why does the idea of a strong non-christian white euorpe offend christians, even the mere idea of it existing makes them go haywire.. really makes you think
Why does the idea of a strong non-christian white euorpe offend christians...
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>the idea of a strong non-christian white euorpe
because the evidence so far tells us that it doesn't actually work, given that the more atheistic a country is (nobody will join your pagan LARP), the more shitskins it's government will bring in.
They wanna uphold the status quo of their filthy scamming religion
same energy.
Paganism seems very artificial and forced. It's a fashion statement, a 'cultural' viewpoint born mostly of spite. There is no sincere belief in the existence of its gods in modern times.
Name 5 strong non-christian males with big families that aren't insufferable atheists that spend all their time shitting on christianity on the web.
>They don't know the full extent of aryan history
>They don't understand Might is right
>They don't understand what God is made of.
>They don't seek answers from within but without
Long story short, they have pilfered around at the top of the iceberg of truth but haven't gotten wet yet.
Why do christians insist on continual mass increase of population?
My quest for you. Go learn about the Andals, Franks, Goths, Visagoths, Ostragoths, Gauls, trojans, greeks, romans were....Go read why our race was great.
I'll start you off.
Our race? Lmfao you just listed 9 groups that would’ve all seen themselves as separate and unique, even different races, if they had that word. Wignat cringe.
Does knowing that your ancestors just 250 years ago would burn you at the stake for saying something like that in public make you seethe, Ragnar?
its natural teleology, the literal opposite of "artificial and forced". Read a fucking book you mutt.
Non-Christian Europe existed when Christianity did not exist for thousands of years, and then people decided that Christianity was truth and abandoned their old gods. The people didn't change, but they changed their religious beliefs. The end result = Christian Europe outdid non-Christian Europe in every shape and form.
>Does knowing that your ancestors just 250 years ago would burn you at the stake
you re the son of a christian inquisitor? nice kike genetics there buddy
because it's idea is inherently artificial. Before Christianity, "white pepole" never felt any connection.
>and then people decided that Christianity was truth and abandoned their old gods.
things that never happened
Christkikes would rather have a non-white "Christian" Europe than a white Europe that was non-Christian. This by definition means they cannot be ethnonationalists and are lying when they say they are.
It's no more of a larp than pretending you can talk to a rabbi named Jesus and his dad Yahweh and some ghost. At least paganism is generally representing a reflection of the world, not some Jewish gobbledygook
Explain the Czech Republic and Estonia in comparison to Germany, led by pastor's daughter Angela Merkel, representing the Christian Democratic Union party.
I dont care About ideology that much, it just has to preserve my People.
>a bunch of savages didn't know about genetics and populations so you should stoop to their level as well
Retard mutt
Things that happened, so much so that the old gods are dead and buried, and their temples are ruins visited by tourists.
Europe = Christianity
Europe is so good to a large part because of the christian morality instilled to us since birth. Go eat some bugs with all the godless chinks, dirty subversion shill.
>christkike europe outdid the real europe
Almost died laughing. Christkikes set Europe back a thousand years until Italians finally rediscovered their Roman roots and those of their close kinsmen, the ancient Greeks. Until then the subhuman christkike spent his days dwelling in mud huts and wooden shacks.
shut up kike. Most nords were barely christian. My brother and his friends literally used to burn bibles for fun and my great grandfather killed a greek shitskin priest
because christian europe won modern history. why abandon it? do you have a belief system with a better trackrecord that you can expand on?
God destroyed Babylon and separated the races by language
God hates diversity
>AC: Valhalla
I bet all my money that the next Assassins Creed would be about jews against romans (probably bar kokhba revolt)
Screencap this.
Because Christianity gives you an easy way out.
>just pray, bro
>just be nice, bro
>you'll be rewarded in heaven, bro
If they had the old values they couldn't hide their lack of courage with their "faith".
False. Atheist countries like Czechia and Japan are also some of the most homogeneous.
