My dads cousin works really high up in a once prestigious liberal arts college in New England. I’ve known that the past few years they’ve been struggling but I never actually knew why. Anyway I was talking to my dad who told me that his cousin told him that it’s people like me who are causing the problems. There are fewer children being born now than several years ago meaning fewer total students going to college. But he told me that the past 5 years white male students have been shunning his institution massively. That this is a problem for all liberal arts colleges in the area too. That the big decline is disproportionate white male students avoiding them for other institutions instead. I know it’s anecdotal but still it’s interesting to me. Apparently some of them are gonna have to close down soon If this continues. Very interesting to me, but thoughts?
Why are white male zoomers destroying liberal arts colleges?
Other urls found in this thread:
Liberal Arts "degrees" are absolutely worthless
>shits on white males
>why are white males not going to college
>openly propogate "white males are the worst thing ever to exist in the history of earth" for decades
>white males stop attending
>where did all the white males go???
Also, the kind of highly motivated kids who would have tried to get into upper crusty colleges in the past probably realize it's a retarded debt trap with no likelihood of getting them a career now so they're not going.
>liberal arts college
Nothing of value lost.
> went to uni for finance and accounting
> 75% of the students were male 25% female
> half the guys were white
> remaning half of guys were a mix of arab, pajeet and asian
> most females were pajeetas followed by asians
> for every 80 students there would be 2-3 white girls
Libreal arts tends to attract women more often, particullarly white women
>Cognitively simulate the olfactory sensation
em black tangs ain't lookin too shabby
Also have a bümperino, Schadenfreude is great.
Also are these black "females" supposed to be attractive?!
I was in liberal arts.
They taught me white man bad
My mexican professor talked abour actually killing all white people
My muslim professor made us read a book about jihadding white people and cutting off their heads in righteous fury and slaughtering them all to remake an islamic paradise.
Had to take feminist studies about le white man bad. Evil male gaze and rape culture! Had to watch the vagina monologue.
It was a shit show. Everything of any value i had to teach myself. No military history. No logic. No political science of any value. I had to teach myself everything.
It was an anti white anti male brown supremacy that was taught. The point wasnt to educate, but to indoctrinate and filter out any person right of trotsky. Every department needed to be gutted. I know why all revolutions start by killing the intelligensia.
White women who want to rebel against daddy.
Thats because the “liberal arts” heavily grade inflate for women and leftists. Objective courses that grade fairly are then seen as difficult.
I think men go into these classes honestly because they are kicked out of anything subjective
kek, I was still at the conceptualize version
>hover hand
>slum lord of the ratchet crackhoe horde
WTF am I even looking at
Do you even know what the Liberal Arts consist of? You probably just think it's gender studies don't you?
Physics, chemistry, mathematics, law, psychology, etc etc etc etc etc
not too bright are ya?
Female Gen X profs already turned it into a dumpster fire 15 years ago, user.
Fucking hell browncel get a hobby
Why is it only going to shit now though. I know so many bluepilled white guys who call themselves liberal but whenever something to do with idpol or feminism comes up they disappear. It’s like they implicitly know
>"Whites men should all be subjugated!"
>White men leave
>"Help us white men!"
Hard pass. Can't wait until the actual happening and all these kike faggot commie part time baristas and their fruitcake professors get eaten by packs of feral niggers after the stores run out of chicken and grape drank.
Because in the age of Twitter incoming students already know how shitty college has become before they're out of Middle School. The fog of the culture War has been lifted and the enemy amongst us has been revealed for all that are willing to see it.
This but again
You’re the one who doesn’t know what it means. As expected of a leaf.
Idk going to a college where you are shat on constantly and they charge you for it and you get nothing of value in the end sounds kind of lame
why is that a problem, wouldn't they be overjoyed at the news of less white males?
Expat from new england here. I literally went to university in eastern europe because all the universities in new england were full of faggots, cucks, and niggers.
It's New England. Best public education in the country. They teach the white boys in school to learn by themselves, they learn during high school that college is a scam, and go into a trade.
but why don't you go ahead with your infinite wisdom and tell me what it is that I'm missing?
Bachelor of science
Bachelor of arts
In coloquil english (american) “liberal arts” means the soft sciences. Stop being a tard
Because white males want a career, not a job.
>tries to conflate hard sciences with foofy bullshit
the day of the rake cant come soon enough
What was your experience like?
>why don’t white males fall for my scheme
Yup. The internet has placed a magnifying glass on the problem.
The colloquial english is wrong. It's another dumb generalization.
Yep, leaf-tier intelligence confirmed. Reeetard.
They're all under the same umbrella by definition.
College is a scam. Liberal arts colleges are the biggest scams.
Your dad should tell his cousin that maybe white males are smart enough not to run up $100,000 of non-dischargeable debt to spend four years being told how horrible they are, and they don't want to go four years without having sex or telling jokes, because that's what it will take to avoid the kangaroo courts that will kick white males out of university with nothing to show for their time there.
Also anyone who gets a humanities degree will come out dumber than when they started, and any white male who gets a STEM degree will be sent to the back of the jobs bus, behind a bunch of smelly and annoying poos who are only good at making work for other poos.
So I guess every liberal arts college is going to become a glorified babysitting service for spoiled brown retards, and after the revolution, employers will treat those degrees accordingly. Congratulations, liberals, you outplayed yourselves.
By definition I'm correct. You're the retard.
No, he's right. "Liberal Arts" includes the sciences, math and econ, as well as social sciences (psychology, sociology, anthropology) and the humanities (history, literature, languages, art history, music history). What people here generally object to are the social sciences (less econ) and the humanities. In the USA, law is taught in professional schools after completion of a batchelors in any subject.
>eng prof announces day 1 her feminism
>but dont worry it wont affect grades
>everyone who agreed with her political stances got As/Bs
>everyone who stfu and got along received Bs/Cs
>me and this other dude who vehemently disagreed with feminiazi bullshit got Ds
>physics based
>chem hard as fuck, bastards made us memorize all the equations for exams
>eng everyone copied the 1 person who did the work
>second year english my teacher was such a stoner he gave us a take home exam, I didnt fucking do it, went in and told him and he said dont worry man I gave you a C
>sickening amounts of groupthink encouraged
Damn, that was harsh. lol
Thank you.
>my textbook is right so you're wrong
>my textbook is 100% truth and nothing but
cool story, bro
Literally all black women want white Chads
Colleges are degenerate indocrtination markets. This is a good thing.
You're only playing yourself thinking like that.
Sounds similar to mine. All of the bitches in my history department were feminists preaching critical race theory.
White males didn't destroy anything. The institutions destroyed themselves with massive amounts of faggotry. White males are just generally intelligent enough to avoid that faggotry.
I dont know when they decided these definitions, I'm an old bastard and the university system is pozzed as fuck, it was pozzed as fuck in the 90s and its literal exponents moar pozzed now. Liberal Arts always ='d social sciences & humanities back in my day.
No they're not. Ceding the entirety of the humanities to the enemy was a critical mistake. Let people who hate you control access to information about your history and language, gee, that's a brilliant fucking idea. You don't think knowledge of our heritage and culture could be put to good use? You think it's going to be good for whites when the parts of our history that haven't been forgotten entirely have been re-written by people who loathe us? Figure it out, bud.
I went to trade school at a community college and took my general credits in 2013. The college English text material was literally just about criticizing everything about ordered society in the context of women's issues and race. I dumped that shitt for American history after the first class and that was more or less the same. Grades weren't given out for effort just ideological pandering.