Describe the morning of September 11, 2001
Describe the morning of September 11, 2001
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I was 6 months old, chilling in my parents house in Atlanta
Woke up late, left for uni
Saw explosions on a tv store
>those americunts again blowing up each other
Turns out it was terrorism and they already knew the name of the guy who did it
Spent the rest of the day wondering who they were going to bomb instead of the responsibles
It was quite interesting. I remember going with my dad to return some video games to Blockbuster that morning, and he said while we were hearing was happening on the radio, “This feels like something out of a movie.” All these years later, I realize how prescient that statement was. Everything we were told about that day’s events proved to be fiction.
Ive literally relived the event over 50 times in my dream. Its like a play ground for me when i go there.
Extremely fun.
>I could give a FUCK
>says like larry david
>puts mirror in front of your brain
Was at school. Teacher told us tower sploded and to go home for some reason. Free afternoon of vidya.
I was 4 years old, chilling in my parents house in NYC
The most based moment. I wish more americunts would have died
I was almost 7 and the principal called the entire school into the gym to have a moment of silence for America and none of us knew wtf was going on so a few kids were talking.
Then I got home and my mom was watching the TV and she let me watch it and still I was like wtf be happening?
Then as I got older every year it started to make sense.
Tried to suck my own cock. I was laying on my back and was pushing my ass towards my face to try and reach the tip of my dick. Ended up rolling backwards and think i almost broke my neck. Then i saw the plane
I’m was on a plane. I was going to hijack it but I chickened out.
woke up early 2 hours before school because i wanted to play diablo 2 on my dads computer. was outside the pandamonioum fortress when i said huh mom hasnt told me to quit playing yet, go down stairs see pic on tv, think huh maybe no school today. still have to go to school. school doesnt really give a fuck, go on as normal
I was eating my morning cereal and watching the news on TV with my mom when we saw the first tower get hit. My mom freaked out, she thought it had been hit by a missile. The entire day at school was super weird and we spent most of the day watching the news and talking about what was happening. I will never forget that day in my life, my memory of that day is more clear than my memory of what I had for breakfast this morning.
Was a morning like any other morning, woke up and ate breakfast as my Dad left for the train station to go to his job in Manhattan. Mom drove my sister and I to elementary school.
I'll never forget leaving school early and my mom driving us to the bay to go see the smoke, ash was falling on the ground around us.
PA weather - CRISP cool morning with not a single cloud in sight all day. Warmed up quickly
quit responding to these "genuine" threads everyday, retards
Had the day off. Saw footage on tv and thought they blew up a hospital. Once I found out it was the trade center, I think I sad what the fuck about 30 times
"Hey man you wanna see me do a sick loop de loop between those two buildings over there?"
"bet you 20 bucks you can't do it."
I lost 20 bucks that day.
Was in 6th grade at school and they announced after the first plane hit and then they dismissed us early and I went to a friend's house and saw the second plane hit and then the towers fall and the other planes that went down later.
>sleeping while it happened because it was like 4 or 5am
>eventually wake up, slowly getting ready for high school
>almost time to leave
>neighbor who would hitch a ride walks up to front door
>let him in
>he asks if I've seen the news
>he says to turn on the tv
>see them replaying the footage over and over
>quickly get on computer to check clan forums
>ny buddies were alright
>went to school and had to deal with all the dumb cunts crying about it
I was in elementary school. I remember the teachers to the principals office in groups. A bunch of kids were getting picked up. We had fighter jets in the air. My mom worked at a hospital, they had SWAT land on the roof, and she had to show ID to get in our neighborhood. My dad was working 3rd shift at the time so he was sleeping.
I kept wanting to watch TV, I didnt really question why I was home early. My parents wouldnt let me. They told me some people flew a plane into a building. I'm thinking a single engine plane from the airport I live next to, and a building that's only 5 or 6 stories tall. They had to clarify and told me it was a plane like the ones we go on to go to florida. I got confused on why, and even how, that happened
>19 yo
>12 hour shift in crack house
>hooker says usa under attack
>walk into bar at noonish
>steel beams pooling on cnn
Why tho
Why is it always the twin towers? Did everyone forgot that missile that his the Pentagon that killed a bunch of people or Flight 93 which was shot down over Pennsylvania?
I was in Kindergarten and my mom took me out of school cause no one knew what the fuck was happening. She also bought me a police car monster truck, so that was cool.
Home from school, news is on, Tower on fire, wow. Don't pay attention to it until 10 years later, DeNiro is doing a doc on how fucked 9/11 was, guess it was pretty crazy. Irish here.
Jr. year at vocational school, getting through carpentry class.
Just another day. Woke up, had breakfast. Had a job to WT7 that morning, delivering these thermite charges. Never did find out what they were going to use them for.
