There is a debate going on about whether paganism is Folkish or Universalist.
On the one hand we know that ancient paganism was not missionary in nature, Pagans didn't travel abroad and spread their religion and when they did have expansionist intentions(Greeks, Celts, Romans etc.) they were for economic and political reasons and not religious ones.
On the other hand there is no centralized pantheon of gods and a myriad of different localized traditions so there is literally nothing stopping someone from making their own form of proto-indo-european inspired polytheism.
IS paganism Folkish or Universalist?
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>There is a debate going on
there is no debate going on
Shamanism is the only human spiritualism, others are fantasy.
There isn't a religion called paganism. That's like saying there's a religion called infidels just because muslims call everyone who are not them infidels. Pagan is word madeup by latin christcucks that roughly translates to a mix between goyim and village idiot.
modern pagansim is 100% made-up bulllshit.
that said, if it makes people happy, who am i to judge? i make quite some money on the side peddling pseudo-pagan trinkets to gullible larpers.
>There isn't a religion called paganism. That's like saying there's a religion called infidels just because muslims call everyone who are not them infidels. Pagan is word madeup by latin christcucks that roughly translates to a mix between goyim
correct, but all modern neopagan groups in europe (wicca not included obliviously, fuck off mutts) are revival of aryan religions, and all of those are on the same familly tree of religions
Genuine paganism is folkish. It's based heavily on ancestor worship and following the rituals of your people. It simply cannot be universalist by nature.
This new leftist neo-pagan shit, which merely just appropriates symbols of ethnic European religion, is universalist.
>This new leftist neo-pagan shit
I am sorry who?
it's fucking cringe that's what it is
go prepurchase AC: Valhalla pagan LARPer
these guys are fucking clowns, imagine having the rich catholic heritage spaniards have and pretend to be a worthless snownigger
>rich catholic heritage spaniards
tell me again, how long did it take for the catholic church to send fighters to liberate spain from the arabs?
Wicca, and a lot of movements that label themselves as pagan, but are just using pagan symbols. They're essentially taking an Abrahaimic framework but replacing Yaweh with pagan deities. Which is foolish for many reasons, but among them is the fact that the deities weren't that important in ethnic European religion compared to ancestors and local spirits.
right, again, see>(wicca not included obliviously, fuck off mutts)
I am not sure why amerimutts try to imply wiccans are in any way related to european paganism
the catholic church is not a military organization, faggot
but you guys (frankish kingdom, a catholic kingdom) were literally the first to help us only a few years after the moors arrived
Southern france and northern Spain are both fucking horrid places to wage a full scale war.
It's gay and for retarded barbarians
It's all cringe LARP. Just look at your pic.
you say "abrahamic framework" despite the entire thing being plagiarised. All abrahamic religions just steal from the cultures societies and philosophies of those that came before them, not unlike a lot of people on here.
>the catholic church is not a military organization, faggot
oh but it was, the papacy was a proper state with its own army
never mind that, they had several military orders who followed direct orders from the pope, and the pope could call crusades and call in the christian kings to fight anyone
how many crusades did the christians launch to liberate iberia? how many soldiers did they send to kike off the moors under 8 centuries of occupation?
>but you guys (frankish kingdom, a catholic kingdom)
charles martel refused to help either the visigoths or the aquitainians and let them both be invaded by muslisms, to get rid of them as rivals
charles martel sat and grinned as he refused the desperate pleas of your ancestors, and only one aquitaine had been conquered by the moors, and most of them were going back, did he strike to annex his old rival, he never helped spain after that
the frankish kings also went on to betray and slaughter all their nobility and brothers in arms, and also created the jewish financial system
weird how you praise those guys, glad we cut off their heads
>Southern france and northern Spain are both fucking horrid places to wage a full scale war.
didnt seem to bother the romans
or the arabs
It's because the average person associates paganism with Wicca, you fucking retard. Yes, wicca is just something using pagan imagery and otherwise isn't related, but the average person doesn't understand (or even care about) that.
but it did bother the Arab and French as none of them were ever able to completely conquer Iberia.
Honestly, they have no historical backing. If they could admit what they do is a modern interpretation of the idea of pagan... maybe they could have some wiggle room to grow. But as is, they look amateurish larpy hippy malarkey
Pagan literally just means any non Christian religion you fucking retard. It's like just calling yourself goy instead of German, French, Japanese, or Indian. So what the fuck religion are you even talking about? According to who's interpretation? Take Christianity for example. The Bible makes it exceedingly clear it was only ever meant to be spread to the lost tribes of Israel. Now we can argue all day over who those tribes were and what races they might be today, but technically even Christianity was originally a folkish religion at one point.
The only religions I know of with strong, clear ties to race still intact to this day or Judaism and Zoroastrianism. Christianity has its roots in Zoroastrianism, which managed to preserve its clear ties to race and blood much better. It's quite literally only intended for descendants of the same Aryans who once conquered India. When India forgot the importance of the racial component of its caste system and began to fall to race mixing, the wisest and whitest remaining aryans mostly fled to Iran and founded Zoroastrianism to protect the last remnants of their bloodline.
Unfortunately, they ended up in the middle east surrounded by sand niggers. So the wiser ones again left because they knew they would end up repeating the same mistakes if they stuck around surrounded by mudslides. They went west guided by prophecy in search of a messiah. Then Christ came around. Three magi (Zoroastrian priests) from the east(Iran) visited his birth, claiming they were led there by three stars. Fast forward to Christ the teenager and suddenly we lose ~17 years of his life.
