/TKG/ - Ted Kaczynski General #35 - General of Peace Edition

>The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>Essential reading:
->Industrial Society and Its Future (ISAIF):
editions-hache.com/essais/pdf/kaczynski2.pdf (ONLY 30 PAGES)

>Further reading:
->Anti-Tech Revolution (ATRev):
->Technological Society by Ellul
->Ultimo Reducto
->Propaganda: the Formation of Men's Attitudes by Ellul

>Who is Theodore „Ted“ John Kaczynski?
->Confirmed 167 IQ
->Man of Action
->PhD in Mathematics

>Visit our FAQ:

>Visit our /prep/ing list:

>Dumbest response yet:
"I can understand why you might feel like tech is keeping nature and your own humanity away from you. It’s sort of a “biting the hand that feeds you” coping mechanism. Would you rather live up there in an igloo like your ancestors?
I really don’t blame either of you for wanting to escape your inhospitable conditions."

>Joe Rogan saying Kaczynski was right:

Attached: kacz.jpg (196x258, 18.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


W-w-why was he so based, Yas Forums ?!?

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What did good ole uncle Ted think of organized mass religions, such as Christianity or Islam? Did he advocate for paganism, or did he just not give a shit? What was his overall view on religion?

Must bump

Bump again

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>>Joe Rogan saying Kaczynski was right:
Why does this matter? His main credentials as far as I can see are talking about people who are getting hit in the head? Why are you cunts so dumb?

Fine I'll bump

i don't know if he mentioned those topics.
have you read his manifesto?

appeal to celebrity


Nope. I’m a newfag to his work. The only thing I’ve ever read is a small part of an audio recording of ISAIF on YouTube.

i suggest you read it, it is the final red pill. Yes, i mean it for real. You won't see the world the same after it

Hey OP, old /sig/ here. Trannie jannies have been going after /sig/ pretty hard so it's difficult to keep a thread up. They seem to tolerate it when it's bundled with another topic (/nsg/+/sig/ is running strong, but it's not a very good place for /sig/ in my opinion). Could you incorporate /sig/ into /TKG/? Pic related.

Attached: sig Uncle Ted edition.png (1280x823, 858.55K)


You idiots need to love Ted, I'm trying to elaborate on his work. Basically his IQ was so high he predicted your current life and the eventual outcome nearly 40 years ago in some shitty cabin with no internet and basically pieces of wood.

How Based can one human being be ?

And bump because Ted Rulez

Since Yas Forums is too decentralized to bring this movement forward, we (the freedom club) have created a drocsiD double-door system. This way we will create a trusted platform to push forward more efficiently

>Basically his IQ was so high he predicted your current life and the eventual outcome nearly 40 years ago in some shitty cabin with no internet and basically pieces of wood.

dang, gonna copy this into the opening post. Seems like somebody does have a few braincells after all. GJ Burger

Bump for based Ted. Is the first step of true freedom is rejecting over socialization?

He could of be seem as defending SOME institutions insofar as they operate against the systems mass cohesiveness vis-vis in-group nepotism.

anyone have the lit chart?

whats the date of that letter?
is it possible to send postage stamps?

Exactly. And not even a real celebrity. So take that shit out of your pasta, it is a fucking embarrassment.

ok, will consider it

>it is the final red pill. Yes, i mean it for real. You won't see the world the same after it

It really is the final redpill, and it will give you an overview of the true nature and characteristics of the technological civilization that humanity finds itself immersed in.

Attached: Ted quote from ''The System's Neatest Trick''.png (868x600, 157.94K)

>Could you incorporate /sig/ into /TKG/?
Hello user, this was discussed on /TKG/ several weeks ago, if you want to post /sig/ related material in /TKG/ it would be most welcome. Depending how you look at it, /sig/ seems to be even more aligned or related to Ted's ideas than to NatSoc, even though the connection to NatSoc is obviously very clear as well.

Attached: Ted quotes meme6drugs.jpg (866x520, 143.15K)

So what am I suppose to do as a programmer?

this is true.

Attached: Kaczynski Orange Green Poster.jpg (3614x5149, 2.02M)

get shekels, become financially independent.
learn essential /prep/ing skills, get Yas Forums ,etc...
spread the message for now. push the movement-

the only way I can think of to get financially independent is to use technology

You guys need to buy land and form communities like the Amish but without religious doctrine. You need to give people breathing room away from the system.

I need to write uncle Ted

>You guys need to buy land and form communities like the Amish but without religious doctrine
Wrong. Religious doctrine is absolutely essential to maintain the core morals and values of a community. Certain facts must be codified above the reach of man, so that we do not make the mistake of ignoring them again. Homos, feminism, multiculturalism, etc must be rejected as they evil they are with religious zeal. The only thing wrong with the amish is that their religion is incorrect.

By the way, Ellul's work 'Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes' can be found here:



Attached: Ellul Propaganda.. The Formation of Men's Attitudes.jpg (632x1080, 151.86K)

Probably the same as Ellul who was his biggest influence.
Ellul converted to Protestantism at the age of 18 and was a very devoted believer but his stance on religion is surprising for some because he criticized Christianity heavily. He considered that from the fourth century, under Constantine, Christianity was "subverted" by its collusion with the State, going so far as to affirm, two years before his death, that "Christianity is the worst betrayal of Christ".
I'm paraphrasing wikipedia here. He had the same view that Tolstoï had and Kaczynski shares a lot of Tolstoï's viewpoints too.

read "Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How"