I'm tired of dealing with 60 captchas per post

I'm tired of dealing with 60 captchas per post
Fuck the mods
Fuck gook moot
and most of all, FUCK normal moot.

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Oh and fuck jannies

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Maybe try to actually write posts with meaning instead of spamming one liners multiple times a minute.

bruh seriously whats a capcha?

stop phoneposting or spamming you nigger

Normal Moot did the smart thing and left. Also he probably could've offloaded this place to that KYM faggot or someone else the moment it became a burdensome nightmare, or just shut it down, but kept going with it.

Its been all fucking day. Ive been posting like this for 8 fucking hours

For what purpose, nigger? This is how you're spending the apocalypse?

its how Ive unironically spent my life.
I know its sad and pathetic, but interacting with anons is all I have. So the captcha thing sorta fucks me over hard.

Bro, do the audio CAPTCHA instead. Takes 5 seconds.

jannnies are being complete faggots. banning for replying to shit threads, well them delete the shit threads YOU USELESS FUCKS. if there's nothing but shit threads, what do you want us to do, just stop posting? obviously that's what they want.

I think I may have been shadow banned. Can one of you faggots reply to this and put me at ease? Ta.

niggers banned me for shit I dont even know what I did "wrong". They also ban anti-china posts. fuck them, they are ccp agents.

cant, it thinks Im automated



you're welcome

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filthy rosbeef you

It’s quicker to reset your ip bro.
The captcha is deliberately broken and I don’t understand why anyone would want it on their website.

Remember the libturds gloating last year over the captcha?
This sites pretty shit right now. I am losing interest desu. Thinking about all the time I waste. Might have to stop again.

Not everyone can reset their ip.
Some isps assign it based off of mac address and not everyone can change their mac address.

On iphone you have to delete browser history and cookies when theres more than 3 captchas.

I don't need to do the captchas, it automatically fill when i click on it.
Mad ?

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I just realized something. That retarded deus vult memeflag has a damn pass

A lot of shills have passes so they can use proxies and get first world flags.
The shills that dont have passes use memeflags.
never take a memeflag seriously.

okay, I'm wondering how can he post nearly instantly. I'm guessing he might be a bot

Phoneposter btfo

He probably has a pass
the mods also probably take money to not ban shills. Thats why bbc threads stay up all night while they ban any other dissident almost instantly. the ones that pay get to stay.

not on a phone

What browser do you have? When I'm posting from my computer, I usually just have one captcha test to pass. On my phone I have to do like 20 of them.

They keep deleting the pepe threads too. Do they hate pepe now?

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why you replied

Buy a pass faggot