/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3544

► Detected: 3,263,637 (+45,454) ► Died 230,443 (+2,414) ► Day: 112 (-6:50:00)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 4,115 strains have been sequenced —


Decomposing Bodies Found in Trucks at Brooklyn Funeral Home

WARRING CANNIBAL RATS emerge in US cities as food production crashes from Covid-19 closures

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Vitamin D Insufficiency is Prevalent in Severe COVID-19

Remdesivir does not speed up recovery from COVID-19 compared with placebo

CCP notice to destroy or send them coronavirus sample vials

Coronavirus may lurk deep in lungs after patients recover, study suggests

Self-reported symptoms of covid-19 including symptoms most predictive of SARS-CoV-2 infection, are heritable

Long-term persistence of SARS-CoV-2 and its ability to maintain infectivity in aerosols for up to 16 hours

Virus binds to ACE2 like SARS, first route found

Type "A" blood more likely to catch virus than "O"

Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

Virus can go undetected while reproducing more than SARS

▶ 9 new cases in Zambia
▶ 259 new cases and 17 new deaths in Ecuador
▶ 11082 new cases and 644 new deaths in the United States


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Other urls found in this thread:


Covid-19 testing is secretly used for collecting DNA.

Children are going to start being intentionally killed to make it seem like Covid-19 is killing them.

People with no symptoms do not actually have Covid-19 at all and/or do not have it anymore at all. Allergies, Influenza(Flu), Colds, missing Nutrition, existing diseases/illnesses/health problems are all now being said to be Covid-19 and/or symptoms of Covid-19.

none of you nothingburgers are alright,

go outside, lick doorknobs

>Farmers gassing their livestock

It's over. It's too late to save the economy now

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"A pandemic is a unique situation...that ALL citizens of this planet will likely be exposed"
"if we call it a p. we'd say that everyone will likely be infected and the data does not support that YET"-WB

the early days were funnier tbqh

why are threads so slow today?

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Today's my birthday and I feel really lonely. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do if the economy stays like this.

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A news that arrives while the Region communicates that there are 17,278 serological tests on subjects subjected to home trust quarantine carried out since last April 23 in some Ats of Lombardy. From the analysis of the first results, carried out by Professor Fausto Baldanti of San Matteo of Pavia, it seems to emerge that many more subjects have been put in quarantine than those who have actually come into contact with the virus. "The containment measures put in place by the Region were therefore effective because they made it possible to protect the close contacts of those who had contracted the disease promptly and independently of the buffer". This was stated by the Regional Welfare Councilor, Giulio Gallera, commenting on the results of the first week of analysis of blood samples for serological tests. In detail, the positives ascertained by the tests are 3,448, 19.9% of the total, while the negatives are 13,669, 79.1%, the rest are doubtful cases. The largest number of tests, 8,093, was carried out by the health workers of Ats Brescia, of which 903 were positive and 7,192 negative. As regards tests among quarantined citizens, the largest number was carried out in the Ats Bergamo, 1,054, with 652 positives and 363 negatives.


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Death reporting lags you stupid fucking retard. This is the most accurate data available in the entire world, and it shows that this virus is a literal nothingburger.

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how derler epost?

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Fuck niggers and fuck jannies.

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>burger hours kick in
>threads turn to absolute shit
See you tomorrow, /cvg/!

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Fucking retards
if people are so pissed about MUH SEEDS and MUH FREEDUMZ why aren't cities burning? where are the chimpouts? if the virus is a nothing burger where is the civil unrest? why are americans bitching about everything but not doing anything about it?

One million dead when?

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Oy vey, never forget the great non-kosher slaughter

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Go outside and play with Escobar’s hippos

You're part of the problem.

“China lied and people died”

>be a raging homosexual
>let anyone who wants to cum inside of you
>see a guy with aids
>everyone knows he has aids
>you know he has aids; you’ve seen the reports
>news of his aids is circulating for months
>there are YouTube videos showing the open sores on his face
>let him cum inside you anyway
>”durr, he’s responsible for giving me aids”

Pic tangentially related
InB4 ok chang

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>literally appears on the graph, albeit small
you need to get your eyes checked if you can't see that

PM of Russia has the pox

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always or during corona?

regarding Russia's PM testing positive:


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america is in the process of waking up at the moment plus threads getting stagnant because of the back and forth of between happeniggers and nothingfaggots

Hi. My name is user. I have a problem with fapping.

