NYC to shut down subway system
It's Happening!
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Holy fuck, I hope someone livestreams the shit that's about to happen
Wow only what, 3 months too late?
what's the big deal about closing the subway? I thought they were all under curfew anyways
3 months into quarantine great job
wtf man...
has gone full dictator, obviously nothing is about """saving lives""", it's a contest to see who can be the most authoritan fuck, violate most laws and impose their bullshit on everyone else....
Faggot op and retard anons in this thread. Its closing at night for them to clean the trains which theyve been doing for over a month, its just been every 72 hours now its every 24 hours
oh shit, imagine if you and a small group of your buddies were trapped uptown and now you have to fight your way back to your Coney Island home. Imagine.
>NYC deaths hit new low
>shut down the subways
What did Cuckuomo mean by this?
I live in Brooklyn and work overnights in the city
I will have no way back to Brooklyn except for walking
It is 6 miles
This is outrageous
>shut down for four hours overnight, each night, to allow the MTA to disinfect every single car on every single train in its fleet
OP is a faggot.
The subways are where the niggers go to get air conditioning.
Pray for hot temperatures. Niggers are always more likely to chimp out when it's hot outside.
that would make an AWESOME movie... call it The Fighters. or.... something
Wouldn't that be a pity? I just hope someone is there to film it and post it online.
>oy vey my six miles
Yeah, OP misrepresented what was in the article. The homeless here have mostly taken over the subways, and anyone who is still riding them are asking for problems. I'm glad they're doing it.
This. What the fuck does it matter now?
is ghetto monkeys the ones who nog. the mta is just full of homeless nig theyre too weak to fight.
>I will have no way back to Brooklyn except for walking
aren't bus services still active?
Daily reminder the curve has flattened, we have passed the peak and this shit has nothing to do with the Wuhan Virus and everything to do with Democrats employing more lockdown measures in order to justify their lockdown measures.
hope this will happen
>lives in new york
>doesn't know how to carjack someone
c'mon user.
Its being shut down 4 hours a day at night you disinfo fuck
Where the fuck do you work in the Bronx? Serves you right
Lmao all because jews got pissy for being called out on their bullshit
>only shutting it down a few hours every night
what did you expect from bureaucrats and politicians clearly not fit for this kind of situation?
Oy gevalt, remember the 6 miles!
It'll be good exercise for you, fatty.
They were actually correct in that specific situation. The lockdown is bullshit and it didn't prevent anything but certainly catalyzed a Democrat power trip they won't let go of.
nowhere to run
guess owning a car doesn't seem so stupid now does it?
Are you in Citibike range?
Nothing will happen.
The past 2 months have been demoralizing beyond words.
Nothing happens. Nothing will happen.
Forever bound to this system until it’s impossible to sustain any longer. Could be decades until we reach that point.
wtf i love jidf now
Lick his barbells
based shlomo
Boots are made for walkin’
And that’s just what you’ll do:)
Are they seriously going to double down?
bro 6 miles is fucking nothing, suck it up
had to compete with California shutting down the beaches
nothing will happen