Personally, I think he paid back the visit and learned to awaken to who he was with help of the Zoroastrian magi. It all lines up perfectly, and I don't trust coincidences. If this were the case, it would make it even more likely that the "lost tribes of Israel" were all the caucasoid races still containing some Aryan blood.
Louis, how come you keep saying that Europeans hail from neanderthals? You say a lot of good stuff, all of it really - but how have you managed to miss that Semites are Neanderthal rapebabies? It's so strange that you have this blindspot
>Semites = neanderthal rapebabies
>Niggers = Homo erectus rapebabies
>Europeans = Cro-Magnon
If the following story isn't true: may God Himself strike me down before I can post it.
I raped and tortured Jesus Christ as a baby. I called up my bitch, the Queen of England, to send me some Britcuck tax dollars to build a time machine. I traveled back in time to Pissrael back when it was a dago province, and what do I see? Some Palestinian kike named Joseph with his wife and his wife's son. "Jesus H. Christ, I presume?", I said. Jesus was still a baby but being half-God could understand me perfectly. "Yes, it is I", He replied. I haven't had sex in awhile, because the last time Sophie gave me head, my massive cock broke her jaw and ripped out all of her teeth. Dumb whore can't handle me.
I knocked out the skinny little sandnigger Joseph with my massive Aryan Anglo-French-Canadian arms. I then whipped out my dick and started to rape Mary, the mother of Our Lord and Savior. The vagina that had given birth to God was my little fleshlight, but she wasn't enough. I then ripped the baby Jewsus out of her kike hands and stuck my dick into His baby asshole, thrusting and grunting, my sweat beading up and dropping onto His visage. god was a little faggot and couldn't help but pop a lil baby boner. I made what the gooks did at Nanking look like a walk in the park. I tore that baby's asshole up and left it bleeding and dripping pus and cum.
I then ordered Him to suck His shit off my dick. While He was doing so, I started to squeeze His baby testicles until they burst and kike juices came spilling out. I then knocked His baby teeth out with a drop kick and travelled back to 2020 to fight Coronavirus.
>It's because the average person associates paganism with Wicca, you fucking retard.
maybe the average american mutt does, but the average american mutt votes for either neolibs or neocons, watched jewish tv shows and hollywood, and knows less than the average dog, so I dont exactly put their opinion in high regard
>but it did bother the Arab and French as none of them were ever able to completely conquer Iberia.
we did actually, napoleon conquered all of it easily, but he didnt want it, he just took catalonia and let the rest of the shithole govern themselves under a client king (I think his brother or something)
as for the arabs, the conquered all of iberia minus asturias and the basques, who were both crazy backwards montain people who were so poor it wasnt worth the effort
kys retard
Pierre you're talking to a evangelical christ cuck who thinks anything except the bibble is Judaism. Some of us have actually read Savitri Devi
>Some of us have actually read Savitri Devi
holy shit americans can read???
What kind of counter-argument is that?
I know there are some studies that have shown a tiny amount of neanderthal blood in Sweden, but that's just because they took in a fuckton of jews in WWII. The rest of the north ouside south-eastern Sweden has practically no neanderthal DNA.
Now, one could think that DNA studies would test racial jews seperately, but of course they would not have differentiated from a swedish jew and a swede - so their DNA averages out in studies. Studies based on race are neigh illegal in Europe and have been so for a long time. So if there are a few people with 40-50% neanderthal DNA (rabbis and very jewish jews) then the average gets pulled up by a lot - meaning that the average neanderthal DNA in southeaster Sweden is around 1% - as opposed to the rest of scandinavia which is around 0%.
But here's the important part - even though the average in south eastern Sweden is about 1%, that does not mean every person there has 1% neanderthal DNA. It means that a few people in Sweden (jews and muslims) have a lot of it.
Just like in America, a few people have a lot of Indian DNA, so if you count it as an average across the whole population it would show a few percentages of Indian DNA. Even though the vast majority of Americans have 0% Indian DNA. Same thing with neanderthal DNA and jews.
Again, Northern Europe, Scandinavia has about 0% of Neanderhal DNA
Middle Europe, germany, has about 1-2%
Southern Europe, italy, has 2-4% - as they've been exposed to the christcuck/semite invasion the longest
Some parts of the middle east such as the ethnic saudi arabians have 20-60% neanderthal DNA
Europeans are not neanderthals
Semites are neanderthal rapebabies
>Savitri Devi
this must be bait. She was an insanely ugly kraut roastie who married a sand nigger shitskin pajeet amd thought Hitler was Odin.
It’s universalist. Pagans routinely would just adopt the new gods of whoever occupied them and there was never anyone freaking out because someone built a temple to Jupiter in Alexandria. Modern folkish paganism is essentially taking a religious belief (a nigger can worship Thor and the value of Nordic culture) and gatekeeping it as a reaction to how many things SJWs have coopted. That being said, pagans should never sacrifice their beliefs or principles to accommodate some yuppy tranny
>tfw he literally says word for what what I ve been saying
what a lad, I miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
Folkists’ entire worldview collapses when you point out the fact a multiracial child could easily have ancestors from several pagan traditions
Paganism is just a word for "not christian"
I am in the AFA and love it. I can tell you 100% that we are folkish. No we don't hate other races. We want them to thrive as well and be free to worship their god(s). We just prefer to worship with our own people. And hail our own ancestors.
If you have any questions seek out Matthew Flavel. He is our leader and is very open and responsive to questions.