Woah, Trump is actually based now?

Woah, Trump is actually based now?
>President Donald Trump on Wednesday called footage from the Pentagon showing "unidentified aerial phenomena" a "hell of a video" and told Reuters he wonders "if it's real."

Attached: basedblukpf.jpg (1080x1154, 191.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>newly released

Based BLUMPF BTFO'ing the denialists of the UFO reality.

Aliens are real, so what? They haven't made our lives any better.

Trump should initiate full ayylmao disclosure. That will make him the most famous president in history.

...by the government.

You sure take a lot in life for granted.

gibs me tic-tac ufo now

Attached: Tic_Tac_UFO.jpg (1308x424, 118.59K)

I suspect its not for the want of trying.

>said while posting on the internet
based ironic retard

Would people behavior change if they knew aliens are watching us but dont particularly care about us they just want to observe

Massive distraction campaign. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. There’s shit much weirder than UFOs happening on earth right now.

>muh project blue beam

Trump is the only US President who would be willing to tell us the whole truth about UFOs. I hope this fucking idiot tweets about it soon.

>videos published XX months ago
>'Lmao guys see the ultra-old-news videos!'
>It's totally a new news!

>muh distraction
>muh psyop
>muh bluebeanz
>muhh muhh muhh
Pure and unfiltered cope.

It's totally new news since the pentagon officially released the videos themselves and made a press statement. They've spent the last 2 and half years muddying the waters. Now, for the first time in 75 years of disinfo campaigns, the U.S. government has admitted UFO's exist.

I only have my homies to live for.

hes trying to act like we dont own the UFO

Are jews ayys??

You don't.
Already confirmed by AATIP, the pentagon program that studied the Nimitz and Roosevelt encounters.

presidents arent in the know. The people who control this information are in lifelong positions and the president is a temporary agent that doesnt fall in the need to know category

>calling other people "idiots"

Ayylmaos are real but not here. This is just a black box program that got spotted by the public military.

What fucking retards all over the world don't seem to understand is that UFO does not equal aliens, it means exactly what UFO stands for; unidentified flying object, which could literally be fucking anything.

>a hell of a video
Daemons confirmed.

Aliens are failures. In all likelihood they caused the devonian mass extinction and ran away like pussies.

Ayy lmaos confirmed cucks

>told Reuters he wonders "if it's real."
Lmfao, this dude is the best

Attached: F7A07920-766F-4856-950A-E331A68C62ED.png (709x500, 587.31K)

>Yes my fellow Amerigoys, I know you are worrying about this Coronavirus killing you, because you're fat and unhealthy, but look at this cool video, woah, how awesome is that? You think it's real too? I sure do.

Aliens need to go back
Fuck off we're full, ayyniggers

>calls people retards
>makes a trite reddit black science man argument that he thinks is profround
Yes, RETARD, and you are a RETARD, and I will keep calling you a RETARD, RETARD. While UFO does, RETARD, indeed stand for "unidenfitifed flying object", RETARD, we can still observe these objects and any accompying data, such as their velocity or other abilities, and make conclusions about them. If these objects outpace fighter jets like nothing, have no signs of visible propulsion, and activate/deactivate mutually exclusive nuclear arsenals, they're likely not human made. RETARD. If I see you spout that trite argument again, I'm going to personally open your mouth with a wedge and keep it open while I take a huge shit down your fucking mouth, RETARD. Don't make me see you say it again, understand, RETARD?

>understand, RETARD?
No, type out more please.

holy fuck you are stupid.

Not only is this shit old, it was already debunked.
Yas Forums is so fucking dead at this point there is absolutely no hope.

Ayys if they exist, likely runs the world. They sure would have the might and would make sense that they hide since nobody would feel confortavel knowing we're spacenigger's bitches...

Pikmin are real

>it was already debunked.
Explain how it was debunked, I'll wait.
The only people with the authority and knowledge to "debunk" it are the ones on the video completely baffled by what they are seeing

If people who are trained and paid to identify aircraft can't tell you what the hell they are witnessing, no one can

It was never "debunked", you braindead fucking stupid cunt. Kill yourself before I kill you myself you stupid fucking cunt. Get out of this fucking thread and don't dare make another post again you stupid fucking cunt.

He is referring to some shitty videos made by some literal "skeptic" cuckhold mick west. He didn't debunk shit and makes some baseless arguments that ignore 99% of the available data. He's literally a shill that makes "debunking" videos for money.

(((Pentagon))) releases footage of ayyylmao’s but where are the proofs?

Attached: 0FF73621-E653-40EF-8F0F-0026A720B8E4.gif (607x609, 821.08K)

US Navy already addressed those videos and said they were real / non-faked.
It is an old news.

>Navy already confirmed them as real
>But now after X years pentagon confirms them as real too!
>Totally a new news!
>0 new info
>0 new content
>idz habbading! xDDDDD
>ebin benis XDDDDD

Attached: 1583119355143.jpg (600x446, 127.53K)


Take your pills.

Oh yeah that thing that's controlled by pedophiles who have nothing better to do than harass me and do all other sorts of illegal shit but the government looks the other way to it

So do I shoot you or the aliens?

hes right. Deal with it memeflag faggot

I spoke with a guy from NORAD about "ayys" he seen, he didn't know shit about anything, what he saw were Corona retrieval.

>...they're likely not human made.
So echoing the same fucking thing the guy you are shitting on said? Neither of you can back up a claim of either ET or domestic origins. While I agree that his statement was obvious "black science man argument" territory, yours is equally retarded. Hell, comments from people associated with or at one point even running skunkworks and other black budget compartments of DoD and their suppliers have implied if not outright stated that some of the technology currently underway is so far ahead of what we understand to be the cutting edge that it could be mistaken for ET in origin. As a matter of fact, it's equally if not MORE likely that this is black budget technology and not ET. Without anyone being able to claim for certain on this board, your statement is just as RETARDED as the one you are criticizing.

I'm convinced jews always post "take your meds" because theyre reminding themselves

The US Navy put our several statements, which were often contradictory, and never publicly released the videos. The DoD has publicly released these videos on their website and have put out a statement, which is not contradictory.

swamp gas


>I spoke with a guy from NORAD
Of course you did

Start injecting testosterone you low test cuckhold

Ayy Lmao's are a bigger nothingburger that the current hoaxvirus. I am sick of hearing about them. Fake muthafucking news.