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Other urls found in this thread:

cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/HITLER, ADOLF_0003.pdf

Nobody cares

I bet you think the Holocaust happened too, don't you?

Adolf Hitler, right, 1955, Colombia

cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/HITLER, ADOLF_0003.pdf


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If it didn't happen then why do you people think he was so based and redpilled? He was a bit of a cuck if he let so many Jews who were supposedly ruining his country live, don't you think? Trudeau/Merkel tier, I'd say.

>They destroyed his body but not his will.
Based Adolf H dabbing on amerimutts, anglo traitors and Jews!!!

Hmmm I appear to notice a pattern within these posts. Perhaps the origin of the person making the posts is from the Jerusalem region in the middle east?

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That’s a cute fairy tale. Too bad he actually spent the rest of his days chilling in Argentina, with millions of Allied soldiers having given their lives for nothing.

Never happened.

>If it didn't happen then why do you people think he was so based and redpilled?
Because he told the truth about the Jews and stood up to the Jews.

>He was a bit of a cuck if he let so many Jews who were supposedly ruining his country live, don't you think?
The Jews are the evil race that wants to genocide another. The NSDAP was the good guys who just wanted to protect the White race from the Jews.

>Trudeau/Merkel tier, I'd say.
We should vote for/support Conservative Capitalists instead, right?

>>They destroyed his body but not his will.
>Based Adolf H dabbing on amerimutts, anglo traitors and Jews!!!
The Jews are still so afraid of the ghost of Hitler that they vilify him to this very day.

>According to Hitler and his creation Mein Kampf, alongside with nazi ideology, having inheritable genetic diseases makes you a subhuman and gets you euthanized
>Hitler had Parkinsons Disease
lmao your meme hero was a subhuman according to HIS OWN BELIEFS.

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Denied the enemy a show trial, and denied the enemy the victory of parading him through the street. I would say Hitler made a tough choice. The "liberated" suffered the most and that suffering continues today.

>>Hitler had Parkinsons Disease
Says who?

>inb4 Jews


Throughout all of human history, it’s been considered more honorable to die by one’s own hand than at that of his enemies.

Except nowadays, because jooz and lolocaust.

>Immediately burned the body and all evidence thereof
That's massively convenient

*moved to Israel, then Argentina

>Proclaimed it was the german peoples fault for losing the war and they deserved it for failing him
>Sent hundreds of underage children to die in vain just so he could sit in his bunker for one more day
>To the very end believed germans could somehow still win, being clearly delusional
>Poisoned his dog, shot his wife (of one fucking day, that faggot was married for a whole day of his whole life, never had children)
>Shot himself in the head like a massive pussy instead of going out in a blaze of glory against his, supposed, mortal enemy the communists

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sure fag

>Denied the enemy a show trial, and denied the enemy the victory of parading him through the street. I would say Hitler made a tough choice. The "liberated" suffered the most and that suffering continues today.
Let's say for a moment that Hitler did kill himself...

he faced:
>torture at the hands of subhuman commies
>forced to watch as the commies raped his wife to death
>force to watch as the commies raped his dog to death
>killed and have his body mutilated beyond recognition.
>or put before a show trial and executed.
Seems like more than enough justification to commit suicide.

because they watch zionist bs like rabbi dennis wise' shit


yeah im sure that's what happened with Hitler's body.

who believes this shit??

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>Amount of credible evidence for these claims = 0
>Amount of ignorant retards parroting them = All

>The Jews are still so afraid of the ghost of Hitler that they vilify him to this very day.
you mean the colour revolutionist who founded israel and destroyed "edom"?
fuck you kikes so much

How do we know he offed himself?

>you mean the colour revolutionist who founded israel and destroyed "edom"?
Yes, I know the "jews" of today are in reality imposters.

communists told us after they extracted him

>How do we know he offed himself?
Because the same people who claim that the Holocaust happened said so.

im saying hitler was a communist jew playing a role in a grand drama to bring forth the moshiac, destroy rome, and bring the jews back to israel

Hitler's body have never been proven to have been found. Stalin never believed he died. The US doubted it as well.

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You got an audio recording of him saying that? Anything less shouldn't be taken as fact.

>im saying hitler was a communist jew playing a role in a grand drama to bring forth the moshiac, destroy rome, and bring the jews back to israel
Well you're an idiot for thinking that.

Hitler and National Socialism is the one person and ideology the Jews don't want us to follow under any circumstances.

If Hitler was all that you claim he was, then the Jew would have no problem with us following him and being NatSoc.

you are plebbit spacing moshe
go back glow nigger nufag

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