You do realize that female sexual selection will make sure conservative genes die out, right?

You do realize that female sexual selection will make sure conservative genes die out, right?

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limp wristed faggots think they look brave and stunning right now wearing their mask and gloves and stay inside because it looks socially acceptable. But if the economy crashes and food supply gets broken they will try their peace hippy tolerance shit to try and help everyone out and they will get taken over quickly. Even at the start of this when all the panicking was going on girls with soiboi boyfriends could feel their pussy dry up when they realized a fat man child has no power when panic starts.

Pretty sure that it’s the liberal faggots that are incels, but you be you man.

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You're gonna die, lol

>higher man will forever disappear from the world
checks out

Keep dreaming faggot

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Your babies are all in Planned parenthood dumpsters. My kids are hunting and building forts. Even if you manage to shit out one halftard basedbaby at 37, you'll beg people like me to save you when shtf and your betafaggot Uber driver "husband" has a nervous breakdown. The answer will be "no."

Doesn't matter to me, you are both sheep, slaves and chattel. I am free.

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Don't respond to memeflags.
Don't respond to slide threads,
Sage goes in every field.

> conservative genes
What an idiot.

>wearing a mask for the meme virus


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>You do realize
that slide threads made by a
will get saged, right?

I could increase my testosterone to healthy levels and feel motivated by having regular sex with a slim girl.
Instead I now have to inject steroids.

All the leftist women always date conservatives. They do not select based on ideology. Youre an incel or a lesbian if you dont see how obvious that is

But it’s the opposite, conservatives are having like 5 times the amount of kids liberals are having because liberals have 0.

Liberals don't have babies. Conservatives crank them out in the name of God. Liberalism is a loose end that is always seeking to tie itself up.

Political inclination is rooted in genetics. Leftoids have actual brain damage and are unable to perform a proper threat assessment.

Ya op is a literal 60 iq retard

I mean you’re not wrong

The beta sexual strategy is trying to bitterly mateguard a single woman regardless of her interest level

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Then why do conservative Christian men have more children than pic related?

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Really? You do realize that "liberals" aren't really reproducing, right? Only people who actually reproduce are those with various "conservative" values.

"Liberalism" will lead to the death of the same: It is mathematically inevitable due to the fact that liberals don't reproduce, while the more conservative elements of said population will, while at the same time, liberal ideas ensure that foreign populations (who all have more "conservative" values too) are free to settle and reproduce, which they do in much higher numbers than said "liberals".

The future of the west is conservative/nationalist or islamic. Simple as that because demographics will make it so. Anyone who thinks "liberals" will inherit the earth is deluded.

whats the name of that tiktok latina anti trump bitch frens?

You mean white.

And this is simply because non-white women love whites, and white women don't want kids.

>I have no understanding of human sexual selection strategy
>I fail to understand the difference between selection for sexual reproduction and selection for pair bonding
This is why you will be selected for pair bonding and not sexual reproduction


No. In fact the truth is precisely the opposite.

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What the fuck is that?

Political inclination is rooted in genetics. They are also highly heritable. There are many studies finding this and none finding the opposite.

el goblino del antifascismo

Women don't need strong men for resources or protection.

>trying to bitterly mateguard a single woman regardless of her interest level
It IS sad that they do this, but I’ve never heard it put so hilariously.

I could give a FUCK
>says like larry david
>sits a mirror in front of you

>"Liberalism" will lead to the death of the same: It is mathematically inevitable due to the fact that liberals don't reproduce
But they do reproduce in two ways:
1) the same way gays do: tampering with the innocent and corrupting their minds
2) by bribing browns and poors to adopt this mindset