Trudeau gun ban list


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Imagine being this cucked

Chinks have taken over Canada.

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>convenient mass shootings intensify

The government kills its own people in order to take away their ability to defend themselves and the people cheer. Waiting around for the majority to open their eyes will inevitably be the reason for our failure.

The nova scotia shooting didn't even involve these guns, and the guns he used were illegally smuggled in from the United States.

Chinks either don't care about guns or are super enthusiastic about them. Most of the asians at my range have riced up Glocks and ARs built for competition. Gun control is the fault of urbanite white filth who think gun laws will stop unlicensed nigger gangs in big cities from shooting eachother with handguns imported for the US or stolen from RCMP. There are no logic here. Even if licensed owners DID commit gun crime, where is the Tavor, the RDB, the AR180, Type 81/97, Kriss Vector, PC Carbine, M10X? Fucking mouth breathing retards. I welcome the rake.

Refresh my memory on the
>Hurr durr it's just a registry, they're not going to take your precious guns you paranoid hosers!
line we heard way back when.

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R u guys just gunna hand it over and say “sorry aye” ?

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And people are retards if they think the US stopping production/sale of guns helps anything - it just means Russia will be making a ton of money and guns will flow from mexico/china into black markets

Canadians are literally the biggest NPC nation sad to admit, just a bunch of retarded tools

remember leaf, tragic canoeing accident
you got attacked by a moose or bear in the river

The gun registry was scrapped years ago. The only restricted (registered) gun on the list is the AR-15/M16 family.

Everything else is unregistered.

"assault style"

soon it will be "potential pewpew style" guns banned

>anything on the right
>assault weapon

And the MCX, they classified it as an AR-15 variant.

Is this a ban on sales or are they going to kick down the doors of citizens and take their stuff?

If you'd return the bullets, while keeping the cases for reloading, that'd be OK though

Bullseye London has AR lowers for 99.99 if you want to clog up CFR systems, cheat the gubberment out of money, and make RCMP photo ops look like shit lol.

Why do they never ask the citizens? The government just unilaterally "decided to move forward" and ban guns.

It is being done as a order in council amendment to the criminal code (which doesn't need parliament approval). They could reclassify an AR-15 from restricted to prohibited, as an example.

The last time they added guns by name to the prohibited list the guns were all grandfathered and people kept them (they were upgraded to a category of prohibited permit), but no new guns of that type could be imported. People were still free to buy and sell prohibited firearms among each otehr or through stores though.

This happened to the FAL and G3 years ago. You still see the odd FAL in gun stores, but only oldfags who had the previous prohibited permit can buy it.


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The vast majority of Canadians agree with the gun ban.

>vast majority of Canadians agree with the gun ban

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Why is your country so cucked?

What a cucked country full of faggots. I wish nearly any other country on Earth were north of us. If you leafs don't have a full on revolution, the leaf should be banned from this site.

I have not met a single Canadian that agrees with a gun ban.. get fucked commie.

I know I do.
The last thing we need is a bunch of larpers thinking they need semiautomatic guns for hunting... Don't give me the bullshit about fighting the gubmint because we all know that when these bans come all the larpers will either meekly hand them over or hide them. There will be no fight.

We literally just sent them the most signed House of Commons petition ever a couple months ago, and parliament *has* to discuss an official petition if it has over 100k sigs. They literally just don't care what we think. CBC even censors pro-gun comments on their articles or videos just to keep the masses uninformed.

Make you wonder how no one ever sees the pattern.
>We just want to ban automatic guns thats all
Well I guess thats ok
>We want to make it impossible to get a pistol legally unless you have connections
Well im more of a rifle guy anyway people dont need to carry guns around
>We need to ban guns that look scary too
Well its just looks so ok
>The looks ban didnt work, we need to ban all semi-auto rifles now
Well ok im sure the ban will stop here since mass shootings will finally stop
>We need to limit guns to one round magazines with 20 secoonds reload times because nothing is working
Well it will save lives I mean you really only need one shot
>We are now banning all guns
Well I dont need a gun anyway I mean if I had a gun I would commit murder so because i would kill people for no reason if I had one no one should have one, i can easily kick any robbers ass cause im tough, if they are armed ill just like disarm them lol

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immigrants dont understand why we want to have the right to shoot politicians if we feel the need. other countries dont have the same gun culture.

You actually let inmigrants vote?

>61 per cent of people want to see a complete ban on handguns in Canada, and when it comes to assault weapons, that support rises to 75 per cent.

This was before the mass shooting so the figures have definitely gone up.

This country was founded by loyalist cucks.

>urbanite white filth who think gun laws will stop unlicensed nigger gangs in big cities from shooting eachother
Who is influencing them to believe this? It’s one of 2 groups, and the CCP is one.

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An ashkenazi fucked your guns for you, leafs, how do you feel ?

Shut up you lying nigger. Only fake polls say that, real ones get deleted or memory holed. Choke on a cock. Not even a quarter of Canadians support more gun control.

It's funny that AK pattern rifles or other assault rifles aren't even a part of the ban.