It was afternoon here. I was driving to pick my girlfriend up from hospital she was an auxiliary nurse. The radio guys started talking about some “terrible news from the USA”, the first plane had hit. By the time we got back to hers the second one was just about happening. Mother was a teacher and I was picking her up from work. They hadn’t heard about any of it and I remember telling mother and the other teachers and they thought I was making it up, so I put the TV n in the staff room, it was quite a sight to see people inwardly collapse.
I was getting ready for school and my mom told me to turn my TV on. It was weird driving to school and then talking to people I didn't hang out with.
I saw it on TV on middle school right before 1st period started (8:45 AM). I knew it was serious when dozens of kid's parents came to pick them up within the next 90 minutes or so. This was in PA
Jets flying into 110-story buildings is more visually spectacular than a missile hitting the Pentagon or a plane crashing in a field.
Not enough jews in the pentagon
Senior year of high school, all the classrooms put the news on the giant CRT TVs mounted to the ceiling in every room. Didn't really know what was going on, since we could only get glimpses of it here and there. Didn't get sent home but nothing got done that day. I remember lots of girls crying for no reason since they had no personal attachment to it, just freaked out I guess.
I went to school and we didn’t do anything except watch the news on the hallway TVs. Waste of fucking time. I could’ve stayed home and played Perfect Dark all day.
Had to get picked up from 4th grade to go to an orthodontist appointment. Got in the van with some older kids from the highschool already in the van and they start telling me what was going on. "Terrorists are inside the Pentagon and killing everyone user". I'm like "Ok" but totally thinking these older kids are just fucking with me. Turn out everyone is watching the towers on TV. Still didnt care but I was entertained by all the boomers gasping and crying.
Got back to school and half the kids were gone because they got picked up by their parents. Still I dont care about what is going on but they start asking me what is going on and why I'm the only kid that came back. Just smugly tell them the truth. Nobody fucking believed me. 30 minutes later the whole school is in lockdown. I literally started laughing to myself like a maniac because I showed all those other kids I was right.
Then I went home and watched Dragon Ball Z.
Lmfao based as fuck, digits confirm
I was in 5th grade eating breakfast in the lunchroom. They made an announcement over the intercom. We all got sent home for the day except kids with two working parents. I went home, rode my bike, and played tekken tag tournament.
I was driving with my friend from work.
Radio informed us first.
After arriving home, family totaly sad.
See the Pictures but can't connect them to reality until the People jumping down the Tower.
Only footage of tower 1 getting hit.
>Flight 93 which was shot down
Those initial reports were memory holed thoroughly.
I was in high school.
did cleanup at the pentagon for 12 days directly after september 11th, 2001 pic related AMA
Senior year high school in some boring class teacher next door barges in saying to put news on a plane hit the wtc..we watched for a few minutes and some nerd commented that it "looks like it was a cessna". Teacher turns it off before 2nd plane hits. The cool teachers let us watch the news because they knew it was important. The shitty teachers were business as usual and didn't let us watch the events unfold. Got to a class friend told me there is plane here in PA, thought it was a lie. Plane crashed about an hour drive away. It was a wild day. I remember sitting on my bed later that day and seeing a mid sized plane flying over. All flights were grounded except emergency personal I always wonder what it was carrying and where it was heading.
It was just a regular morning. What the TV was showing was some horrible shit but eventually got boring and turned off and you changed the channel.
I remember being home playing on pic related. Suddenly our neighbor came storming in our backyard and told us to put on the television, I do not remember if both planes had already gone in, but I do very vividly remember the billowing black smoke and the look on the neighbors and my mothers face, I think I watched the television for about 5 minutes not really understanding what was going on, then I had to go upstairs to my bedroom. The End.
15 years old, woke up in the late afternoon in my 1 bedroom apt. which I just moved into a month prior. Was stoned out of my mind the previous night, so fairly heavy-headed. Turned on the kike altar and saw that one plane had hit the towers. Initially, the media thought it was just a small Cesna etc. but then the other plane came and I saw it live on tv. And then reports about Pentagon and Penn started coming in a bit later, and then I just sat there in my room, smoking some hash and watched the shitshow.
I remember wondering how the hell Building 7 collapsed without a plane hitting it, but never thought more of it until 2007 when I started getting redpilled.
Based. I could lick the tip until I was about 15.
I was in prison. They let us out into the dayroom (which wasn't supposed to happen for many hours later) and let us watch it unfold on the news for the whole day.
a vietnam vet fuckstick who was one of the guards walked in front of us at one point and said "gentlemen, you are watching history fight now"... Yeah, no shit retard.
Pretty simple, really.
There was lots of video of the impacts and collapses of the World Trade Center buildings and nothing of the other planes.
>GF wakes me up
>bitch I read Q, we need about this in 1989
>goes back to sleep
oh yeah, and one of the literal retard inmates who was a literal child molester and raped his own brother, started crying and rocking around saying "what if they come to get us?"... man I forgot about that retard. I unironically hope he's dead.
An argie oldfag... do you have based white daughters?
is it normal for danes to move into thier own apt at 15?