Jesus 2020

Jesus 2020.

It’s time to bring morals back to the White House.

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Jewesses are cute, pretty, beautiful, sexy, smart, wealthy, traditional, religious, have nice Khazar Milkers, and White enough to have White babies with.

Jewesses are the real alternative to White women. Take the Jewesspill anons.


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Cool, bring back the death of fags and degeneracy days, Will he nuke San Francisco to ash? Will he make people sell their clothes to buy weapons or just give them to us? will the crusade rise again?

JESUS 2020

fuck off kike!


I dont listen to people who have no vested interest in christ as the savior when they talk about him

If Jesus came back ran for president the kikes would convince the rest of the world he's Hitler

Yes, i'm sure Jesus' "buy a sword" policy would go over well with democrats.

If there was a political party that supported the poor without all the fag shit and baby murder I would be all for it.

he was already crucified once for bringing that to Israel.

Kek. I think if Jesus came back today he'd start flipping tables and have a go at some Jews with a stick again. All these "Jesus was a Pacifist" types conveniently forget that Temple scene.

Jesus was a massive cuck. As a leader of a nation he would let foreign interests take over piece by piece until there is nothing left. Just look at the current Pope kissing the feet of Muslims who would behead him if they were numerous enough.

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>hates jesus
pic very related

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>this fucking argument again
>from a Jew, no less

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Kek, good eye anglo-bro


Not Jewish. Just think Jewish chicks are sexy.

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Not this is using the Lord name in vain. This shit is heresy

These thing do not work in this world sweetheart, it's all sweet honey to your ears and full of falsehoods around how it would work.

based. first thing that came to my mind. looked in my folders but couldnt find it so had to grab it off joogle. my eyes are naturally beady lel

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Yas Forums hivemind stronk

i love there is at least one other person on this planet, somewhere, whos mind is in tune with my thoughts. even if no one i personally know is, there is an user sat somewhere across the world who thought the exact same thing lel. i love this place

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Christ was a spiritual leader not a politician.
>Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's."

Browsing Yas Forums for a long enough time causes you to develop an ideological immune system. Certain countersignal memes or pieces of banter function almost like antibodies. You love to see it in action

Ask her if her people would kill him again.

>i put meme image so im right

if I dont believe in christianity but my argument is true if one assumes christianity to be an authority, is true, and some trump supporter X believes christianity to be an authority, then X must support my argument

change the icepop to a shitty buttplug please

If Jesus showed up and ran for president in 2020 id'e tell him he needs to go back to Mexico and build that fucking wall already.

Yeah, like Jesus would support any of the left's platform


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you are now best frens

It Jesus came back. He would use his Jesus powers to gas the Jews.


this kike bitch has no place here. stop shilling her

According to 2 thessalonians, jesus would take gibs away from niggers. "If a man does not work, neither should he eat".