J-j-j-j-j-j-j-just two more weeks!!!!

could you filter this 80 cent chang?

>why are threads so slow today?
The virus is slow past few days.
Lazy ass hoe virus is snoozing on the job.

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You faggots need the rope. Thanks for wrecking the world economy and putting me out of work so governments can create an obedient slave population and put small businesses out of commission, all for a >1% death rate which kills boomers and fat nigs

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Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has been diagnosed with coronavirus, he said during a video meeting with President Vladimir Putin broadcast on the state-run Rossiya 24 television channel Thursday.

Mishustin, 54, who was appointed prime minister in January, has played a leading role in Russia's response to the coronavirus pandemic.

He is now self-isolating and has temporarily stepped back from his work as prime minister. Putin signed a decree to appoint First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov as acting prime minister.

During the televised meeting, Putin said that what happened to Mishustin could happen to anyone. Putin then asked Mishustin to call him from the hospital.

Mishustin's diagnosis comes as Russia's number of coronavirus infections surpassed 100,000 in a record one-day surge.

According to a report by the Proekt investigative outlet published earlier this week, cabinet members and staffers who have direct contact with Mishustin are regularly tested for Covid-19. Other staffers are required to wear face masks.

This story is being updated.

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Reason doesn't work with nothingburgers. They are here just to disrupt the threads. Yesterday one desperate nothingburger had 20+ posts per thread. I would suggest just ignoring those posts and moving on, discussion with those types is fruitless.

manifest destiny after the gubbermint crash phase

Depends if it's not late April fools joke.

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is it me or is it almost impossible to remember what you usually do on Yas Forums before Corona-chan existed?

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The gray is imagined deaths, the orange is reported - which is also overestimated. Total death rate is perfectly normal for an average flu season.


>5% mortality rate
You cannot stop it, it hasn't even begun

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Happy birthday user!

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I don’t know what that even means.

You morons realize you’ve allowed yourselves with the corporate media. Any time that happens you should know you’re wrong

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wow, i'm not fully banned? that's a surprise

Chink needs to make his analogy ultra gay. Not surprised.

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likely at the year one mark if the infection rate stays the same


pic related

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Why is it that EVERY time I work with women in a university group project they do passive aggressive things like replacing the figures I have spent hours making without asking me first or write shitty comments on my work section when I clearly haven't finished it yet and am still trying to figure out how I want to word it

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No because I don't have a memory the size of a goldfish.


i heard it was 2-3% mortality

most have decided to not partake in the shillfest during the day
i dont post anywhere near as much during the day as i do at night because the shills are so boring now, they're like npcs.

Daily recap.
>CCP still covers up outbreaks in China. An announcement from residential block in Wuhan, 28th of April, says that one resident tested positive and the block must now self quarantine. CDC says that on that date there were no cases in Wuhan.
>Chinese media claims that there has been no cases in Hubei province, people outside of the province call it bullshit. Many citizens from the province find it difficult to find jobs from outside of the province since others don't trust them and are facing discrimination.

>Chinese media calls Mike Pompeo "the enemy of humankind", now CCTV calls him a sinful man. His sins are:
>1. cutting off money for the WHO
>2. accusing China of being the origin of the virus
>3. continuing to sanction Iran and Cuba
>4. doing nothing to combat the virus in the US and ignoring the lives of the American people
>Pompeo responds: people know what communists do, classic communist disinformation.

>Chinese authorities have arrested citizens who are preserving digital records of the outbreak, for "provoking trouble"

>The Five Eyes (Australia, US, Canada, UK and New Zealand) intelligence agencies are investigating 2 Chinese scientists linked to the Wuhan lab. The scientists had previously studied live bats in Australia.

>Argentine Federal Court received a criminal complaint, calling for the CCP to be tried for bio terrorism and genocide over the virus. The lawyer called for a criminal investigation into the origin of the virus and calling the resulting crisis "genocide, crimes against humanity"

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Webm lebanon yesterday. From what I understand they lost 50% of their savings.