While the most cucked and mixed are deeply Christian, like USA, Brazil, etc.
>I don’t care about truth
>It just has to go well with my feelings
And this is exactly we we will never make progress. Moral relativism will literally be the death of White people
Czech Republic and Estonia are the most racist, homogeneous and atheistic.
Only in Bulgaria do you spend your days living in mud huts and wooden shacks. That is certainly not the case for the rest of Europe.
Link to the part of the tower of Babel that talks about races.
Christianity is 30% white and falling fast. There's more African Christians than European Christians. I guess that's why Europeans are so in favor of dumping millions of black and brown colonizers in European lands?
>I don’t care about truth
>It just has to go well with my feelings
>is literally defending a faith
>you need christianty to stay moral
Cope harder shitskin. You're literally an invader with a religion from the middle east. You don't belong in Europe, and it's retarded that you think Europeans would have no morals without Christianity. You're just coping because Christianity is the only thing that separates you from an arab and nigger, you share everything else beside religion. You subhuman invader.
Do you want more furries? Because this how you get more furries.
It doesn't only offend Christians. Who the fuck needs that kind of Europe?
You're dumb and have bad reading comprehension.
Every religion in some way 'reflects' the world. You illustrated my point. No one genuinely believes in the spiritual reality of paganism. It's a ploy and a fashion statement, a 'wouldn't that be cool if we all pretended to believe in Thor because he is so epic and white'
He's confusing Jewish retardation about why there's different languages in the world to a statement against diversity, while overlooking all the passages in the magical Jew books about welcoming strangers and "we're all one in Christ". The entire NT is a globohomo universalist book about merging all of humanity into a cultureless identityless blob that worships jews.
Is that why you are posting from Canada? Kek.
Seems like. The pope has a brown/black feet fetish.
Imagine being an adult and still believing in fairy tales. Embarrassing!
Manuel, shut up. Portugal, from the very beginning has been a Christian nation. You do not represent even .0001% of Portugal. Portugal is lucky not to be an Islamic nation, and all because of the Christians that kept on fighting to expel the muslim.
Czech republic the porn capital of the world and homogenous estonia where 40% is russian hmmm okay.
Without christianity you would still be living in mudhuts.
Yeah, they forcibly destroyed the temples and forced them to accept Christianity. Just like Muslims. And THEN they stole their holidays! Christniggers, no wonder they love them so much. They are them.
I don't really care what you Nordics do. Stop trying to victimize yourselves.
Not only do you spend your days living in wooden shacks, as you literally can't afford anything more than that in that shithole country of yours, but you also enjoy the grimy taste of shitskin dick 3 times a day, one for every meal. That's christkikery for you. No thanks.
Why do you hate Christians?
Why are you trying to divide groups of white people and pit them against each other?
The answer is quite simple...
He is talking about the country as a whole retard.
And Czeckia is fairly religious in comparison to Germany.
You're an idiot, and probably an islamoshit. Go fuck yourself.
>christian. My brother and his friends literally used to burn bibles
What a degenerate, and people think that Swedes will ever rise up HAHAHAHA
Admit it; you’re just an atheist who likes to LARP as a Pagan, but you actually don’t hold any belief in a higher deity. You will die in the battlefield, because ultimately you’re a nihilist. You don’t believe in anything. If you still haven’t managed to recognize Atheism as the biggest threat against Europe, then your completely lost
>Without christianity you would still be living in mudhuts.
No i wouldn't, without christianity you wouldn't be brown. christianity set europe back 1000 years. Cope harder
I knew this would make christcucks seethe.
Because to most people, Modern paganism is seen as LARPing. And to those who pay close attention, it’s all weird leftists who often try to push some hippy type ideology. Basically it’s Marxism/everything pol hates masquerading as a “religion” if you can even call it that
>Portugal is lucky not to be an Islamic nation
Are we also lucky to be overrun with niggers and brazilians who are overwhelmingly catholic?
