How many of these people are atheists?

how many of these people are atheists?

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Most people are atheists now so I'd imagine most of them are.

About tree fiddy

>Ricky Berwick
He’s a based cripple OP. Leave him alone.

Where? In Tel Aviv?

Is yahweh jealous of the Nintendo Switch now? Shut your mouth before expulsion number 6 million happens

Where white people live. Religion is for niggers and muslims.

I like Ricky too, some other guy made the pic

Kek is that Sven in the top right?

Fucking sodomites

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Ah so the only ones that are breeding are now all Niggers and Muslims? Who is responsible for the future of our race?

To answer the question though, 95% are atheist or some other agnostic shit.

I'd rather whites go extinct than be like niggers or muslims.

You are champ

the damn basedface...

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Guy in the center with the glasses is alright. A bit of a chump but not full blown neckbeard manchild

None of them, they're all pious Christians.

>I'd rather whites go extinct than be Christian
>Because only niggers and Muslims are religious muh based white pagan fellows

Oh I'll side with the niggers and muslims as they kill you. If that's what it takes.

How many of these people are Christcucks?

Attached: (((The Desert Cults))).jpg (3000x3367, 3.74M)

Likely none of them.

Attached: dkfhkeuhruhger.jpg (540x250, 47.12K)

American style Christianity is a corruption and all about money and fantasy.
Ours is just straight forward paedo rings.

Homosexuality and religiosity are surprisingly close to each other. Most priests are gay, for example.

Evolution treky types are the worst though. They are worse than gays.

Okay rabbi

at least you're being honest

Probably none of them. They're just as dogmatic about their views as average Christians. To be an atheist, you have to do away with dogma. It's one thing to talk the talk and another to walk the walk.

If I was a rabbi I'd be religious. The Jews can die alongside the Christian's.

If religion is what is required to save the white race then the white race is not worth saving. It would mean that whites are sub human niggers.

>source: my ass

He holds a gameboy though. Inhadcone of those when I was 12

I'd rather join whoever wants to destroy whites than have whites reduced to the barbarism that is religious superstition.

My brother is a onions boy and he still talks about new Marvel movies or games on XBox. It's pissed up mega.

What if atheism is a common jewish denominator?

Lmao. You didnt realise the priest was a homo when he tried to touch your dick?

Yeah good luck faggot

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Wrong pic. Posted me instead of a crazy queermo. That’s what you get for messing with Jesus Christ. And sent to hell too.
Pic related is the Easter blood super moon seen through a stargazing app on my satanic iPhone

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How can you be a member of a religion and atheist?
Islam is for slaves.


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Yeah. I'm guessing the redditor that made this has no idea who he is.

I dont need luck. Either my side wins or whites are destroyed. Through extinction or being lowered to being animals through religion. I cant lose.

lol you dont have friends

>religion bad
>muh homo priests
>would rather side with niggers

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by lying to goyim

Fucking faggot. Were we indistinguishable from brown people a century ago when the west was christian? What a fucking fedora ant brain you are.

Source needed.
Isn't it a contradiction of christian faith to attend a pride festival? If you dont follow the teachings of Christ are you really a christian?

>religion lowers your mentality to that of an animal

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Welcome to Ireland! This is how we roll here!

So we can defeat the jews by worshipping the jews? Got it.

Islam and christianity worship the Jewish god.

Neither Judaism nor Islam are apart from Satanism

>did Europeans used to live like animals centuries ago.

Yes. Yes they did. They lived in squalor and ignorance. If we can set aside all our accomplishments and return to the filth of religion than we are no better than the dirtiest Africans.

It was just chance. We wernt better. There would be no race worth saving.

>religious superstition
Faith in god is more logical than believing for a fact that the sun is made of hydrogen.


You don't have an argument. And yes, I do!

Isn't that Sven from TRS in the top right corner?

That's cool. Iv already said I am committed to siding with the enemies of white Christians, whoever they may be.

Scripturally speaking, none of them. Great bait, cunt.

Christianity is the practice of worshipping a jew as the representative of god.


The UK was at the height of it's world power and scientific leadership at the end of the 19th century. We were also more fervantly religious than we had been in centuries as well. It's strange to see an unreconstructed new atheist in the wild. I thought you'd all choked on your own autism years ago.

A white damsel spreads her legs to accept a sperm-coated white cock into her pussyhole

You're welcome to prove me wrong

>advanced government administration
>this guy: "We lived in mudhuts"


Well just speaking about the UK, during the industrial revolution most of them DID live short,, dirty lives.

Funny how that went nowhere and it's been a steady decline ever since.

How many Germans does it take to lose a world war? Just one

>if you like Nintendo consoles that means you don’t worship yahweh and rabbi yeshua!
Go away spiritual semite.

In America maybe but not worldwide.

Because they worked in kike owned industries who enabled child labor. Religious movements were a pretext to human rights.

Yeah, the first and second world wars shattered tha national religion and bankrupted us. We were broken financially and culturally. We have never recovered. Losing your money and your national belief in your eternal destiny tends to be disastrous. Open a history book.

Better that than worshipping Israel.