Get back to work and increase the value of my portfolio, you fucking pleb scum

Get back to work and increase the value of my portfolio, you fucking pleb scum

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Seems sensible to me

Don't the antibody tests prove this virus is no biggie?

Nooooo. not my healtherinooos. I can't survive the Wuflu we all need to stay home where it's safe!!!

I didn't get Trumpbux (claimed as a dependent, 2019 tax forms be damned) nor is my job paying me extra to go to work
seems reasonable since people are making a fuckton of money off unemployment

Why don't they just make these 'essential' jobs pay better? I mean, are they or, or are they not 'essential'?

Free market should fix that if real.

> Business leaders say they desperately need workers to return to stores, restaurants and other operations to stay afloat financially. Labor activists, however, contend the reality is far more complicated: Some now-unemployed Americans weren’t making much money in the first place, so they may not want to risk their safety just to return to underpaid old gigs.
I love how they’re called “business leaders” when they just own a business
Maybe they should pay workers more if they want them to come back to work?
This shows the capitalist wageslave scam for what it is: get rich off the labor of workers paid as little as possible and threaten them with death if they don’t comply

>endanger your life
The flu threat has been debunked
They should open everything immediately

Lmao this fucking capitalism scam. You guys are literally dying to work for Schlomo for his peanut wages.

>228k dead

Why should I continue to pay for their unemployment benefits so they can sit at home and make more money than me? With their extra 600 federal bucks a week on top of their unemployment? Screw them, I have to risk myself being an essential worker and get nothing extra. Little pussies

Well, they can always just quit their jobs. Don't tell me economics are more important to these people then their own safety!?


Time to get a little more honest about the elites view on this question.

>Well, they can always just quit their jobs.
You can't get unemployment if you quit

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it was never about anything other than not overflowing hospitals anyway. didn't need the antibody tests since italy started peaking and the world had some good numbers to go on besides guessing about what's real in china. testing is now like a confidence builder to get these people to move on and a prevention tool to keep it from spiking again.

>Get back to work and increase the value of my portfolio, you fucking pleb scum

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>I love how they’re called “business leaders” when they just own a business

You are beyond retarded, and do not belong anywhere spreading what comes out of your 60 IQ brain.
Just KYS

Wow just barely hitting minimum flu death totals

He’s right, you’re retarded.

So? The implication from the left is always that any consideration of economics at a 'time like this' (tm) is monstrous. But apparently that's no longer the case when we're talking about someone taking the hit themselves. Right?

Which of you poor wagies is going back to work first to risk permanent lung and testicular damage before you pass the disease on to your parents.

619 flu deaths in NYC 2/1/20-4/18/20
5870 covid deaths in the same period

Op is a college tard. You honestly think companies publicly traded didn’t get massive gibz and friendly loans from the sba.

It’s the little businesses whose employees took the pandemic propaganda bait all the way to their gills...

I got a two dollar raise at both of my essential jobs for "hazzard pay."

I'm honestly making bank, even though they're running me ragged. When things open up back in the summer I'm sure open-air restaurants are going to come back with a vengeance, and I'll probably drop the job I've been jilted at for so long to work at one.

You people remind me so much of my mother right now. It's almost like karma being enacted on a national scale. She was so goddamned ruined by the world, she locked herself up in her little trash house and refused to come out for much of anything, scared out of her wits by her own vulnerable mortality. You're all terrified by this thing, but I'll calmly walk through it. I might die, but that's a risk I take every time I get behind a wheel, drive my forklift, say hi to a black person.

I'm not even kidding when I say I've seen 80 year-old women with frail states of health handle this whole thing with more grace than this modern generation of hysterical pussies.

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das rite

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>been working non stop in a nursing home
>no hazard pay

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When can we have an anti jewish revolution and get these kikes out of government?

>he thinks anglo capitalists aren’t greedy fucks

>pay better
I think you misspelled "performed by imported third worlders"

They have to be Sacrificed for the DEAREST LEADER TRUMP

All this means is they wont allow people to get unemployment who arent unemployed. This is how it has always worked.

Is your home taking in new patients?

I’m sure your state govt will let you get your landscaping business going again in no time, so you can go back to paying undocumented workers below minimum wage

b-b-but nu-Yas Forums told me capitalism was a good thing!

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You shouldn't be mad at people on unemployment, you should be mad at your essential job not treating you like you're essential.

>laid off
>not unemployed

Reminder that the only companies being hurt by this shit are small businesses. Lockdown is what kikes want

it shows that the capitalists were 100% right when they said free money discourages people from working
anyway the thing everybody trying to avoid saying is that if this shit keeps up all the consumer opiates that keep retards happy during this lockdown are going to dry up, the economy is deeply interconnected and even though "essential" services were kept running there's a lot of supply line services that were not and shelves are going to start emptying out again

>return to work
I never left. Thank me for my service and clap plz.

Based and forkliftpilled. We'll keep moving those skids brother.

how exactly do you expect people to survive without money

>small businesses don’t exploit labor

People would rather protest to open the economy and die for their peasant wagie pay. The Jews who got the most gibs will not be going back into public for these jobs. Dying for the economy is for stupid fucking goys that are trapped.

What interest would I have in returning to work?

I have a bit of savings. More than most americans, apparently. And am pretty comfortable. I can ride this out for quite a while.

What reason, exactly, would I have to return to the world as it existed prior to the flu?

Prop up some more AirB&B superhosters so they can further inflate my housing market and it can be even further out of my reach?

Support the businesses that created many of the issues people are facing now healthcare/savings/etc. wise?

Because the government, which has lied constantly and is, for sure, working on something to take advantage of this, tells me to?

Because people like you will continue to work, regardless? And because you feel that gives you the right to comment on my own activities?

Really seeing zero reason, bud. Just about every point is a "fuck it, let it burn" point. Even if it'll impact me in the future I'd rather burn the whole system to the ground than go back to where I was.

This. Democrats poisoned the stimulus bill with the ridiculous "extra 600$ a week" nonsense knowing full well that people would then be getting more on unemployment than working. They wanted people unemployed to made the numbers look bad for Trump.

I heard that moose burgers are delicious

And the damage is done. Small business atmosphere is never coming back till we rid ourselves of the kikes.

Dont you normally lose unemployment if you are not trying to get a job or are offered one but dont take it?

At this point, oh well. Automation and population control are progressing such that I'd rather have a few big names controlling everything and keeping a constant state of existence vs. constantly having to struggle against some retard at my own level shoving me down so he can climb up. If I could be left alone and have a satisfying quality of life, sure. But as it is things keep getting stripped away economically and socially and I"m tired of it.

>I'd rather have a few big names controlling everything
Based and faggotpilled.

I don't know. What else are you doing that's so fucking important? You're damaging your savings and are just making your housing dream even less attainable.

Like I said, just like the crazy old bitch.
"Nothing's fair, everything sucks, everything's dangerous. Guess I'll just sit and rot."