It's like he almost gets it. He almost gets that that's why people feel comfortable attacking white people

It's like he almost gets it. He almost gets that that's why people feel comfortable attacking white people.

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I think the actual root of antisemitism is having a supremacist belief based religion. That's why its easy to hate Nazis.

Yeah, Jewish people are well known for not being in positions of power and having no money.

>God's Chosen
supremacist belief based religion you say?

I don’t know who this guy is nor do i care about the topic but i absolutely fucking detest the way people like him write. The way he purposefully delineates his paragraph with his final sentence as if what he wrote was just oh so fucking insightful, that nobody could possibly comprehend its brilliance without the addition of the space.

Yeah, that was my point. I guess I could have worded it better.

I was trying to say, people hate Jews for the same reason other people hate Nazis.

Can't spell Ashkenazi without NAZI

People only hate nazis because jews have been brainwashing them since the 40s.

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Anglos hate Nazi's because they think they are the master race.


Do they? I guess I wasn't around for it, but it seems like the propaganda goes both ways.
Preserving your own culture doesn't seem supremacist? Nor does getting angry when people profit off of your children being raped.

it's almost like people don't like being ripped off, gaslit, spied on, lied to by the same club of people. the root of antisemitism is assholes and assholes pretending it's about race or religion to deflect.

But white privilege is real, the only reason you deny it is is because you're a failure white NEET despite all your privilege, which makes your failure of an existence even more pathetic, no wonder you seethe with anger constantly.

There is a lot I think is still up for debate about Nazi's, but is the master race ideology really in question? I could be wrong.

no we do it because juden are evil and need to die.

its that simpel.

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Wouldn't you feel more comfortable "punching" down considering the retaliation?

Uh, no, he doesn’t get it at all. If you brought it to his attention he wouldn’t comprehend what you’re saying. He is genetically incapable of comprehending what you’re saying, which is why 109 countries

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No, my actual reason for antisemitism is circumcision.

You're a fucking moron if you think "Jews = wealth and power" by default.
No you idiot, lots of ethically Jewish people do not in fact have either.


these people will call you a fucking moron if you think all jews = wealth and power and then go and turn around and go off on an endless tirade about white privilege

>You're a fucking moron if you think "Jews = wealth and power" by default.

But "whites=wealth and power" aka "white privilege" is perfectly fine right faggot?

White privilege doesn't mean that being white automatically makes you well-off, it means that your race doesn't make your material conditions worse.
You're not as lightly to have your institutions neglected and undersupplied as majority black areas, you're not as likely to be randomly stopped, manhandled, or shot by the cops as black people are.
And you don't get people calling you racial slurs the way black people do.

He has a blue check mark, moron

Jews and niggers get affirmative action along with a plethora of gibsmedats. Whites do not. Get rekt kike.

>being white doesn't automatically make you well off
>your race doesn't make your material conditions worse
implying someone being of another races does make their material conditions worse means that according to you being white DOES make you more well-off dumbass

>when you're white you don't get people calling you racial slurs
if i wanted to i could get a white guy fired from his job for not even saying a racial slur but if i called a white guy a cracker/mayo i'd get reddit upboats and hundreds of thousands of twitter likes 9 times out of 10. i'm black you're not stop pretending you know what its like to be black

>implying someone being of another races does make their material conditions worse means that according to you being white DOES make you more well-off dumbass
Er, no it doesn't? White people simply do not face the same issues that black people do, that doesn't mean they face no financial issues.
And guess what, progressives are the ones striving to address everyone's financial issues, including those of poor white people, while conservatives just want to make the rich richer.

>if i called a white guy a cracker/mayo
Lmao, this barely happens at any significant scale, it means nothing. It's weak shit, and you know it.

>twitter and reddit
See, that's the fucking thing, the worst thing that can happen to white guys is people saying something mean about them online. It doesn't compare to anything real, like racial bias in law enforcement or healthcare.

Awwww...the poor little coin-shavers. Always the victims. Very little self-awareness. Noses protruding. Disgusting.

>progressives are the ones striving to address everyone's financial issues

Lol, you mean fleecing whites for gibs to distribute to the cargo cult?

>exposing an innocent person to hundreds of thousands of losers who jack themselves off to victim culture and white privilege, the online equivalent of leaving someone else out for the vultures where they'll get doxxed, fired, and possibly refused a bank account means nothing

Get the fuck out of here.

Shadow president Jared Kushner agrees

They learned their lesson after Romania. Better to rule from the shadows with a figurehead