If trump wins Cali secedes.
If trump wins Cali secedes
Well I sure hope he fuckin wins then. California would be fucked without interstate commerce, and once all the other states cut off water supply.
Do a flip, faggot
Good - let em. California depends *entirely* on federal support and siphoning off water and resources from it's neighbors.
See how long it lasts on its own.
He's not going to win though.
and with it goes 14% of the US GDP
Nice, a reason to nuke California
Don't threaten me with a good time
Damn you’re right. We’d drop from #1 GDP globally to ...
#1 GDP globally
still worth it
I really don't want to vote for dup. Why are you forcing me to?
Lol than who is fucking sasquatch?
Isn’t that like a quarter of the GDP gone?
That's not really how it works, since California is disproportionately dependent on institutions like the military and government-subsidized industries like tech and economically is dependent on water from outside the state for sustenance.
Fuck yeah TRUMP 2020
No they won’t
I think it would be really nice of us if we gave California to Mexico
that's a steal
Best possible outcome. Good for them, good for us.
We must make sure he wins then.
>14% of the gdp
And 25% of the dead weight
Why the most beautiful states in USA have the most amount of faggotry? The white southern states are pretty depressing shitholes places to live.
Because of people like you Jew
The coastal states are filled with foreigners who don't give a shit about traditional American values.
And all of the silicon valley companies that rely on imports from other states and countries would fall fast. They'd have to move elsewhere or face shortages and ridiculous taxation from the Californian Govt. What comes around goes around.
Not even mentioning that it's essentially unconstitutional to secede in the first place. The US would definitely declare war. I think we both know that the onions consoomer base of California wouldn't put up much of a fight.
That sounds like an excellent reason to vote for him.
What is this faggotery
Those “redneck” states are actually very cheap to live in, and have good paying jobs. States like California are pretty but are beyond affordable, even for you Yaakov
Please God yes.
And how many of them have you lived in?
k bye
100% worth it just to see how many Big Tech firms will flee to Texas.
Because depressing shitholes make people into self righteous shitbags
because when they bounced the faggots out of the military in WW2, they processed them in San Francisco. The faggots liked it there so much they stayed.
you see the extent of the problems you fucking kikes cause? kys
And be minus 40 million people.
Please god no. The current satellite offices are the source of much of the leftist faggotry loving population we have here now. And the source of the fucking pajeet invasion.
China first to recognize the NCR! Military and economic relationship to establish to fight against the American scums.
>Divert water from Colorado River to other states for agriculture
Whoops! Looks like California now has a total of 0% GEE DEE PEE
a good portion of them are useless spics so who cares
Let California secede and then ban all of their tech companies from doing business in America. BTFO.
He's right though. Southern states have the lowest GDP per capita in USA.
calicucks forever btfo
stay THIRSTY my friends
14% that is 50% funded by other states
Agree. Also, much of the state won’t go along with secession.
fuck my sides
>Nearly 70 Percent of Californians Oppose Seceding from the Union