Anti-Quarantiners BTFO

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She looks just like a witch.

federal and district judges need to decorate lampposts in minecraft

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Which courts? Because that sounds very suspect unless we are going to just finally admit that the Constitution is meaningless.
I mean, when was the last time it was amended to change federal law? Tons of law just gets made around it.

Probably local traffic courts

What court?
If it's one in her backyard, of course this ruling is going to go her way.
Wait for the appeal.

It was a bullshit state court. It's the next court phases that matter.

Her cats

>Court rules
They have zero accountability for job performance. They could literally just make shit up and make a ruling based on that and nobody can do anything about it. It's a joke.

Pretty sure she sacrifices children to moloch on a regular basis.

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Last I checked the governor isn't a member of Congress? Sorry sweetie but the Constitution doesn't stand up against lawful executive orders.

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
>Right of the people to peaceably assemble
>Peaceably Assemble
>Peaceably Assemble
>Peaceably Assemble

Perhaps they meant Michigan's constitution?
Section 3 of part 1:

Sec . 3. The people have the right peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, to instruct their representatives and to petition the government for redress of grievances.

>To peaceably assemble
>To petition their government for redress of greivances

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What’s weird about this public office lady is; she’s been carefully scrubbed from the internet. Seems like only controlled images can be found

Why wouldn’t this be in the Lansing 54 A District Court if the case was whether or not the exec orders are unconstitutional?

Michigan here. Even the bootlickers are getting tired of her and are essentially realizing that the rest of the state is being put on lockdown due to niggers in Detroit being incapable of
basic hygiene. People just give the protesters shit because they thought walking around with confederate flags in a northern state would make them be taken serious.

Two seconds of research would've shown you how much of an idiot you are. This posted before I was done.



Well Mich bros... you know what to do when the courts fail you.


Yesterday you migapedes were cheering for the prosecutors saying she was going to lose

Probably because she was Biden's VP pick. She gave the rebuttal at the SOTU

>stay at home orders do night violate constitutional rights
the right to assemble in the first amendment ... It's right at the top of the page

Same with Michigan's constitution.

The constitution is literally just a larp to get away with shit. Its a retarded piece of paper written by faggots


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what the fuck happened here? did niggers and spics show up to vote, or was it the basedboys?

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How old were you when you realized everything you learned in civics class was a law, and the system is designed to hurt you, never help you?

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This only works if people agree to follow it.


Or the base of lamp posts with burning tires around their necks in minecraft

>civics class was a scam

Fucking autocorrect


>They have zero accountability for job performance
that's the point of government - being able to "get yours" and do what you like regardless of whether other people like or value you or what you do
if there was an actual market for legal services the absurd grotesque injustices perpetrated by government courts under the color of law wouldn't be destroying people's lives daily through arbitrary busy-work-making mala prohibita nonsense

Turn it off. Like the system, it hurts more than helps.

its about time i want woman not allowed to vote and nigger slaves again



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We don’t enforce our immigration laws so why would we stand by the US Constitution. This country is a fucking joke.

>Muh gunz will ensure muh freedums

How's that working for you, pussy ass amerisharts?

>200+ replies to thread: inbound


Is it wrong that I want to hate fuck her?

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K I treuned itt of. Gdoo ideea.

Nobody is salty you try-hard faggot. The mood is somber and pensive, with a hint of violence.

Sorry user, didn't realize you were functionally illiterate without it.

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it's not a country it's a golem colony

So can anyone actually point out where in the Constitution is the stay at home order violating it?

If the second amendment wasn't made for this then what good is it?

Reminder they still had shit like yellow fever, cholera, smallpox at the time.

I will not shame you for it user.

>EU Flag

Turn off the memeflag and let me see a European flag.

In the very beginning you dumb fuck.

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

"the right of the people peaceably to assemble"

The nogs in Detroit are dying in droves. If this worthless lump walked through the streets unescorted she'd be raped to death.

The right to peaceably assemble is not being contradicted. Do you even know what that means?

The niggers did

Ok, let's hear your midwit distortion of clear text, Galaxy brain.

Freedom of assembly you retard

She definitely violated the constitution but lifted those restrictions as she was being sued over them. Expect an appeal. Then expect a new case for the current extended policies. Shes going to be too busy in court to be a vp pick

"Stay at home!"

"The right to peacably assemble is not being contradicted"

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When does civil unrest come to a head? Mid-May?

>stay at home is the same thing as assembling
How can you have a gathering if you are at home?

I didn't. It sounds like the people that did vote for her either:
>Hated her opponent, Schutte, even more
>She promised to "fix the damn roads" (which she hasn't done)
>Have Trump Derangement Syndrome so bad that they're seeing blue
>People still mad at Snyder, claiming that he's a genocidal monster for not stopping the Flint government from being dumb and drinking lead
>Are niggers in Detroit who want gibs

That's a super dank turn of phrase. I'm stealing it.

>you can peaceably assemble alone in your place of residence

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50 replies and not 1 link to a source. You are all fucking retarded.

>implying people can't assemble from home nowadays
Absolute brainlets, all of you.

We need to have a rule with if judges get overturned by higher courts a certain number of times, they are automatically removed. If theyre getting it wrong, they do not deserve the job. 3 strikes and you're out type of situation. Same with congress, if they pass laws that the supreme court strikes down, everyone who voted yes gets a strike. Or executive orders etc.