Tell me user? Do you think you'd make a good ruler? Why or why not?

Tell me user? Do you think you'd make a good ruler? Why or why not?
>Please be specific.

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Hello my name is Thomas.

>I'd pay people to drag the jews by the hairs, put them in the streets and slit their throats while their women are raped.

No. I only serve my maker. I am a humble servant!
*throws fish sticks in the air*

Good for who?

I believe in natural law and would work within my power to honor it. Millions would die.

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Hello Thomas.
And tell me user? What does your daily life look like? Would you say you have mastery of yourself?
You are welcome to your opinion user.

>imagine wanting to be a ruler
The only thing I'd truly attempt to do would be to wipe out life using an ungodly amount of nukes. For the lulz.
Because fuck you that's why.

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>I believe in natural law
What do you define natural law as user?
>Millions would die.
And please explain why it would entail millions dying under your rule?

bitch literally turned around like she did nothing

I think i'd want to be in the royal court, but not the king himself. Like his chief adviser.
I'd convince him to do all this crazy shit that doesn't make any sense politically, but the people love and therefore making him really popular.

Glow thread glows

no, i love my wife too much. we'd probably blow the nat'l budget on plants and garden supply

ah rats

Who cares if you think I'm a good or bad ruler, I'll still be your ruler pleb. Know your place

Yes because I am Jewish

Natural law is easily understood. Right is right. Not might, but right. Is stealing from a functional man in order to subsidize disfunction right? No it is not. There goes all the aid to Africa, section 8 housing, and so on. Millions depend on this unnatural disfunction. Without it they would starve.

I could give many examples, but it is simply the Golden rule. I would not inflict injustice on one group to balance the perceived scales of past injustice.

Yes, then she saw an image of her father and was stunned like a little girl.

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I think I'd be a good ruler. I try to be a good person so I'd maintain the peace at whatever cost. That means punishing criminals harshly. I don't think the races are equal at all so lesser races would be punished more severely. Black person hits or rapes a white person? He'd be very lucky to not get the rope or lose his head. Modern niggers are uppity because the law treats them as equals. Anyway, that's about all I have to say. Modern governments are way too cucked to do anything drastic.

Would be fair ruler, not a one people would be happy with.
I would have a system based one what you offer as a citizen under my rule. You behave and work for me, you get rewarded. You disobey my rules or refuse to work you get taken out, help yourself.
For those unable to work because of disability or other reasons I see valid, you get help and I find ways you can contribute to my rule.

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Of course, it would be so much fun

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I don't care, but I'd do whatever I wanted and not give a flying FUCK how I go down in history. Let them see me as a horrible ruler, idgaf. I'm gonna go to fucking war.

Yes. King James Bible

That's a fair enough response I suppose user. It's good you want to help him and not harm him.
Ah yes. My hypothetical thread asking anons if they think they would be worthy of a political position from a medieval era is totally some sort of glowy trap. I'm just asking political hypothericals to prove a point that most aren't suited to rule. And typically least of all those who desire to.
It's good to be aware of one's own faults user. There's no shame in that. But putting ones own family before the people is a potential problem yes.
Whatever you say bro.
Why do you think your ethnicity gives you the right to rule? That's rather conceited user.

Yes. I would exterminate all chinks,spics, niggers, jews.

Makeing the world a better place. Solve global food shortages. Save the environment. All with a singular policy.

I will also like to add that all people stand on equal fotting no matter how Noble or what riches you have. Same equal power to all who obey.

Ah I see somewhat at least.
>Not might, but right. Is stealing from a functional man in order to subsidize disfunction right?
Would this only apply to helping other country's(like your example of Africa) or would it count to people in your country as well. Does it take count for the weak and helpless? Or under natural law do they deserve to suffer and die? You say not might but right. Where are you determining what is right from? So we're clear I'm not trying to be aggressive or anything here. I'm trying to legitmently understand your stance.

Unironically yeah.
I hate watching knowing when others suffer, I want to ease their suffering as best I can. I’m wise enough to know the limits of my intelligence and humble enough to accept that and look for guidance.

But fuck that. Humans are hairless chimps and I’m gonna have to spend half my days trying to get various political factions to stop threatening each other, only to have a foreign leader who wants to tax my people threaten me. All so people can be godless degenerates who cause theyre own suffering and get angry with me, even though none of this really fuckin matters and we all die anyway.

So it sounds like you want some sort of meritocracy? Is that a fair summary? Also you say
>You behave and work for me, you get rewarded.
Do you mean that just for your own good? As in saving up riches and building monuments to your glory? Or do you mean people working for you to serve the greater good? Would your rule be self focused or for the betterment of society?

Yeah and the peasants don't have any power. The military nobility do. You have to appease them by sending your sons to pork their daughters and letting them pork your sisters.

Don’t rape people , that’s mean

What would your plans be besides having fun user?
That's fair leaf but it also probably marks you as unsuitable for rule.
Are you implying you'd try to base your rule of the bible? Would you try to form a theocracy or just set your rules based on scripture?
The first part of your post does sound good. Those who desire to rule are often those the least suited to it. Your awareness of your faults and your desire to work for the greater good are beneficial. Its unfortunate but understandable you're so jaded.

No. I’m to draconian in my solutions.

It is a families prerogative to help its members. I would not tax the healthy to subsidize the sick, it only breeds sickness. You get what you pay for in the end. If you can afford to have a handicapped child that is fine, just so long as you don't expect anything from anyone else because of your decision. If you want to keep your eighty year old mother alive that's fine, but don't expect me to sacrifice my families well being to do so.

There is nothing without a cost. I would simply steer society such that they enjoy and benefit from their labors instead of taking from them to give to those who could and would not help in the common good.

I will take care of me for you if you take care of you for me. Very simple.

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Understandable user. I've also come to the conclusion that I would be ill suited for rule. I'm too power hungry and I fear that would overtake my good intentions for my people.

When I say me, I mean it as contribute for the people and for me of course. A leader must always stand above the rest in both power and riches, a leader should laugh the loudest, speech the loudest and rule with a strong hand.

I support democracy, but I myself would be able to approve or disapprove if I see it fitting.

stop asking, the answer is no

If I were to rule the world, I will erase all traces of Abrahamic religion. I would outlaw their religions, kill their followers, destroy their temples and burn their books. All of them. Until the last Abrahamic insect is completely eradicated

>It is a families prerogative to help its members.
In theory that's a sound principle and I agree. In reality though wouldn't it be lacking? We live in a morraly bankrupt society. What about the women who decide they don't want their children and give them up. Or family's who abuse or neglect their children? Would you just ignore that and allow it to happen?

That's a fair answer user. I understand that naturally whoever rules will stand above others in some ways. But I wasn't sure if you only had your own good in mind.

Just the Abrahamic religion? You would leave the others? Do you think other religions wouldn't rise in power and cause problems as well?

No, I'd be an unreasonable dictator with an infinite back to back rape streak, a never ending chain of pain. I'm also prone to bouts of violence and have a very volatile personality so I'd probably go through advisors like hookers go through rubbers. I'm a natural born thief as well, I've been stealing things since I was a small child, so much of my time would be spent plundering surrounding kingdoms and enslaving their women/children, probably raping most of them as well. Nothing too extreme, 12ish would be my cutoff, you know what they say about grass on the field.

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Yes because I'd
1. Shoah the jews
2. Beat whores, mind break them and give them to loyal men.