>Stay Inside to save the white race >Show me your immunity pass to save the white race >Wear a mask to save the white race >Take the vaccine to save the white race >Listen to government to save the white race >Bill Gates wants to save the white race >Stop interacting with people to save the white race >stop excercising to save the white race >Keep 2 meters away to save the white race >Only believe us to save the white race
The NatSoc spamming has been a psyop to get you in their bullshit system.
Nazis don't exist anymore it's just losers roleplaying. They need a better hobby
Cooper Fisher
>Implying Yas Forums is pro-White. >Implying there are actual fascists, White Nationalists and National Socialists on Yas Forums. If one was a Fascist, White National or National Socialist, one wouldn't be on Yas Forums, one would be out IRL spreading their beliefs.
So when you insult pro-Whites, what you're really doing is insulting people role-playing.
Not that you have a legitimate argument against the pro-White movement, mind you.
Austin Perry
>Nazis don't exist anymore Because Nazi was a Jewish slur for a member of the NSDAP.
Since the NSDAP doesn't exist, neither can "Nazis".
National Socialists on the other hand exist because National Socialism as an ideology still exists.
Robert Cruz
See here folks this is an example of a roleplaying loser. Don't be like this one
Benjamin Hernandez
>See here folks this is an example of a roleplaying loser. Don't be like this one Let's see your national flag, kike.
Gavin Smith
Power heirarchies exist either way idiot. A natural and efficiant one is governed by one man at the top. Not a council of retards bought out by corporation kikes
Nathaniel James
Hey look a retarded inbred Muslim OP. That’s unusual. Hey look a blue car. That’s unusual.
It’s so simple. Talking endlessly is the a con mans trick while they steal from you. I hope the talking ends and we just drown the whole fucking lot of traitors, globalists and their pets in the sea ASAP,
Carter Harris
>literally Yas Forums is one person: the post JFC.
Oliver Brooks
Jews are waiting for the messiah to return to re-establish Israel. As Israel was re-established as a result of Hitlers actions, this makes Hitler the jewish messiah - which is the antichrist.
Hitler destroyed Europe, killed more whites than any other group, created the environment for Israel to be established, eternally demonized the espousing of rightwing politics and of course didn't kill any jews. Ok, If any jews were holocausted, they would be orthodox jews that do not recognize the current state of Israel
Hitler was a Zionist and paved the way for the re-establishment of Israel. All natsocs on pol are jews just using white nationalism to get you back on the plantation. The plantation (((they))) own. They know there will never be a holocaust given they own the media and have enough people watching and believing their shit.
Now Any mention of anything remotely redpilled is associated with Nazism. If you ask for redpills, you just get a fuckton of “hitler did nothing wrong", like thats the only topic associated with redpills.
Im saying NatSoc is part of the jew plan. They are literally jews. The queen is literally German and has been photographed being taught the Hitler/Roman salute by her parents.
The Balfour Declaration was a British thing and Britain occupied Palestine at the time and the war gave a reason to enact the Balfour declaration.
The Havarra agreement was the German plan to send jews "back" to Israel.
Its all a plan thats been in effect for centuries. Now we can no longer openly advocate anything rightwing because its all associated with nazism. Only the globohomo agenda is accepted.
Hitler killed more whites than anyone and destroyed europe which enabled this debt based monetary system that we have today and there never was a Shoah. If any jews did die, they were orthodox because the lefty zionist jews were encouraged to fuck off back to Israel with the Havarra agreement.
Cuckservatives like Hannity and all of the ones who are Trumps only contacts with the outside world all fell for accelerationism. Accelerationism is the art of using your enemies strength against them, tipping them over the edge and was our plan for resisting (last summer). The globalists or liberals used it in NY when in day 1 they were faking catastrophe and had the BBC hanging around declaring it was ‘apocalyptic’ in NY when it wasn’t. They hired an actress to play a nurse for the BBC knowing she would be easily identified as an actress. It got the extreme cuckservative gobshites triggered >muh everything is fake! And has led them to a failure in leadership. The plan is to ignore the virus. They will be trolled with statistics every day now until they lose the election and then there will be legislation to ban them from power based on the catastrophe they are about to cause. There should have been a plan, but the only plans I have seen running are globalist and they are now taking over the world, unless I can think of something we are finished. Enslaved forever.