Post 'em
how can these people bear to look at themselves in the mirror
Why do you think they off themselves more than the average joe?
Because homicide is too much work
How does somebody have that low of bodyfat and still a chubby face? Please respond. I have chubby cheeks and was told to cut weight and that would help. I'm scared now. I'm not fat, skinnyfat.
is it too disturbing?
Can you feel it anons? Weimar 2, electric boogaloo. I can't wait.
How can you not prescribe assisted suicide to this deranged lunatic.
That's why user, they work OUT
those goddamned spoonheads really did a number on poor o'brien
What can men do against such unapologetic evil?
surgery huh?
Things got hard for him once Sisko left
That's a tranny, female to male.
And you people say Half life was fictional?
Explain the Stalkers then!
Get your kids into this too!
My 6 year old niece can beat this faggot up cold in 15 seconds
wtf am i even looking at. i don't even lift and i can tell that's like, 25% of a rep. watch it's atrophied legs shake as it comes back up
Jesus wept
This is pretty sad. Can't blame someone like him for escaping into a happy little anime land.
Honest hearts and gentle people!
An average person isn't particularly attractive user, and dysphoria is indeed a bitch, so most trans people, particularly the ones early into transition, do hate the way they look.
n a t u r a l
don't forget, they were born this way
Good God! I idea...
What exactly are we seeing here? Because idk what the fuck I'm looking at but I could imagine it being way worse, so it might actually be considered "good" compared to whatever state it was earlier.
Reminder guys, these are the people (in OPs pic) that coordinate in discord and are behind the anti-Trump shill threads and the "MIGA!" and "have sex" spam posts everywhere.
If you ever see one of those shills, remember to tell them to dilate.
That is a phalloplasty, they take skin from your body to make you the new penis, the phallus
They keep changing pedestrian crossings into rainbow flags. Really annoying but we've been fighting back.
jesus fucking christ
How does testosterone not permanently fuck up the ovaries?
There are no weights on the bar lmao
Why not just take the skin from the leg instead of playing musical chairs like this?
They take it from your mouth too it's great