We literally have more actual niggers than morocco, hahaha.
If there was no Christianity there would be no Islam as well.
lol i don't, do you even know what natural teleology is?
Kill yourself, you subhuman christkike race traitor.
Because it’s so fringe only retards like varg pick it up, and it’s been dead and forgotten for so long they only have REEally weak nonsense to come up with and grab onto rather then a solid ideological system.
The best I’ve seen are nazis who just tack it on to there statist monolith, the next in line is the weird Wiccan groups that infest places like Portland, San Fran, and the Northern Europe countries LOL.
>do you have a belief system
They don’t, they don’t believe in belief systems. They are nihilist, atheists. They are forever lost. They are too stupid to realize that it’s their own thinking that has lead to were we are right now
Christianity doesn't have anything to do with the world, and they say as much. It's all about the "afterlife". And that's why Christians don't give a fuck about anything. As long as they get those 72 virgins, er I mean get to see Jesus in heaven nothing else matters. Garbage religion from a garbage race (jews).
>might is right
>is here larping as a pagan crying about how Christians beat them
I don't care if the main character is a multiracial gay transexual pagan. This is not Assassin's Creed.
>sweden become more atheist
>sweden gets flooded with somalis
meanwhile my 90% christian country is homogenous and all the screetching from some edgy pagan larp isn't gonna change those facts
>Worship Jews or you're a Jew!
>Czech republic the porn capital of the world
They are whiter than you. They have less shitskins, literally. You have more nigger and refugees BY FAR. And turks.
>estonia where 40% is russian hmmm okay.
They are white. Seethe.
Did you live in mudhuts before Christianity? Sad.
The inquisitors were killed more kikes then anyone, but they weren’t in nordishit countries I’m pretty sure, just general societal prosecution of pagans.
Ah, you are a shitskin or a jew.
>some whites base their identity on ethnicity therefore we shouldn’t try to preserve the white race
Here we have the Judeo-Christian excuse for logic
Sweden going hard on these mulatto mutts, Odin bless
If there was no Christianity, there would be no Portugal. Why do you hate your people and subscribe to the pagan faggot nonsense. If you think Christianity is bs, then be a man and become an atheist, instead of subscribing to non-existent "gods".
I believe there is a higher power, and I believe in my ancestors as you should. I don't believe in some desert kike. I believe in Odin and want to keep my people pure. I don't want to mix with southrons and I want us to be left alone. How hard is that to understand? Most nords feel just like me deep down, they HATE Christians. They just won't admit it publicly.
Babylon was the first multicultural city
>There's more African Christians than European Christians
Just shows how great Europe is, as 1/3d of the world follows a European religion.
>that's why Europeans are so in favor of dumping millions of black and brown colonizers in European lands
That's been happening for what, 50 years at best? Europe has been Christian for 1600 years.
>meanwhile my 90% christian country is homogenous
Czechia and Estonia are 99% lmao
Because Christians are traitors, pure and simple. The moment they say they would rather have a non-white Christian Europe than a totally white non-Christian Europe, they’ve taken off the mask. And every single last one of them supports this, if pressed on the issue. They are shabbos goy worshipping a foreign desert cult and will stab you in the back for Jews the first chance they get.
>Why do christians insist on continual mass increase of population?
Ponzi gotta grow
If anyone will be killing himself, it will be you. Living in bulgaria, being most likely poor and alone in some depressing commie apartment, and clinging on to some old "gods" crappy nonsense in order to bring some hopeless joy into a shit life.
>hmm why would (((ubisoft))) promote strong aryan lead type
>Its about murdering Christians
Ah hah.
you sound like this retarded
>t. E Micheal Jones faggot
Christian beliefs are : I can do whatever I want as long as I say sorry to rabbi Jesus, then all my sins are washed away! Also I need to reject the world and my own family because some kike said so! You're fucking pathetic.