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So it really is China’s fault the US just lets anyone come in. Got it.

>if the msm parrots cvg that means cvg is wrong
200 iq

Gracias user.

If the government falls we're extra fucked out here.

Ain't no hippos here in my state.

And some kino burial photos from Brazil

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You fucking fags just won't admit that the virus is a fucking fake. Just admit it you fags.

Because the true test of a group project is a leadership test, not a knowledge test. You have to mentally dominate them into contributing without ruining the project.

>One of the senior officials of the Czech Republic suddenly died this year before planning a Taiwan visit. His widow linked his death to the pressure of the CCP. Czech Senate chairman Jaroslav Kubera had planned to visit Taiwan in February, but died abruptly late January. In a late Czech media interview, Kubera's wive says that 3 days before his death, both of them were invited to the Chinese embassy for a "new years dinner"
>The ambassador requested a private conversation with Kubera. His wive said that Kubera looked nervous and angry after the conversation. He also asked his wife to not eat anything at the embassy. His wife said that days before his death, Kubera became more silent.
>Later she found 2 letters from his belongings, 1 from the office of the president, the other from the embassy. BOTH LETTERS THREATENED KUBERA NOT TO VISIT TAIWAN. She blames her husbands death on pressure from Chinese and Czech authorities.

>Mike Pompeo: US wants to reassess its relationship with China. He explains why CCP is not trustworthy.
>CCP still lies
>World is still blocked to the Chinese Virology Institute
>Chinese media still spew lies and disinformation campaign
>CCP still threatens countries
>CCP still scams other countries

>Senator Ted Cruz plans on proposing a bill on Hollywood, stopping them from censoring their films in China. If they self-censor for the chinks, then they will get no money.

>Amazon has bought temperature checking cameras from a blacklisted Chinese company that makes cameras on "re-education" camps and surveillance detentions. Cameras make a snapshot of the faces and could send it back to China.

>US news
>more protests, lawsuits.
>congress arguing about new bill
>FED calls for more aid
>Boeing to cut 10% workforce
>Cuomo: US let down by WHO, NIH, CDC, media

Attached: Jaroslav Kubera.jpg (183x275, 5.58K)

▶ 6032 new cases and 674 new deaths in the United Kingdom
▶ 1718 new cases and 72 new deaths in India
▶ 359 new cases and 42 new deaths in Ireland
▶ 1 new case in the Holy See

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How fucked are Spics from the Coronavirus since Spics have Asian Admixture?

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Lebannon is going to BRRRRR!

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Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them.

>1 new case in the Holy See

kek, christcucks BTFO

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I'm down to make a /cvg/ prep discussion or rate my gear eddition or webms of the happening edition, pretty boring these past few threads

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Russians are immune to coronavirus. Those who get sick aren't real Russians. I mean, look a this guy he is obviously not Russian.

herd immunity btfo for the millionth time this month

Mfw I release the new superflu by accident

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Dude is pretty fat. Might be even worse if he has a typical Russian opulent lifestyle.

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We're fucked not because of genes but because we're all in the third world, though some are in way more danger like Venezuela.

American people are cowards and sheep.

My stimulus check came in the mail today. Do I order a 20", or a 16" AR?

China won't pay for shit
War is coming

Keep safe and keep us updated Lebanon

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Antibody testing suggests it's

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>Any time that happens you should know you’re wrong
Mainstream media is saying 2 + 2 = 4 user. You might be on to something. I've also suspected that 2 + 2 = potato.

Media lies. Sometimes they tell the truth. See, 2+2.

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>If the government falls we're extra fucked out here.
wut do you fags don't have any plan B for when you have to be self sufficient, if not better start making it


What the fuck are you doing? Don't you know that thw virus is a fucking fake? Don't get tied into corporate media.

I don't want her to fade away, I've been through all of her journey since the very beginning.
You made care about my life for the first time, you made me ponder suicide four times, you made me shriek in fear, you made me die of laughter, you gave me a purpose and you also let me know a thing or two of life that I wouldn't have known without you.
Please Corona-Chan, please, don't fade away

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I hope your government is taking care of outdoor spaces as seriously as Ukraine

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You're in one.

