100% jewish. AMA

I am askenazi on both sides of my family and have quite a bit of knowledge on things from a jewish perspective.

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How many times pre day so you say "oy vey"?

Why do Jewish people call themselves Jewish Atheists?

every time the goyim know

You think baphomet is hot?

What do Jews mean by "chosen people?

>admit to being a liar

Why would I ask you anything?

what does the jew fear?

oy vey.

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What are 5 things that gets passed down verbally that us goyim dont know?

How heavily do you, as both individual and group, look down upon "goyim", if at all?

Do jews actually believe in a difference bewteen jewish people and gentiles?

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because Judaism is the religion, however you are technically Jewish through your maternal line. You can convert to Judaism but it's a long process for sure.

plans for Poland, is Polin in process?

Do you encourage Askenazi to race mix?

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>100% jewish
Pick one.

Is Jewish God evil?

So why would an atheist trust a custom which lacks scientific validity?

Or do you think it does have validity and isn't just superstition?

If you're Jewish through maternal bloodline that makes it impossible to actually convert, you can't change your mother

Fucking retard

are you religious?

Is Hexagram a magic symbol? Isn’t on the Bible.

Not OP, but I'm a Russian-American Jew. Yes the Orthodox Jews literally believe this. If you're talking about "reform Jews" or secular Jews, most of them probably just have the attitude that Jews are usually smarter and more educated, and they take a certain degree of pride in seeing themselves as simultaneously intellectually superior while at the same time viewing themselves as the victim. Basically, Orthodox Jews are literally full blow racists and Jewish supremacists. Secular Jews are basically like wealthy woke white people but even more extreme and less self-hating.

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>however you are technically Jewish through your maternal line.
You are technically homosexual through your maternal line.

Why do jewish women want goyim uncut cock so much? Every time when a girl approached me and almost begged for sex she was jewish. this happened like 5-6 times.

are the following nature or nurture for you?
-Playing victim
-Promotion of usury
-Disdain for goyim
-Urges to destroy a functioning society

Why are you posting a demonic symbol (the seal of solomon)?

whats the most insulting word you can call a jew.
i've heard its court jew and its worked a couple of times but i REALLY wanna know like equivalent to cunt or sabbos goy.

Jews are directly descended from ancient Israelites, i.e. chosen to be in a covenant with God. It's in the book of Deuteronomy.
not lying. My grandparents fled from Europe due to religious persecution.
Europeans rising up and seeing reality. Zionists are afraid of losing the underclass who will work for cheap wages. Jews know black people for example are genuinely stupid. That's why we promote rap music but you'll never catch a jew dead in a poor neighborhood with blacks. it's common knowledge in our community.
Some do. Some use it as an excuse to subvert. Either way do you not see the irony in people like Soros saying everybody is equal while supporting zionism worldwide?
As an individual I like most people but I cannot stand getting lumped in white white people. My people are different, we are middle eastern, despite years of intermingling.

Does the 9/11 Memorial in NY look like tefillin boxes to you, or am I crazy?

Will the stock market go down again? If so, when and what stonks should I buy?

Well wouldn't it be angelic as well?

Since it represents 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 / 3 = 72 (solomon)

over the last say 25 years as a jew in the jewish community when you were you most afriad and how much out 10. 10 being ZOMG THE VANS ARE OUTSIDE PUTTING ME IN THE CAMPS 1 being ah yes good sabbos goy we are running things better than expected.

>eligious persecution.
You mean justice?
It's happened everywhere you go, it isn't religous persecution, it's removal of a parasite

Are you familiar with Amos 5:26?
And after you read that verse would you care to explain where that Star you are using comes from?

How cool do you think Jesus was? What is your take on those that worship him?

what is something you jews love buying aside from the obvious.

If someone is trying to sell me on Leninism, and I btfo his argument using opinions from the Talmud (e.g. on marriage not being oppressive), does that make me hateful?

Die kike

You do understand that Solomon took up paganism don't you?


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Are you (or anyone you know) into Kabbalah?

I want to add, that Ecclesiastes seems to suggest that he returned to God towards the end of his life.
But I'm not sure that the word angelic describes the life he lived.
What describes his life is Wisdom, Pain, and God's Mercy.
His life is an example of God's Mercy.
It's a lesson we all need and it's given through a very wise man, who understood that he drifted away, and returned to God.