly.
Exurban & Suburban white women average about 2.2 kids throughout their lifetime. White women in inner cities average 0.9 children throughout their lifetime as of the most recent data for the current fiscal year. That still only puts us at 1.65. Non white women have an average of 1.75 in both the suburbs and inner cities and are on average 12 years younger then white women. White women in “rural areas” are only at 1.55. The non white women there are lower yes but non whites have been leaving rural areas more so then white people since the late 19th century.
Mormons have a TFR if 3.4. Hispanics 1.8
What would a major amish city look like?
I guess I can believe the numbers of mormons are growing but Amish? Give me a break, people aren't going to want to give up their technology in 2020 and a bunch of weird inbred people living in wagons aren't going to replace modern people, birthrates or not. Just because the normal people birthrate is lower doesn't mean normal people will go away, it just means there will be more weirdos surrounding the normal people.