>Automatic Rifle - 15 Bullets Per Second
As if anyone needs that...

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haha 'i could have disarmed him" - jesus christ women have been allowed way too much freedom.

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Lying piece of shit.


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yikes x8000
if i lived in canada i'd be heading as far north as possible and band together with other people to form a nation state of your own without gun laws

what type of delusion does one have to have to think they can disarm someone and shoot them with their own gun like real life is some John wick onions bullshit

And as a women..?lol

So it's all optics. Trudeau is a pussy cuck even as a tyrant.

>the beretta storm
lmao why
lol thats it canacucks
thats the last loophole get fucked absolutely

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lithuanians are a bunch of fags. Obviously you don't have guns.

they will test this ban out in canada and then roll it out in the US too when they comply. it's just a test round

The majority of leafs want guns banned I live in this country. That article is bs.

yeah all those M16s and M4s in circulation...

Canada is going to require a knoife loicense very soon.

Fucking with gun owners is the stupidest thing Trudeau can do

Some gun nut is going to snap and let Trudeau personally know what he thinks...

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AK pattern are already prohibited.

your chinese masters have decided it's time to seize your guns.

WTF is a "pistolet?"

nothing on that list is an assault weapon. they are all semi automatic

Kys gunfag

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Are those firearms registered in Canada? Who would have guessed registration leads to confiscation?

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Chinks want to ban your guns cause they're building mac-10's in their back yard.

At this point most Anglo (read: biggest cucks) countries will move to a total ban on assault hands.

>I could have disarmed him

You would have lost that arm

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How long until their image is banned from video games the way hitler/swastika is banned in german video games

Fuck forgot to hide my flag

they took all the guns used in any of our "mass shootings" that aren't gang related, and then through darts at a board for the rest of them.

>evo scorpion

fucking why

Good. Our liberty tree is getting thirstier buy the day, and by the looks of it, Canada's is in need of a good watering as well.

>it looks more dangerous so it must be more dangerous

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What happens if you already have one on the list? Do they forcibly buy it back?

Typical gun grabbing response.
Conflating my personal experience with a cherry picked article makes me a "lier."
Not my fault your slope headed smooth brain cannot comprehend differences on life experience in different locations across the country.

Lmao since when were these legal to own by civvies?

>unless its a rabid nigger

Also adding: The female cop failed to put down a suffering deer with her firearm prior to the incident and had her male buddy do it.

Why do Canadians even need guns? Moose attacks?

so I should go out and get a vz right now?

Yeah lol. We’ll have to see how dumb this shit is tomorrow. I own an M1A - not an m14 - so it’s still ok!

I don’t see Tavors on their stupid list. I will be purchasing one of those soon then. Thanks Israel.


>But Drummond, who himself is a gun owner, said the results do not jibe with recent public opinion polls that show a majority of Canadians favour tighter restrictions. He suggested the most “vociferous” opponents mobilized to sway the outcome of the questionnaire.

“They have used a fairly aggressive social media campaign. … Everyone in their right mind suspects there is (National Rifle Association) support for their effort,” he said, referring to the large gun lobby in the United States.

Drummond also noted that a Quebec engineer, Francois Bellemare, has publicly admitted he used software to send more than 25,000 automated responses to the questionnaire.

>Automated responses
>Online questionnaire

Good luck, if you can find a non-restricted off the shelf you can buy it today. Maybe get yourself a prohibited permit when all is said and done.

No u

Don't confuse the Chinks who fled China to live a better life in the West with "the Chinks", i.e. government-controlled drones that subvert Western society and work towards communist rule.

M4 M14 and M16s were legal in Canada?
Holy shit

only the ar15/m16/m4/sigs

everything else is unregistered

Amazing when all the guns were not registered. This is utter bullshit.

You goo guzzling flabby ignorant shithead.

Canada has looser gun laws than pretty much anyone outside of merika. We are heavily armed by almost any standard.

NOT THAT ITS ANY OF YOUR FUCKING BUSSINESS FATBOY. get your diabetes problem under control you swarthy shithead. Comeback when you do that. Boy.

Your own source said it was bullshit and the majority of leafs want guns banned. Do you fucking talk to people. NOBODY LITERALLY NOBODY WANTS GUNS IN THIS COUNTRY

>61 per cent of people want to see a complete ban on handguns in Canada, and when it comes to assault weapons, that support rises to 75 per cent.

>it's not an m14, it's an m305 :^)

are you on a proxy or are you actually lithuanian?

just so you know you faggots trolling with memeflags are ruining this board just as much as the leftist cucks posting blacked threads are

Come and take it.

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The government (just like the leftists/cultural marxists) have absolutely no problem to pretend to be retarded if this gives them carte blanche to push their policies. They would just outright ban all guns tomorrow if they think they could get away with it, but for now they prefer to use idiotic reasoning in order to not appear like an outright dictatorship where they curb citizens rights at will. They KNOW it doesn't make sense. They don't care as long as they have some sort of "reason" they can use as a fig leaf.

based gun honestly
rip leaftown
Id rather they ban the ar15 than lose my vz

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our country is falling too bro, do not forget that.

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