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The women especially want to be dominated even if they don't say it.
I give to fucks when working in groups and just force my view of things when I know I am correct.
Nearly everyone will acquiesce

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>well actually it's 20% but it's still dangerous
>well actually it's 10% but it's still dangerous
>well actually it's 5% but it's still dangerous
>well actually it's 1% but it's still dangerous
>well actually it's 0.5% but it's still dangerous
>well actually it's 0.1% but it's still dangerous
>well actually it's 0.05% but it's still dangerous
---You are here---
>well actually it's 0.01% but it's still dangerous
>well actually it's nothingburger%
>well actually it's absolute zeroburger%

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Lazy ass Millenial virus.

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which fallout game is this

Shit math. Positive cases/deaths is 13% CFR. If R0=3 and mortality is 10%, we are probably already nearing a million.

>Prime minister is infected




>1 new case in the Holy See

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>no its ur fault
Oh fuck off chang your social credit score isn't improving any time soon.

This thread was brought to you by GlowNiggers™

Isn't that just a pic of a regular Tuesday in Hohol land?

Attached: wat.jpg (1000x819, 191.09K)

I was always saying 3 weeks, 3 weeks and it's over!
I mean a month!
It will be over by July! One of the Julys.

She'll fade away after killing millions just like how the 1918 superflu did

seeth harder nothing burger fag

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user, i'm so sorry for this flag. all these nipple shit dickin normalfag burgers legitimately think there is no virus. maybe once they lose their sense of taste or become practically crippled with fatigue they'll realize, but it's so fucking embarrassing that it takes that before their "if i cant see it, it's not real" normalcy bias is shattered

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I want her to be with a little.

I don't know why but when a women sits like that with her knees bent in I find it terribly attractive.

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>Take 2000 IU of Vitamin D per day
>Take 2g of Vitamin C per day
There, just made you asymptomatic. No need to thank me.



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Imagine thinking the health of the economy just refers to a bunch of rich jews, and not the livelihood of an entire generation. There won't be anything to reopen.

You're as bad as leftoids.

good joke user

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>6032 new cases
>674 new deaths

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Pretty unique fashion trends, but it could be.

Also, if anyone is interested in learning how corona works (most likely), I recommend this video series. Very informative and based on research:

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I want her to live forever

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I live in a city near the coast so at most we could perhaps fish and plant stuff in the rooftops, but that will definitely draw attention if shit actually hits the fan which I'm pretty sure is bound to happen here.

CNN had some article about how this country would need international help to prevent 1 million cases. And I'm sure there will be more than that.


Which prime minister is next? Digits decide

Is WHO losing their shit now?

Cause it's a sign of immaturity, and you're a pedo?

Pootin gets infected and dies.

>10g of Vitamin C
>5000 IU of Vitamin D
>15 mg of zine
>1000mg of Quercetin
I like my stack better

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Justin Trudeau


Kristallnacht 2 will happen in New York soon kike, don't worry

>if you see the absolute idiocy of Americans blaming China for America’s failings then you must be Chinese

I’m not but ok


You're the faggot who is being sucked into a fucking nothingburger. Go back to work

It's pretty brutal in Louisiana for people over 70. Nearly 1/4 die.

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ok Chang

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I'll bet that if he gets hospitalized he will not survive.

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check these for merkel

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if you can't keep it hidden keep it protected, what are your options for firearms

be ashamed you even posted that picture faggot cunt


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is it trump supporters fault or should she just be fired?

IF IF IF IF IF they're sick enough to have to go in and get tested, which is 1/100 or more cases. So 0.025% die actually.


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>6k new cases
you guys done with the backlog?

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Thanks for the tip satan

▶ 2 new cases in Andorra
▶ 11449 new cases and 664 new deaths in the United States
▶ 264 new cases in Kazakhstan

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it actually seeths HAHAHAHAHAHA

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>virus breaks out
>China starts using Remdesivir already in January
>virus spreads across the globe
>countries start using Remdesivir
>shows good results
>China publishes a government approved "research"
>uh, it doesn't work, don't use it
WHO going to parrot this in 3... 2... 1...