What's your personal opinion of Owen Benjamin?

I disagree with a lot of his content, specifically the anti=-gay stuff I still think is just moral prig-ism and wanting to control others...but...interesting and new POV and worth thinking about. BTW, I'm married and all that shit so...not like...'actively homo' or anything but, def feel like "fuck anyone telling me where to put my dick but me and whatever adult, human person who decides it's okay". I dunno. Totally new, weird to me, point of view that seems worth a listen. Am listening to his interview with E Michael Jones. Good stuff. Probably helps that my Hispanic wife has planted the seeds with her non-stop Christianity obsession and all this. The talk about Logos and etc is somewhat familiar but anyways. Yeah. What ya think?

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>What's your personal opinion of Owen Benjamin?
I don't watch his stuff. I have too much to do.
He should have hidden his power level better. It was pure carelessness.
A soldier in a guerilla war does not jump up and shout his position to the enemy.

Just another guy who thinks he has all the answers and that his own philosophy is the best.

attention whore

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He is a overt Jewish agent.


He's in bed with teddy spaghetti, and is therefore qtard enabling cancer.

he went on an endless rant about how much he hates Qtards and how theyre all retards.

e-celebs are a big no-no. celebs too, ofc.

scholar and a gentleman, not gay at all

based retard

His buddy published cringe comics about qtard sam fisher and called everyone who was doubtful 'gamma', whatever that means.
Fuck owen, fuck teddy.

This thread is asking about owen not vox why are you so fragile ?

He's nuts and his wife is a sucker.

Did I mention their followers engage in circular arguments when challenged? Like boomers?
These fags destroyed nascent rightwing movements. They are the trust fund losers who come along and try to oust the leadership of movements and hijack it for their own personal gain. They're SJWs, christcuck edition.

Dumb guy who has more red pills than he can process. Also kind of a dick and he has serious mental issues. If he's genuinely interested in Christianity and Logos he should go talk to a priest, not embarrass himself in front of the whole world the way he is.

Owen is right about a lot of stuff. Especially the gay stuff. Being gay is.. gay. He is also right about women, and goats. Where I don't agree with Owen at all is that he believes that 9 gay roller bladers died in the Holocost instead of the 6 million. Everyone knows that it was actually just 2 gay roller bladers that died and the rest had typhoid fever and died of AIDS. Plus his denial of the moon landing is a little over the top, everyone knows the ancient Egyptians already went to the moon, and mars.

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Sounds like youre talking about yourself

this is asymmetrical information/culture war
not conventional or unconventional armed combat

He is right about individual topics, but he is another one of these e-celebs who is trying to gain a cult following by promoting his own branded lifestyle/solution-to-all-your-problems, and in the process he poisons everything he touches. It is pseudointellectual quackery and narcissism. No one needs OB to solve society's problems. He need to go get a real job and stop living in celebrity fantasy land.

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Like I said:
"You accused me of circular reasoning because you are talking about yourself because you accused me of circular reasoning"
Literally no different than commies saying 'you're gay because you don't like gay people because you are gay'
Worst part is I bet you have thought about everything this way since you were a child to avoid candid observations of reality, a condition referred to as 'stupidity'.

he moved from skeptic to fanatic almost instantly. needs to become grounded again.

Obnoxious spaz. Also, it's pathetic to flex on a kid more than 20 years your junior whose made far fewer mistakes in life at that point in his life and is on a morally superior trajectory. All over a silly joke so I know he was spoiling to attack the kid. You can preach Christianity all you want but if you're instigating fights and holding grudges, especially with the flimsiest of justification, you're straight up thumbing your nose as the most elementary of Christian directives. He should focus on himself and taking the log from his own eye.

Joey Diaz literally ruined this man's whole career. Got him fucked up during a podcast in LA and he bailed in the middle of it because he was so fucked up. Then he went innawoods and started spouting off crazy theories.

Uncle Joey is a legend, this fag couldn't hang.

He justifies his bullshit as a thought experiment, like the moon landing skepticism. However it ceases to be an experiment of any sort when both sides have made their arguments, the pro-landing side has the stronger case, and you continue to beat a dead horse. Any positive value that can be extracted is gone and berating people for being sick of it is not a sign of someone interested in operating in good faith.

I don't think he has converted to Christianity. Not yet.

Grifters never argue in good faith.

This. Although he’s a>Joey Diaz literally ruined this man's whole career. Got him fucked up during a podcast in LA and he bailed in the middle of it because he was so fucked up.

Everyone talks up Joey Diaz" Oh he's so funny!!!!OMG" I personally find him really boring

He's an insane person and there's no reason to listen to him when there's smarter and better people out there.


There's more to the story but here's the extremely condensed podcast he lost his shit on.

He's a man with many insecurities he vastly overcompensates for, so a woman basically.

WTF was up with him burning his child's books during a livestream? What an insecure fucking faggot dipshit.

Grifter. He's like very similar to Milo, Vox Day, Cernovich. Just trying to make money off of the right by pandering to their talking points and pretending to be an important figurehead for us. In reality he's useless, probably doesn't believe half of the shit he's said. Dude used to be the biggest cuck not even four years ago too.

>the pro-landing side has the stronger case
You are so profoundly retarded its unreal.
"Space may be the final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement" - californication by RHCP

They are literally telling you explicitly to your face. You reject it however in the exact same way normies reject pizzagate because your entire worldview is invested in a false reality. They tell you exactly what they are doing because it makes you less likely to believe it. Your narcissistic attitude is wrapped up in your delusion because you dont want the truth if you cant be the one who discovers it and be rewarded like some pioneer.

Do you not know anything about how the sick satanic fucks operate? It's called hiding in plain sight. It's much easier to hide something so big by manipulating the environment around it to make it appear as if it belongs rather than trying to hide it. You are already programmed to assume a lie is trying to hide the truth rather than tell you the truth with the wrong frame/context. This is why they joke about all the sick shit they do, because normal people cant fathom joking about sick shit while actually doing it in secret. Normal people can only make politically incorrect jokes because they know they are not really racists, murderers, rapists etc.

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