What will the roastees do when they lose their job and their whole sense of value vanishes.
Sorry it's been so long I'm back with some OC.
For the uninitiated these women all: - Live in the Manhattan area. -Want children despite their Advanced age. - Have profile key words such as "partner in crime", " have your shit together", "Wine", foodie, sarcasm etc...
Despite having degrees sometimes advanced they never actually have impressive jobs. The saddest part is that they find out the man's world they broke into is nothing more than 30 years of sitting in a cubicle. Now all of a sudden realized too late that true fulfillment would have been being a mother. As I've always said in these threads I hold no malice towards these women they are truly victims of propaganda and you should see them that way as well.
As always please warn your sisters, friends, daughters and any young woman whose life you're apart of about the dangers of feminism and the misguided Road it could Lead You Down. And please help young men realize this as well, teach them to choose their women wisely and not to promote this Perpetual Behavior in wemon.
All these women are attractive (for their age). It’s a shame they never capitalized on it 20 years ago with chad and had chad babies. At this point they would be able to travel and drink wine with the satisfaction of having raised several kids.